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『大慧書』における大慧宗杲の宗密理解 :『圓覚経』の解釈を巡って=Dahui's Understanding of Zhongmi in the Dahuishu in response to the interpretation in the Yuanjuejing |
鄭榮植 =Jeong Young Sik |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2003.03 |
『妙法蓮華経観世音菩薩普門品三玄円賛科文』(宝物第204号)の内容と特徴=Gwanseeumbosalbomunpum Samhyeonwonchan Gwamun (妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品三玄円賛科文) ; National Tresure No.204)' |
鄭栄植 (著); 佐藤厚 (譯) |
東アジア仏教研究=Journal of East Asian Buddhist Studies=ヒガシアジア ブッキョウ ケンキュウ |
2021.12 |
『묘법연화경관세음보살보문품삼현원찬과문』 (妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品三玄圓贊科文: 보물 제204호)의 내용과 특징=The Contents and Salient Features of ‘Myobeopyeonhwagyeong Gwanseeumbosalbomunpum Samhyeonwonchan Gwamun (妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品三玄圓贊科文; National Treasure No. 204)’ |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
2020.02.28 |
『朝鮮禪敎史』에 나타난 누카리야 가이텐(忽滑谷快天)의 한국선종 인식 -- 「조선」편을 중심으로=Nukariya Kaiten(忽滑谷快天)’s Perception about Korean Seonjong(韓國禪宗) Expressed in 『Joseon Seongyosa (朝鮮禪敎史)』- Focusing on Joseonpyeon (朝鮮編) |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2015.04.30 |
『華嚴經』 해석을 둘러싼 간화선자와 묵조선자의 차이 -- 「入法界品」 入樓閣이야기를 중심으로=The explanation of Kanwachan’s monks and Mozhaochan’s monks on ‘enter a tower’(入樓閣)story, Avataṃsaka Sūtra |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선문화연구=禪文化硏究=Studies of Seon Culture |
2008.06 |
『禅宗六祖慧能大師頂相東来縁起』の問題点=The Problem of An Account of the Coming East of Huineng's Dingxiang |
鄭榮植 (著)=Jeong Young Sik (au.) |
印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū |
2005.12 |
三玄三要의 개념에 대한 고찰 -- 『禪門綱要集』_연구를 위한 기초로서=The research about The Three Marvelous and Three Essentials(三玄三要) -- The basic research about Chan school's Essence(禪門綱要集) |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2010.04.30 |
大慧宗杲と韓国公案禅の展開 |
鄭榮植 |
2006.03.23 |
大慧宗杲の禅思想研究 -- 大慧普覚禅師書を中心として |
鄭榮植 |
2001 |
大慧宗杲의 默照禪 비판의 대상에 대한 再考=The reconsideration for the target of Silent-illumination Zen criticism by Dahui |
鄭榮植 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2005.08 |
고대~임진왜란 이전에 있어서의 불교식 慰靈과 국가=Buddhist comfort of the spirit of the dead and the country from ancient times to Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592 |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
2013.08.30 |
근대 한국불교에 있어서의 성지순례의 諸相 : 『한국근현대불교자료전집』을 중심으로=Research on pilgrimage in modern korean buddhism-focused on 『the collection of data on modern and contemporary korean buddhism(韓國近現代佛敎資料全集)』 |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
2011.08.30 |
나말여초의 佛法東流說에 대한 연구=A Study on Bulbeopdongryuseol(佛法東流說) during Late Silla and Early Goryeo Periods |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2017.04.30 |
만해 한용운의 자아(自我) 개념과 선(禪)=Manhae Han Yongun's Concept of Self(自我) and Zen(禪) Philosophy |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선문화연구=禪文化硏究=Studies of Seon Culture |
2018.06 |
무위진인(無位眞人) 의미의 변천과 그 비판=Changed Meaning of Mu-wi-jin-in (無位眞人) and its Criticism |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
