The Sanskrit-English Exercise Key (Lesson 17):


1. Eyebrows (Du.) of beauties look curved.

2. There arose an argument of mothers-in-law with daughters-in-law.

3. The daughter-in law regrets anger of the mother-in-law.

4. Let the husband love the wife.

5. Let us throw ghee into the fire with the ladle.

6. Wife, bring water from the well.

7. Under the eyebrows (Du.) are eyes (Du.).

8. "do not sit on the ground," ordered mother the children.

9. Women sang praises of Durga.

10. Win ("acquire") people's hearts only by qualities, not by money.

11. "Bring gems," ordered the queen the female servant (passive construction).

12. Let the student come to the teacher's dwelling.

13. On the mountain were seen fires.

14. "Let the men come to the city," ordered the king (passive construction).

15. Part of the land was given to the brahmin.

16. Qualities of rulers are praised by poets.

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The English-Sanskrit Exercise Key (Lesson 17):


1. jana bhuvi devastu svarge vasanti |

2. snusaj ma pawya |

3. sundarani vastranyapahareti grhastha adiwat |

4. guruna saha wisyo ma vivadatu |

5. yatra wriyo vasatistatra vasama |

6. sundarinaj bhruvau sada krsnau |

7. kupe jalaj na vartate |

8. yo bhuvaj palayati bhupala ucyate |

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