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從《吠陀》苦行到早期佛教頭陀行之研究=The Study of Tapas and Dhutanga Practice - From Vedas to Early Buddhism
Author 釋寶光 (著)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year104
Keyword頭陀行=Dhutanga; 吠陀苦行=Vedic Tapas



Human being is inclined to seek for happiness. They used various methods to gain happiness, such as religious sacrifices, rituals and ascetic practices. During the Vedic period, sacrifices were performed to gain wealth and fortune in this very life. In the following Upaniṣadic period, objective of sacrifices was not only limited to worldly success, but also to attain liberation from transmigration. After beginning of śramaṇa tradition, sacrifices were performed only for attaining liberation. Indian history reports the existence of several śramaṇa sects. They had adopted various methods for reaching liberation while maintaining mutually varying concepts about freedom. The texts which developed from Vedic period to early Buddhism, record about these śramaṇa groups and their practicing methods. Conducting rituals and sacrifices during Vedic and post-Vedic periods, were based on the instructions given in the Vedas, Brahmaṇas, Āraṇyakas and Upaniṣads. After beginning of śramaṇa tradition, some groups practiced asceticism, at the same time, they practiced a kind of practices, called vṛta or vata. Due to the impression that torturing body would remove the karma, some practices were physically tormenting. The removing karma would bring about liberation. This was the concept of Jaina etc śramaṇas about liberation and practicing.
Later, Buddhism emerged as a novel and differing tradition from other śramaṇa groups. The Buddha taught that practicing rituals and austerities, would not bring about liberation; similarly, there is no relation between removing karma and attaining freedom. In pre-Buddhist era, spiritual training was confined to morality and mental cultivation; Buddhism introduced the element of wisdom (paññā) into this two-stepped practice. Buddhist understanding of morality and asceticism differed from other śramaṇa groups. Buddhist asceticism does not harm the body. The Buddhist ascetic practice is called dhutaṅga. According to the Visuddhimagga , by practicing dhutaṅga, one can attain moral perfection. Further, following dhutaṅga is conducive to a simple life and to minimize hindrances against practice.
Instead of the popular denial of asceticism, the concept of dhutaṅga suggests an approval of it in Buddhism. The significant divergence regarding asceticism in Buddhism and other śramaṇa traditions is that the former does not propose a relation between liberation from kamma and ascetic practices, whereas the latter does so. To conclude, ascetic practices (dhutaṅga) serves only up to the perfection of morality in Buddhism.

