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從佛教立場邁向宗教交談之路 —— 以天台學說為主軸的理論研究=The Buddhist Path to Inter-religious Dialogue from a Theoretical Perspective of Chinese Tiān Tái Buddhism
Author 許原豪 (撰)=Hsu, Yuan-hao (compose)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year95
Keyword宗教交談=inter-religious dialogue; 佛教=Buddhism; 天台=Tiān Tái(Wade-Giles: T’ien T’ai); 交談理論=theory of dialogue; 不二=non-duality; 中道思想=the idea of Middle-way
Abstract宗教交談是當前宗教面對全球化趨勢所作出的回應之一,更是各種宗教避免自身落入意識型態的一帖良藥,可以為人類帶來和平與希望。目前西方宗教哲學對於宗教交談此一議題,已有諸多基礎性的理論研究,但佛教及其他東方宗教則鮮有從自身宗教義理出發,對此論題予以回應。西方的宗教交談理論研究雖能從各自的立場,多元闡述宗教交談的可能性與限制性,然大多不出西方哲學歷來所重視的「真理觀」(the theory of truth)、「認識論」(epistemology)以及「人觀」(anthropology)等三個面向。我們若在宗教交談脈絡下,繼續深究此三個面向的可能議題,則會觸碰到「平等性」與「差異性」等哲學問題,而此問題更是任何脈絡下的交談都必須面對的。論及宗教交談,我們自然想到必須要在平等的基礎上來進行交談,但若視現象全然平等,只是本質上絕對的「一」的外顯,將差異化約為等同,又何需交談?另一方面,若只是注重全然的差異性,而成為散落的「多」,彼此之間毫無關連,又從何交談?由此筆者不禁想問,以中道為實踐準則的佛教,如何處理不落一多兩邊,並且兼容平等差異?佛學義理若能回應這些具有弔詭性的問題,或許能夠從中道的理路,為當前宗教交談理論提出可行的建議。
若我們說佛教是一個提升生命境界的宗教,而哲學是追求人生崇高智慧的學問,兩者之間自然有許多相應的基本理念。因此,佛教信仰者或佛學研究者,若能夠從當前西方宗教哲學,論及宗教交談時所設立的框架下,作出反思及回應,一方面能夠展現佛學思想的柔韌性與方便性;更重要的是,在另一方面能夠有限度地與西方哲學,在宗教交談的論題上有所會通。職是之故,本論文以中國佛教天台宗「諸法實相」、「圓頓止觀」及「性具思想」等幾個重要的基本義理學說為基礎,探索其中能與西方哲學「真理觀」、「認識論」及「人觀」會通的宗教交談意識。為了避免強加比附,甚至落入錯誤解讀佛學義理的窠臼,因此在第一章「諸法實相」、第二章「圓頓止觀」以及第三章「性具思想」等三章的前兩節,均致力於佛學義理的理解與詮釋;繼而,在充分理解以及闡明確立自身宗教義理哲思的基礎上,於各章最後一節與西方哲學思維對比思考:第一章「真理觀」層面,以潘尼卡(Raimon Panikkar, 1918-)不二元的(non-dual)極性(polarity)真理為例;第二章「認識論」層面,以西方哲學「符應」(correspondence)、「連關」(coherence)、「開顯」(alétheia)與「後現代」(post-modern)等四種不同認識進路所可能引發的交談模式為例;第三章「人觀」層面,則以拉內(Karl Rahner, 1904-1984)的超驗神學人學(transcendental theological anthropology)為例,從而呈現天台佛學於各層面所具有的「不二中道」宗教交談意識,即「諸法實相」是兼具平等與差異的中道真理觀,「圓頓止觀」是全面觀照平等與差異的中道認識論,「性具思想」則是兼顧交談主體平等與差異的中道人觀。最後,本論文由天台佛學的立場提出反思,認為佛教信仰者可視宗教交談為深化自身信仰的實踐場域,然而,如果宗教交談也不幸成為一種至高無上的僵化意識型態,那麼當然也應該予以對治,這才契合佛法不落兩邊的中道意旨,以及宗教交談拒絕固化的基本義涵。

To bring peace and hope to humankind, inter-religious dialogue among religions in the present days, has not only been a response to the globalization, but also a solution to help them liberate from various rigid ideologies. To make inter-religious dialogue possible, both “equality” and “diversity” play important roles. While establishing the platform of equality for inter-religious dialogue, we should not ignore the differences among the diverse religions in the world; if religions are identical, dialogue will be unnecessary. Conversely, while distinguishing the diversity of religions for inter-religious dialogue, we should not avoid the common ground among religions in the inter-dependent world; if religions are isolated, dialogue will be impossible. Therefore, we can see that religions cannot have dialogue on a common ground without equality, but without diversity religions will probably lose their uniqueness. Here is the question: How can Buddhism face such kind of paradoxes: convergence (diversity in equality) vs. divergence (equality in diversity). Buddhism, a religion practicing the philosophy of Middle-way, might be able to offer substantial opinions to the current studies of inter-religious dialogue.
However, Buddhism has seldom studied this issue on the basis of its religious philosophies, though there have been a number of theoretical studies of inter-religious dialogue from the perspective of western philosophies. Western theoretical studies have approached inter-religious dialogue by focusing their studies on the three aspects “the theory of truth,” “epistemology,” and “anthropology.” Therefore, the Buddhist practitioners and researchers can respond to the inter-religious dialogue, within the frames mentioned by western philosophers. Moreover, this can manifest the flexibility of Buddhism and also initiate an inter-religious dialogue between the Buddhist and the western religious philosophies.
This thesis intends to explore the non-dual consciousness of inter-religious dialogue within the philosophies of Chinese Tiān Tái Buddhism, by a comparative reading of different paradigms between the Buddhist and the western philosophies, especially in the third section of each chapter. Chapter one, regarding the theory of truth, compares Zhū-fă-shí-xiàng (諸法實相) with Raimon Panikkar’s (1918-) non-dual truth. Chapter two, regarding epistemology, compares Yuán-dùn-zhĭ-guān (圓頓止觀) with four possible models of inter-religious dialogue derived from different epistemological approaches. Chapter three, regarding anthropology, compares Xìng-jù (性具) with the Karl Rahne
Table of contents摘要 ix
目次 xiii

緒論 1
第一章 諸法實相與宗教交談 19
第一節 三諦圓融說 20
一、諸法實相的三個向度 21
二、諸法實相的十個範疇 26
第二節 一念三千說 30
一、諸法實相的組成結構 30
二、諸法實相的相互關係 34
第三節 諸法實相與宗教交談的關係 40
一、「不二元論」的宗教交談意識 40
二、從「諸法實相」義理綱維看宗教交談 47
第二章 圓頓止觀與宗教交談 53
第一節 止觀相即 54
一、止觀涵意的創發 55
二、三止即是三觀 58
第二節 一心三觀 61
一、三觀圓融互具 62
二、觀心即具實相 64
第三節 圓頓止觀與宗教交談的關係 67
一、從認識論到交談模式 68
二、從「圓頓止觀」義理綱維看宗教交談 81
第三章 性具思想與宗教交談 87
第一節 性具的意義 88
一、性具思想的內在意涵 88
二、生佛互具的對等基礎 91
第二節 性具善惡說 95
一、眾生本具三因佛性 96
二、性中即具善惡 99
第三節 性具思想與宗教交談的關係 102
一、具對等交談基礎的超驗人學 102
二、從「性具思想」義理綱維看宗教交談 109
結論 115
參考書目 121
Created date2016.08.16
Modified date2023.04.20

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