불교문예연구=The Journal of Buddhist Culture and Art |
2015.02 |
朝鮮初期『儒釋質疑論』に現れた儒佛觀=The opinion for buddhism and confucianism of the recording of a question between buddhist and confucian(儒釋質疑論) |
鄭栄植 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2007.02 |
朝鮮初期『儒釈質疑論』に現れた宇宙観=The perspective of universe in “Yuseok jirui ron” in early Chosŏn |
鄭栄植 |
韓国仏教学seminar=Journal of Korean Buddhist seminar=カンコク ブッキョウガク seminar=韓国仏教学セミナ- |
2005.12.25 |
송대 선승들의 정토사상 -- 大慧宗杲를 중심으로=The Jeongto(淨土, Pure Land) Thought of Zen Monks(禪僧) in the Song Dynasty -- Focusing on Dahui Zonggao(大慧宗杲) |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2018.04.30 |
일본 화엄승 鳳潭의 『벽암록』 비판 -- 『鐵壁雲片』을 중심으로=Criticism of 『Biyan lu(碧巖錄)』 written by Japanese Hwaom Buddhist monk Houtan(鳳潭) -- Centering on 『Teppekiunpen(鐵壁雲片)』 |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2013.12.30 |
자장의 불교시책과 그 성격-隋文帝 불교정책의 영향을 중심으로=A Study of the Buddhist Policies of Vinaya Master Jajang - Focused on the influence from the policies of Emperor Wen of Sui |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought |
2012 |
조선시대 선사상연구의 현황과 몇 가지 논점에 대하여=A Study on Zen Philosophy during the Joseon Dynasty and viewpoint |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2017.08.30 |
禪宗史에 있어서의 昭昭靈靈 비판의 전개=On the Concept of Sosoyeongyeong in Chan School |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu |
2014.08.30 |
한국근대불교에 있어서의 불타담론 -- 불타의 생애를 중심으로=The views of Buddha in modern korean buddhism -- focused on the life of Buddha |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2011.08.30 |
한일 근대불교의 사원조직에 대한 연구 -- 寺法을 중심으로 =Research about Temple Organization in Modern Buddhism of Korea and Japan ─A Focus on the Law of Buddhist Order |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2010.12 |
현대 한국불교의 수행형태와 체계 ; 안국선원의 수행체계와 성공요인=安國禪院の修行體系と成功要因 |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture |
2009.06 |
혜암성관(慧菴性觀, 1920~2001)의 선사상과 한국불교에서의 위상=The Theoretical Background of Priest Hyeam’s Zen Philosophy and Its Status in Korean Buddhism |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
불교문예연구=The Journal of Buddhist Culture and Art |
2019.06 |
혜원(慧苑) 찬(撰) 『속화엄약소간정기』 동대사 사본(東大寺寫本)과 필사자에 관한 연구=A Study on Todaiji Temple Version of HuiYuan's 'Sokhwaeomyaksoganjeonggi' and Its Transcriber |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Young-sik (au.) |
선문화연구=禪文化硏究=Studies of Seon Culture |
2016.12 |
薦福承古, 覺範慧洪 그리고 普照知訥의 三玄門 해석=Different Interpretations of Linji Yixuan(臨濟義玄)’s Three Marvelous Gates(三玄門) by Jianfu Chenggu(薦福承古), Juefan Huihong(覺範慧洪) and Bojo Jinul(普照知訥) |
鄭榮植 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
한국불교학=韓國佛教學 |
2009.08 |
懶翁惠勤의 강남유학에서의 행적과 그 영향=Naonghyegeun’s Study in Gangnam and Its Influence |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies |
2014.04.30 |
淸末-民國년간의 경전간행사업과 中日교류=The publishing of Buddhist text and exchanges between China and Japan from Qing to Minguo. |
정영식 (著)=Jeong, Yeong-shik (au.) |
불교학보=佛教學報 |
2008.08 |