Table of contents謝詞 i
摘要 ii
表錄 ix
略符說明 x
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究方法 2
1.2.1 印度文化中修苦行的地位 3
1.2.2 印度文化中的梵行與苦行 4梵行與苦行的定義 5 「林居期」與「雲遊期」修行 7
1.2.3 耆那教的修行方法 7
1.2.4 其他的沙門教派與修行 8
1.2.5早期佛教的修行觀 9
1.2.6 頭陀行的定義 11
1.3 文獻探討 12
1.3.1 經典文獻 12
1.3.2 二手研究文獻 13
1.4 論文結構 19
二、 《吠陀》與《奧義書》的修行觀 21
2.1 《吠陀》的修行觀 21
2.1.1.前言 21
2.1.2.生主(Prajāpatī)與梵(Brahman) 24
2.1.3.《吠陀》時代的宇宙發展理論 25
2.1.4.《吠陀》的「神我」(Ātman)思想 26
2.1.5.《吠陀》時代的修行 27
2.1.6.Tapas的定義 28
2.1.7. 小結 33
2.2 《奧義書》 33
2.2.1. 前言 33
2.2.2.《奧義書》的含義 34
2.2.3.《奧義書》的教法 36
2.2.4.梵天思想 37
2.2.5.《奧義書》的神我思想 37
2.2.6.輪迴與業思想 39
2.2.7.解脫的看法 40
2.2.8.《奧義書》時代的修行 41
i.「苦行」、「梵行」與「瑜伽」 41
ii「雲遊生活」(Saṃnyāsī) 44
2.2.9. 小結 47
三、 耆那教的修行 49
3.1 前言 49
3.1.1 耆那教的經典 49
3.1.2 耆那教的教法 50
3.1.3 耆那教的解脫觀--消業、獨存(kaivalya)與神我 52
3.2 耆那教的修行方法 52
3.2.1 在家修行 53 見量(darśana – pratimā) 53禁戒量(vrata - pratimā) 53 隨禁戒 54功德禁戒 55學禁戒 56 定時量(sāmāyika – pratimā) 56 布薩量(poṣadha – pratimā) 56 捨植物心量 (sacittatyāga – pratimā) 57 夜欲行量(rātribhakta – pratimā) 57 梵行量(brahmacarya – pratimā) 57捨家量(ārambhatyāga – pratimā) 57 捨執著量(parigrahatyāga – pratimā) 57 隨在家捨量(anumatityāga – pratimā) 58欲捨量(uddiṣṭatyāga – pratimā) 58
3.3 出家生活與修行 58
3.3.1禪修的目的--不害、消未來業 60
3.3.2修苦行的目的,「不害」與「消過去業」。 61
3.3.3 耆那教dhuta的用法 63
3.4. 小結 65
四、 佛陀時代的沙門修行 67
4.1. 前言 67
4.2. 佛陀時代「苦行」(tapas)的定義 68
4.3. 佛陀時代的沙門 71
i. 遊方者 72
ii. 邪命外道 73
iii. 結髮外道 74
iv. 裸形外道 75
4.4 沙門的禁戒 75
4.4.1 解釋「禁戒」和「戒」的關係 75
4.4.2禁戒 76
i. 羊禁戒 77
ii. 牛禁戒 77
iii. 狗禁戒 77
iv. 月行禁戒 77
v. 牟尼法或禁語 78
4.5. 悉達多太子的修行 78
4.6. 佛陀對於沙門禁戒的看法 80
4.7. 小結 86
五、 頭陀行與持戒圓滿 87
5.1 前言 87
5.2 「頭陀支」巴利文dhutaṅga的意思 88
5.3 戒律中的頭陀支 89
5.3.1. 上座部戒律 89
5.3.2. 十三頭陀支和戒之間的關係 91十三頭陀支中的「衣」、「食」與「處所」 92
i.「衣」 92
ii.「食」與「處所」 94
5.3.3.「一座食支」(ekāsanikaṅga)的意義 95
5.3.4. 適合修頭陀支的人 100
5.4 契經中的頭陀行 101
5.4.1. 牟尼法就是頭陀支 101
5.4.2. 修頭陀支比丘證得阿羅漢果 103
5.4.3. 除遣煩惱法 104
5.4.4. 頭陀支與四種佛弟子 105
5.5 論書中的頭陀行 105
5.5.1. 七部《論書》中的頭陀行 105
5.5.2.《清淨道論》中的頭陀支 106
5.5.3.頭陀支的分類與內容 107
5.5.4《解脫道論》等其它論書中「頭陀行」的解釋 121
5.6.頭陀支與早期佛教解脫道 125
5.6.1.「四念住」 125
5.6.2. 「四正勤」 126
5.6.3. 「四神足」 126
5.6.4.「五根」 127
5.6.5. 「五力」 127
5.6.6. 「七覺支」 128
5.6.7. 「八正道支」 129
5.6.8. 三十七道品與頭陀行的關係 129
5.7 小結 133
六、 頭陀支的相關討論 134
6.1 前言 134
6.2 《吠陀》、《奧義書》、耆那教與佛教之間修行的變化 135
6.2.1 「有命」和「無命」 135
6.2.2 神我 135
6.2.3 儀式與解脫的概念 135
6.2.4「托缽」、「不害」與「斷食」 136
6.2.5裸體 136
6.2.6 折磨身體 137
6.3 提婆達多五法 138
6.4 修頭陀行的長老比丘 141
6.4.1. 優婆誰那長老 (Upasena) 141
6.4.2勒哇多長老 (Khadiravaniya Revata) 142
6.4.3. 巴故樂長老(Bakkula) 142
6.4.5 大目建連長老 (Mahāmoggallana) 145
6.4.6 林牛長老(Vanavaccha Thera)與吉祥沙彌(Sīvaka Sāmaṇera) 145
6.4.7. 舍利弗長老(Sāriputta) 146
6.5 供養頭陀行者的問題 146
6.5.1.供養衣 147
6.5.2.供養飲食 149
6.5.3. 供養處所 150
6.6 小結 151
七、結論 152
參考文獻 157
Created date2020.02.05
Modified date2023.01.18

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