
Neville, Robert Cummings  

+1939-05-01 ~

已收錄 12 篇著作,其中有5 篇全文  

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Neville, Robert C. = Neville, Robert



網站: http://www.robertcummingsneville.com/
全文 題名 作者 出處 出版日期
  Behind the Masks of God: An Essay toward Comparative Theology Neville, Robert C. 1991.02
  Book Review: "New Metaphysics for Eternal Experience: Critical Review of Steve Odin's Process Metaphysics and Hua-Yen Buddhism: A Critical Study of Cumulative Penetration vs. Interpenetration" Neville, Robert C. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1984.06
  Book Review: "The Immanent Divine: God, Creation, and the Human Predicament: An East-West Conversation," by John J. Thatamanil Neville, Robert Cummings Buddhist-Christian Studies 2009
  Book Review: On the Buddha's Answer to the Silence of God, "The Silence of God: The Answer of the Buddha", by Raimundo Panikkar, Robert R. Barr Neville, Robert C. Philosophy East and West 1991.10
  Book Review:"Chinese Metaphysics and Its Problems", ed. by Chenyang Li and Franklin Perkins Neville, Robert C. Philosophy East and West 2017.01
  Buddhism and process philosophy Neville, Robert C. Buddhism and American thinkers 1984.06
  New Metaphysics for Eternal Experience Neville, Robert C. Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1987.09
  Religions, Philosophies, and Philosophy of Religion Neville, Robert Cummings International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1995.12
  Suffering, Guilt and Responsibility Neville, Robert Journal of Dharma: The Dharmaram Quarterly Journal of Religions and Philosophies 1977
  The Tao and the Daimon: Segments of a Religious Inquiry Neville, Robert C. 1982
  Ultimate Realities: A Volume in the Comparative Religious Ideas Project Neville, Robert C. 2000
  World community and religion Neville, Robert Cummings Journal of Ecumenical Studies 1992