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《壇經》「見性成佛」的當代詮釋與實踐 ── 以聖嚴法師為主=The Contemporary Interpretation and Practice of "To See the Nature and Thus to Become a Buddha" in Platform Sutra: Focusing on the Teaching of Venerable Sheng Yen
Author 黃美英 (著)=Huang, Mei-ying (au.)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year103
Keyword六祖壇經=The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch; 見性成佛; 聖嚴法師=Venerable Sheng Yen; 禪宗; 禪法實踐; 當代佛教=Contemporary Buddhism; Chan Practice; To See the Nature and Thus to Become a Buddha; Chan School

This study aims to explore the contemporary interpretation of Buddhism, the inheritance of Chan, the use of Chan teaching materials, and Chan practice in contemporary society. This thesis pays most attention to The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch(六祖壇經), focusing on the interpretation of the phrase “To see the Nature and thus to become a Buddha” (見性成佛). When discussing the term nature in this teaching, there are multiple interpretations. This thesis discusses the teaching of Venerable Sheng Yen(聖嚴法師, 1930-2009), pinpoints the relationship of his interpretation and his practice, and analyzes how he interprets the sutra, in order to develop the direction of Chan education in the contemporary period. Thus, it portrays his significance in the revival of Buddhism in contemporary society.
The thesis starts by defining the questions and scope of research in the first chapter. Then in the second chapter, it reviews contemporary thought on the interpretation of Chan, including the thought of Venerable Yin Shun(印順法師, 1906-2005). The third chapter examines the evolution of Venerable Sheng Yen’s Chan thought in chronological order. Venerable Sheng Yen established the Chan Meditation Center in New York in 1977. The chapter follows the development of his teaching from that time, and explains his approach that equally emphasizes academic analysis and practice. Further, the third chapter organizes sources related to his writings and publications, and clarifies his cause-and-effect analysis of “method” and “goal.” “Method” refers to utilizing the wisdom of void, while “goal” refers to reaching the level of “To see the Nature and thus to become a Buddha”.
The fourth chapter is about how Venerable Sheng Yen uses the “To see the Nature” teaching in a variety of Dharma practices, including a variety of Chan practices, reconstructions, and expansions. This thesis concludes that Venerable Sheng Yen''s emphasis on the teaching of the Platform Sutra clarified the goal and method of practicing Chan. The result not only enriched the understanding of contemporary Chan Buddhism, but also advanced the construction of contemporary Chan teaching, expanded Chan’s popularity, further combined meditation and compassion teachings, and contributed to the social significance of ethics education, thus promoting the core concepts of Hanchuan Buddhism(漢傳佛教) and its education.
Table of contents第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與方法 3
一、近代研究論點 3
二、研究範圍 5
三、研究方法 6
四、章節架構 6
第二章 當代學者的研究成果回顧 8
第一節 印順法師的「自性」說 8
第二節 「見性」思想發展的研究 9
第三節 哲學研究的觀點 12
第三章 聖嚴法師對「見性成佛」的詮釋 18
第一節 1980年代的禪學思路 18
一、禪的體驗 19
二、從不覺到成佛 23
三、戒定慧一體 24
四、「有與無」的層次 29
五、「即定即慧」的禪境 31
第二節 1990年代的《壇經》專論 32
一、「無我空性」與「見性成佛」 32
二、「無住空慧」與「般若三昧」 38
三、「無相懺悔」與「明心見性」 41
四、「自性真空」與「自性彌陀」 45
第三節 相關主題的「聖嚴研究」 48
一、漢傳禪佛教復興的研究 48
二、自心淨土與無相念佛的研究 51
三、《壇經》與「心靈環保」思想的研究 53
四、「法無頓漸」與「次第教學」的研究 55
五、聖嚴禪法與「明心見性」的研究 56
第四節 小結 57
第四章 《壇經》「見性」思想的禪法實踐 59
第一節 默照禪的《壇經》「見性」思想 59
一、「定慧等持」 59
二、「本來面目」 61
三、「一行三昧」 62
四、「直觀絕觀」 63
第二節 話頭禪的《壇經》「見性」思想 64
一、《壇經》講解 64
二、「話頭」禪法 64
三、「見性」心法 66
四、「無念」法門 67
第三節 念佛禪的《壇經》「見性」思想 69
一、「念佛」即「禪」 69
二、「念佛三昧」與「一行三昧」 70
三、「理一心」即「見性」 71
第四節 觀音法門的《壇經》「見性」思想 72
一、發菩提心 72
二、起大悲心 74
三、反聞自性 75
四、月印千江 78
第五節 小結 79
第五章 結論 80
引用文獻 84
一、佛教藏經 84
二、聖嚴法師專著 84
三、中日文專書、論文 86
Created date2016.08.18
Modified date2016.08.18

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