全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
"Academic Neutrality" and Contemporary Tibetan Studies |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
The Tibet Journal |
1983 |
A Meeting of Ancient Peoples:Western Jews and the Dalai Lama of Tibet |
Katz, Nathan |
Jerusalem Letter |
1991.03.01 |
A Translation of the Biography of the Mahasiddha Indrabhuti with Notes |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
Bulletin of Tibetology |
1975.02 |
Academic Neutrality and Contemporary Tibetan Studies |
Katz, Nathan |
Tibetan Review |
1983 |
An Appraisal of the Svatantrika-Prasangika Debates |
Katz, Nathan |
Philosophy East and West |
1976.07 |
Anima and MKha' 'Gro Ma: A Critical Comparative Study of Jung and Tibetan Buddhism |
Katz, Nathan |
The Tibet Journal |
1977 |
Bhavaviveka |
Katz, Nathan |
Encyclopedia of Religion |
1986 |
Bhikkhus and Development:A Sri Lankan Experiment |
Katz, Nathan |
Young Buddhist |
1984 |
Boeddhisme En Politiek in Sri Lanka v.3 n.2 |
De Brabandere, L.; Katz, Nathan |
Inforient Dossier |
1983 |
Boeddhisme En Politiek in Sri Lanka v.3 n.3 |
De Brabandere, L.; Katz, Nathan |
Inforient Dossier |
1983 |
Boeddhisme En Politiek in Sri Lanka v.3 n.4 |
De Brabandere, L.; Katz, Nathan |
Inforient Dossier |
1984 |
Book Review: "Bodhisattva of Compassion: the Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin," by John Blofeld |
Katz, Nathan (評論) |
The Tibet Journal |
1979 |
Book Review: "Buddhism: A Modern Perspective", edited by Charles S. Prebish |
Katz, Nathan |
World Buddhism |
1976 |
Book Review: "Faith and Knowledge in Early Buddhism: An Analysis of the Contextual Structures of an Arahant-Formula in the Majjhima Nikaya", edited by Jan T. Ergardt |
Katz, Nathan |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
1979.03 |
Book Review: "Meaningful to Behold: View, Meditation and Action in Mahayana Buddhism", by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso |
Katz, Nathan |
Journal of the Tibet Society |
1982 |
Book Review: "Tangles and Webs: Comparative Studies in Existentialism, Psychoanalysis and Buddhism", edited by Padmasiri De Silva |
Katz, Nathan |
Philosophy East and West |
1977.10 |
Book Review: "Tantra in Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra", by Tsong Khapa; tr. by Jeffrey Hopkins |
Katz, Nathan |
Tibetan Review |
1979 |
Book Review: "The Buddhist Attitude Toward Other Religions", edited by K.N. Jayatilleke |
Katz, Nathan |
World Buddhism |
1976 |
Book Review: "The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet", edited by Eva M. Dargyay |
Katz, Nathan |
Journal of the American Academy of Religion |
1977.09 |
Book Review: "The Word of the Buddha: the Tripiṭaka and Its Interpretations in Theravāda Buddhism", by George D. Bond |
Katz, Nathan |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1984 |
Book Review: "Tsong Khapa's Speech of Gold in the Essence of True Eloquence: Reason and Enlightenment in the Central Philosophy of Tibet," by Robert A.F. Thurman |
Katz, Nathan (評論) |
The Tibet Journal |
1985 |
Book Review: "Zero: Contemporary Buddhist Life and Thought," by Eric Lerner. |
Katz, Nathan (評論) |
The Tibet Journal |
1981 |
Book Review: Meaningful to Behold: View, Meditation and Action in Mahayana Buddhism: An Oral Commentary of Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Bodhisattvāchāryāvatāra) by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso |
Katz, Nathan (評論) |
The Journal of the Tibet Society |
1982 |
Book Review: Sources for a History of the bSam yas Debates by Gary W. Houston |
Katz, Nathan (評論) |
The Tibet Journal |
1983 |
Book Review: That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Passionate Buddhist |
Katz, Nathan |
Tikkun |
1997.03-04 |
Book Review: The Philosophy of Buddhism: A Totalistis Synthesis By Alfonso Verdu |
Katz, Nathan |
Numen: International Review for the History of Religions |
1984.07 |
Book Review: The Way to Shambhala: A Search for the Mythical Kingdom Beyond the Himalayas by Edwin Bernbaum |
Katz, Nathan (評論) |
The Journal of the Tibet Society |
1982 |
Book Review: Tibetan Refugees: Youth and the New Generation of Meaning by Margaret Novak |
Katz, Nathan (評論) |
The Tibet Journal |
1985 |
Buddhism and Marxism |
Katz, Nathan |
Knijizevna Rec |
1983.03.03 |
Buddhism and Marxism |
Katz, Nathan |
Vajradhatu Sun |
1981 |
Buddhism and Marxism on Alienation and Suffering |
Katz, Nathan |
Indian Philosophical Quarterly |
1983.04 |
Buddhism and politics in Sri Lanka and other Theravada nations since 1945 |
Katz, Nathan |
Movements and issues in world religions |
1987 |
Buddhist and Western Philosophy |
Katz, Nathan (編) |
1981 |
Buddhist and Western Psychology |
Katz, Nathan |
1983 |
Buddhist and western psychology [figs] |
Katz, Nathan |
1983 |
Buddhist Images of Human Perfection : The Arhant of the Sutta Pitaka compard with the Bodhisattva and the
Mahasiddha |
Katz, Nathan |
1990.07 |
Buddhist images of human perfection: the arahant of the Sutta pitaka compared with the Bodhisattva and the Mahasiddha |
Katz, Nathan |
2004.01 |
