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ID: |
54055 |
Alternative Names: |
無垢光尊者 = 龍青巴尊者 = 龍欽巴尊者 = Longchen Rabjam = Longchenpa = 大遍智龍欽巴尊者 = Klong-chen-pa Dri-med-ʼod-zer |
Category: |
Individual Author |
Website: |
Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
Finding Rest in Illusion: The Trilogy of Rest, Volume 3 |
Longchenpa (著); Padmakara Translation Group (譯) |
2020.10.20 |
Finding Rest in Meditation: The Trilogy of Rest, Volume 2 |
Longchenpa (著); Padmakara Translation Group (譯) |
2020.10.20 |
Finding Rest in the Nature of the Mind: The Trilogy of Rest, Volume 1 |
Longchenpa (著); Padmakara Translation Group (譯) |
2020.10.20 |
Kindly Bent to Ease Us [I]: Mind (Longchenpa's Finding Comfort and Ease) |
Longchen Rabjam=Longchenpa |
Kindly Bent to Ease Us [III]: Wonderment (Longchenpa's Finding Comfort and Ease) |
Longchen Rabjam (著)=Longchenpa (au.) |
1976 |
Kindly Bent to Ease Us: Part Two: Meditation |
Klong-chen-pa Dri-med-ʼod-zer (著)=Longchenpa (au.); Guenther, Herbert V. (譯); Guenther, Herbert V. (補注) |
1975 |
Now That I Come to Die: Intimate Guidance from One of Tibet's Greatest Masters |
Longchenpa |
2007.05 |
The Practice of Dzogchen |
Talbott, Harold (編); Tulku Thondup Rinpoche (譯); Tulku Thondup Rinpoche (引言); Tulku Thondup Rinpoche (講述); Longchen Rabjam |
2002 |
You Are the Eyes of the World |
Lipman, Kennard; Peterson, Merrill D.; Klon-chen-pa Dri-med-od-zer; Longchen Rabjam =Longchenpa |
2000.05.15 |
You Are the Eyes of the World |
Lipman, Kennard; Peterson, Merrill D.; Klon-chen-pa Dri-med-od-zer; Longchen Rabjam=Longchenpa |
1988.05 |
大圓滿心性休息導引 |
龍欽巴尊者 |
1990.02 |
大圓滿心性休息導引=rDzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gso |
龍青巴尊者; 談錫永=Tan, Xi-yong |
2010.04.09 |
大圓滿心性自解脫及其釋義道次心要 |
龍欽巴尊者; 陳文仁 |
1998.01 |
大圓滿如幻休息論 |
大遍智龍欽巴尊者 (著); 堪布徹令多傑仁波切 (講記); 張福成 (口譯) |
2016.07.14 |
大圓滿虛幻休息妙車疏 |
渣華龍清巴尊者; 劉立千 |
1985 |
大圓滿虛幻休息論 |
無垢光尊者; 劉立千; 妙車 |
2002.01 |
大圓滿禪定休息(一) |
無垢光尊者; 釋慧門; 渣華龍清巴尊者 |
2000 |
大圓滿禪定休息(二) |
無垢光尊者; 釋慧門; 渣華龍清巴尊者 |
2001.06 |
大圓滿禪定休息清淨車解 |
渣華龍清巴尊者; 蕭天石; 龍清善將巴 |
1983 |
大圓滿禪定休息論 |
大遍智龍欽巴尊者 (著); 堪布徹令多傑仁波切 (講記); 張福成 (口譯) |
2017.09.14 |
四法寶鬘導讀 |
龍青巴尊者; 談錫永 |
1999.08 |
仰兌 |
渣華龍清巴尊者 |
1985 |
自性光明·法界寶庫論 |
大遍智龍欽巴尊者; 堪布徹令多傑仁波切; 張福成 |
2015.02.09 |
朗然明性:藏傳佛教大手印及大圓滿教法選集=Perfect Clarity: A Tibetan Buddhist Anthology of Mahamudra and Dzogchen |
蓮花生大士 (著); 伊喜・措嘉 (著); 龍欽巴尊者 (著); 密勒日巴 (著); 祖古烏金仁波切 (著); 普賢法譯小組 (譯) |
2023.01.11 |