序號: |
72620 |
別名: |
Clarke, Shayne Neil |
分類: |
個人著者 |
網站: |
全文 |
題名 |
作者 |
出處 |
出版日期 |
"Vinaya-Mātṛkā"- Mother of the Monastic Codes, or Just another Set of Lists? A Response to Frauwallner’s Handling of the Mahāsāṃghika Vinaya |
Clarke, Shayne (著)=Clarke, Shayne Neil (au.) |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
2004 |
Family Matters in Indian Buddhist Monacticisms |
Clarke, Shayne |
2014.09.18 |
Family Matters in Indian Buddhist Monasticism |
Clarke, Shayne (著) |
2013 |
Family Matters in Indian Monastic Buddhism |
Clarke, Shayne Neil (著) |
Dissertation Abstracts International |
2006 |
Gunaprabha, Yijing, Bu sTon and the Lack of a Coherent System of Rules for Nuns in the Tibetan Tradition of the Mulasarvastivada-vinaya |
Clarke, Shayne |
Buddhist Nuns in India |
2011.04.16 - 17 |
Locating Humour in Indian Buddhist Monastic Law Codes: A Comparative Approach |
Clarke, Shayne |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2009.08 |
Lost in Tibet, Found in Bhutan: The Unique Nature of the Mulasarvastivadin Law Code for Nuns |
Clarke, Shayne (著) |
Buddhism, Law & Society |
2016-17 |
Miscellaneous Musings on Mūlasarvāstivāda Monks: The Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Revival in Tokugawa Japan |
Clarke, Shayne |
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies |
2006 |
Monks Who Have Sex: Pārājika Penance in Indian Buddhist Monasticisms |
Clarke, Shayne (著) |
Journal of Indian Philosophy |
2009.02 |
On Some Curious Cases Where the Buddha Did Not Make a Rule: Palliative Care, Assisted Suicide, and Abortion in an Indian Buddhist Monastic Law Code |
Clarke, Shayne (著) |
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 |
2021.06 |
Right Section, Wrong Collection: An Identification of a Canonical Vinaya Text in the Tibetan bsTan 'gyur--Bya ba 'i phung po zhes bya ba (Kriyaskandha-nama) |
Clarke, Shayne Neil |
Journal of the American Oriental Society |
2004.04-06 |
The ’Dul bar byed pa (Vinītaka) Case-Law Section of the Mūlasarvāstivādin Uttaragrantha : Sources for Guṇaprabha’s Vinayasūtra and Indian Buddhist Attitudes towards Sex and Sexuality |
Clarke, Shayne |
国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要=Journal of the International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies=コクサイ ブッキョウガク ダイガクイン ダイガク ケンキュウ キヨウ |
2016.03.31 |
The Case of the Nun Mettiyā Reexamined: on the Expulsion of a Pregnant "Bhiksunī" in the "Vinaya" of the Mahāsānghikas and Other Indian Buddhist Monastic Law Codes |
Clarke, Shayne |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
2008.06 |
The Existence of the Supposedly Non-existent Siksadatta-srimaneri: A New Perspective on Parajika Penance |
Clarke, Shayne (著) |
仏教研究=Buddhist Studies |
2000.03.30 |
The Mulasarvastivada Vinaya Muktaka-根本説一切有部目得迦 |
Clarke, Shayne (著) |
仏教研究=Buddhist Studies |
2001.03.30 |
Vinayas |
Clarke, Shayne (著); Silk, Jonathan A. (編) |
Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism |
2015.07.01 |
When and Where is a Monk No Longer a Monk? On Communion and Communities in Indian Buddhist Monastic Law Codes |
Clarke, Shayne |
Indo-Iranian Journal |
2009.06-09 |
四分律の揵度成立に關する一考察 - 特に波羅夷學悔の規定をめぐって |
Clarke, Shayne |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2001.03 |
