bibliography, 14 full-text accessible.
ID: |
6786 |
Alternative Names: |
Gómez, Luis |
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Fulltext |
Title |
Author |
Source |
Date |
Barabuḍur: History and Significance of a Buddhist Monument |
Gómez, Luis O. (編); Woodward, Hiram W. (編) |
1981 |
Book Review: Buddhist Studies in Honour of I. B. Horner by L. Cousins, A. Kunsf, K. R. Norman |
Gómez, Luis O. |
Philosophy East and West |
1977.04 |
Book Review: Entering the Path of Enlightenment: The Bodhicaryāvatāra of the Buddhist Poet Śāntideva by Marion L. Matics |
Gómez, Luis O. |
Philosophy East and West |
1974.07 |
Book Review: Maitreya, the Future Buddha. Edited by Alan Sponberg and Helen Hardacre. |
Gómez, Luis O. (著) |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
1989.05 |
Book Review: Probleme der Versenkung im Ur-Buddhismus. Vol. II. Beihefte der Zeitschrift für Religions - und Geistesgeschichte, Bd. XVI by Yoshinori Takeuchi, Ernst Benz |
Gómez, Luis O. |
Philosophy East and West |
1975.01 |
Book Review: The Way of the Translators: Three Recent Translations of Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra |
GÓMEZ, Luis O. (著) |
Journal of Buddhist Literature |
1999 |
El Bhāvanāyogāvatāra de Kamalasῑla |
Gómez, Luis O. (著) |
Estudios de Asia y África |
1979.01-03 |
El budismo como religión de esperanza: Observaciones sobre la "lógica" de una doctrina y su mito fundacional |
Gómez, Luis O. (著) |
Estudios de Asia y África |
2002.09-12 |
Expectations and Assertions: Perspectives for Growth and Adaptation in Buddhism |
Gómez, Luis O. |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
1983 |
Land of Bliss: The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light: Sanskrit and Chinese Versions of the Sukhāvatīvyūha Sutras |
Gómez, Luis O. (譯) |
1996.04.01 |
Meditation |
Gómez, Luis O. ; Buswell, Robert E. |
Encyclopedia of Buddhism |
2004 |
On Buddhist Wonders and Wonder-working |
Gómez, Luis O. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
2010 |
Psychology |
Gómez, Luis O. ; Buswell, Robert E. |
2003.10 |
Studying Buddhism As If It Were Not One More among the Religions |
Gómez, Luis O. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
2007 |
The Land of Bliss: The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light |
Gómez, Luis O. (著) |
1996.05 |
The Way of the Translators: Three Recent Translations of Śāntideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra |
Gómez, Luis O. |
Journal of Buddhist Literature |
1999 |
Two Tantric Meditations: Visualizing the Deity |
Gómez, Luis O. (著) |
Buddhism in Practice |
1995 |
Unspoken Paradigms: Meanderings through the Metaphors of a Field |
Gómez, Luis O. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1995 |
Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: The Teaching of Vimalakīrti |
Gómez, Luis (譯); Harrison, Paul (譯) |
2022 |