Buddhist Images of Human Perfection: The Arhant of the Sutta Pitaka compard with the Bodhisattva and the Mahasiddha |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
1982 |
Buddhist Perspectives on Education |
Katz, Nathan |
Maha Bodhi: International Buddhist Monthly |
1979 |
Commentary on the Use of the Term 'Hinayana' |
Katz, Nathan |
Young Buddhist |
1980 |
Contacts Between Jewish and Indo-Tibetan Civilizations |
Katz, Nathan |
Points East |
1994.04 |
Contacts Between Jewish and Indo-Tibetan Civilizations through the ages |
Katz, Nathan |
Judaism |
1994 |
Contacts Between Jewish and Indo-Tibetan Civilizations Through the Ages: Some Explorations |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
The Tibet Journal |
1991 |
Dakini and anima--on tantric deities and Jungian archetypes |
Katz, Nathan |
Self and liberation |
1992 |
Dependent Origination, Free Will and Moral Responsibility |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
Bulletin of Tibetology |
1974.02 |
Does the 'Cessation of the World' Entail the Cessation of Emotions? The Psychology of the Atahant |
Katz, Nathan |
Pali Buddhist Review |
1979 |
Editor's Introduction: Prolegommena to the Study of Tibetan Social Philosophy |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
The Tibet Journal |
1986 |
Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies:Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma |
Katz, Nathan |
1988 |
How the Hindu-Jewish Encounter Reconfigures Interreligious Dialogue |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies |
1997 |
Indrabhuti's "Confession of errors in the fundamental teachings of the Vajrayana", a critical edition, English translation and discussion |
Katz, Nathan |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies |
1979 |
Indrabhūti's 'Confession of Errors in the Fundamental Teachings of the Vajrayāna', A Critical Edition, English Translation and Discussion |
Katz, Nathan |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1979 |
Indrabhuti's rDo-rje theg pa'i rtsa ba dang yan lag gi ltung ba'i |
Katz, Nathan |
Tibetan studies |
1979 |
Ithamar Theodor and Yudit Kornberg Greenberg, eds. Dharma and Halacha – Comparative Studies in Hindu-Jewish Philosophy and Religion |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
Journal of Dharma Studies: Asian and Transcultural Religion, Philosophy, & Ethics |
2018.10 |
Meanderings of the Wheel of the Dhamma: A Comparative Study of Some Buddhist Missions |
Katz, Nathan |
1978 |
Minorities in Buddhist Polities:Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand |
Katz, Nathan; Kiribamune, Sirima |
International Centrel for Ethnic Studies, Workshop Reports No.10 |
1985 |
Nagarjuna and Wittgenstein on Error |
Katz, Nathan |
Buddhist and Western Philosophy |
1981 |
On the phenomena of the "feminine" according to tantric hagiographical texts and Jungian psychology |
Katz, Nathan (著) |
Buddhist and Western Psychology |
1983 |
Perfection without God:a view from the Pali Canan(Buddhist-Christian Dialogue) |
Katz, Nathan |
Studies in Formative Spirituality |
1993.02 |
Prasaṅga and Deconstruction: Tibetan Hermeneutics and the Yāna Controversy |
Katz, Nathan |
Philosophy East and West |
1984.04 |
Scholarly Approaches to Buddhism: A Political Analysis |
Katz, Nathan |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1982 |
Social and Political Attitudes of Sri Lankan Monks:An Empirical Study |
Katz, Nathan; Stiglics, F. Robert |
South Asia Research |
1986.11 |
Some methodological comments on the use of the term "Hinayana" in the study of Buddhism |
Katz, Nathan |
Religious Traditions |
1980 |
Sri Lankan Monks on Ethnicity and Nationalism |
Katz, Nathan |
Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma |
1988 |
The Concept of the Arahant in the Sutta Pitaka, with Reference to the Bodhisattva and the Mahasiddha |
Katz, Nathan |
1979 |
The Golden Rock Temples of Dambulla |
Goldberg, Ellen S.; Katz, Nathan |
Arts of Asia |
1986.07-08 |
The Golden Rock Temples of Dambulla:Their Role in Sinhalese Buddhism and Nationalism |
Goldberg, Ellen S.; Katz, Nathan |
Southeast Conference Association for Asian Studies Annals |
1986 |
The Hagiography of Nagarjuna |
Katz, Nathan; Yeshi, Kalsang |
Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies |
1977 |
The Jewish Secret and the Dalai Lama:A DharamsalaDiary |
Katz, Nathan |
Conservative Judaism |
1991 |
The Mahayana Criticism of Theism |
Katz, Nathan |
World Buddhism |
1976 |
Theravada Buddhism and Marxism in the postwar era glossary and bibliog |
Katz, Nathan |
Movements and issues in world religions |
1987 |
Tibetan Buddhism |
Katz, Nathan |
Visual Education Series |
1974 |
Tibetan Hermeneutics and the Yana Controversy |
Katz, Nathan |
1983 |
Tibetan Social Philosophy |
Katz, Nathan |
1986 |
Western Religions and Tibet |
Katz, Nathan |
1992 |
Wittgenstein-gwa Yongsoo-ui Oryu-ron(Wittgenstein's and Nagarjuna's Theory of Error) |
Katz, Nathan |
Boonsuk Chulhak-gwa Jonggyo |
1984 |
中觀應成派與自續派諍論評議 |
Katz, Nathan (著)=Katz, N. (au.); 法施; 諦觀雜誌社 |
諦觀 |
1985.04.25 |