「攝禪歸淨」對晚明佛教的革新意義 -- 以蕅益智旭為核心 |
Author |
蕭愛蓉 (著)
Source |
Date | 2013 |
Pages | 1 - 20 |
Location | 臺灣 [Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:成功大學中文所博士班三年級。 |
Keyword | 蕅益智旭=Ouyi Zhixu; 攝禪歸淨=incorporated zen in pure-land sect; 禪宗=Zen; 淨土宗=pure-land sect |
Abstract | 蕅益智旭(1599—1655)晚明傑出的高僧,他不僅著述頗豐,其淨土思想也頗有特色。本文從智旭的修學歷程及晚明佛教發展的概況開始談起,隨著晚明佛教風氣衰頹,禪宗不振,淨土宗也在這時候得到發展的新契機。禪淨兼修的呼聲雖從宋代萌芽,但長期以來,禪宗始終凌駕於淨土之上。到了晚明,「參究念佛」依然流行,引起智旭的批判。智旭認為參究念佛缺乏信願,不能與強調彌陀信仰的淨土宗融通。因此,智旭提出「攝禪歸淨」,夾帶天台思想,且以淨土宗為主融攝禪宗,有別於以往「禪主淨從」的模式,這也在禪淨之間強化了淨土的主體性。要注意的是:第一,「攝禪歸淨」所以能夠成功,與晚明的佛教發展及禪宗振相關;第二,淨土宗得到民眾以及知識份子的認同,也是很大的助力。總而言之,智旭「攝禪歸淨」的主張不僅影響晚明以後的修行模式,更彰顯他個人的悲願,同時也符合晚明時期各宗歸淨的潮流。
Master Ouyi Zhixu(1599-1655) is distinguished for his buddhist writings . In Ming Dynasty , the development of buddhism is corrupt . whether is thinking or religiouspractice , Zen occurred many problems. Another aspect , it provides the opportunity to developed pure- land sect . Though "zen and pure-land sect in religious practice " had been advocated in Song Dynasty, but. Zen has been transcended to pure- land sect for a long time. Master Ouyi Zhixu criticized retaining buddha in mind of Zen because it's lack of faith and intense desire to pure-land . He advocated " incorporated zen in pure-land sect " different form " incorporated pure-land sect in zen " . It is noteworthy that " incorporated zen in pure-land sect " related to development of buddhism in Ming Dynasty and zen 's decline , and community and intellectuals provided assistance and support. In brief , master Ouyi Zhixu's theory contain his sympathy and it's also conform to trend of the times. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 2 二、攝禪歸淨是「禪從淨主」的模式 3 三、智旭對禪宗的批判 4 四、念佛法門的圓頓與融攝 9 五、智旭的悲願與攝禪歸淨的時代意義 16 六、結語 18
Hits | 939 |
Created date | 2014.07.01 |
Modified date | 2023.10.03 |
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