Sentence Pronunciation |
Sentence Structure |
Declension & Conjugation |
Translation |
Vocabulary |
Commentary |
ekasmin samaye bhagavan wravastyam viharati sma
| | | | | |
num.m. N.m. N.m. N.f. V.act. part.
Loc.sg. Loc.sg. Nom.sg. Loc.sg. 3.sg.pres. |
|____________| | | |________|
| | |_______________|
| | |____________________
| |___________________________|
jetavane anathapindadasya arame
| | |
N.n. N.m. N.m.
Loc.sg. Loc.sg. Loc.sg.
| |_____________|
mahata bhiksu-savghena sardham
| | | |
N.m. N.m. N.m. postp.
Ins.sg. | Ins.sg. |
| |__________| |
|________________| |
ardha-trayodawabhih bhiksu-wataih
| | | |
N.m. num. N.m. num.
| Ins.pl. | Ins.pl.
|_____________| |_________|
| |
N.n. N.m.
| Ins.pl.
sthaviraih maha-wravakaih
| | |
N.m. adj. N.m.
Ins.pl. | Ins.pl.
| |___________|
sarvaih arhadbhih
| |
N.m. N.m.
Ins.pl. Ins.pl.
eka-, num.: one
samaya-, m.: time
bhagavat-, m.: Blessed One (epithet of the Buddha; possesive of bhaga-, m.: excellence)
wravasti-, f.: name of a city in Northern India
viharati, vi+hr-, to dwell, to stay
jetavana-, n.: name of a garden, given to the savgha, later name of a monastery
anathapindada-, m.: name of an influential follower of the Buddha
arama-, m.: pleasure grove, a buddhist monastery
mahat-, adj.: great, big
bhiksu-savgha-, m.: the Community of monks
savgha-, m.: community
ardha-trayodawa-, num.: twelve and half (lit. thirteen without a half)
wata-, num.: hundred
abhijbana-abhijbata-, m.: endowed with the knowledge
abhijbata-, adj.: knowing, (ppp. of abhi+jba-)
maha-wravaka-, m.: great disciple
sarva-, adj.: all
arhat-, m.: one who has reached the goal (lit. deserving; from arh-)
什譯: 一時佛在舍衛國祇樹給孤獨園, 與大比丘僧千二百五十人俱皆是大阿
羅漢, 眾所知識
奘譯: 一時薄伽梵在室羅筏住誓多林給孤獨園, 與大苾芻眾千二百五十人俱
一切皆是尊宿聲聞, 眾望所識
英譯: At one time the Blessed one (Bhagavat, i.e.Buddha) dwelt at
Sravasti, in the Jetagrove, in the garden of Anathapindada,
together with a large company of Bhiksus (mendicant friars),
viz. with twelve hundred and fifty Bhiksus, all of them
acquaited with the knowledge, elders, great disciples, and
all of them Arhats.
Vocabulary pronunciation:
ardha-trayodawabhir bhiksu-watair
jetavane anathapindadasya arame
jetavane anathapindadasya arame (part 2)
jetavane anathapindadasya arame (part 3)
mahata bhiksu-savghena sarddham
ardha-trayodawabhir bhiksu-watair
ardha-trayodawabhir bhiksu-watair (part 2)