"For this reason that Thus Come One is named `Limitless Life'." In issue #122, the Buddha asked his disciple Sariputra, kena karanena "For what reason" sa tathgato'mitayur namocyate "is that Thus Come One named 'Limitless Life'?" In issue #123, the Buddha explained that Amita Buddha's lifespan is unmeasured--limitless--and so is that of the other people in the Land of Happiness, Sukhavati. In this issue, the conclusion is drawn: tena karanena "For this reason" sa tathagato'mitayur namocyate "that Thus Come One is named 'Limitless Life'." The only difference from the sentence in issue #122 is that tena, the demonstrative adjective "this", now replaces the interrogative adjective kena "what." In one name for Amita Buddha, then, amita "limitless" joins with ayus "life" to form the name amitayus "Limitless Life."