譚雲山:二十世紀上半葉中印關係的關鍵人物=Tan Yun-Shan:A Key Figure in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century, Sino-Indian Relations |
Author |
釋覺明 (著)=Chue Ming (au.)
Source |
Date | 2013.12.07 |
Pages | 38 |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 譚雲山=Tan Yun-Shan; 泰戈爾=Tagore; 國際大學=Visava-Bharti University; 中印學會=Sino-Indian Association; 中國學院=Cheena Bhavan |
Abstract | 在中印文化交流的歷史洪流之中,為何譚雲山是二十世紀上半葉中印關係的 鍵性人物(Key Figure )呢? 本文主旨是以譚雲山為歷史人物之主軸,他所交涉的 重要人物和事件。1927 年,譚雲山(Tan Yun-Shan)與泰戈爾(Rabindranath Tagore) 兩人在新加坡相遇,並受邀到國際大學(Visva-Bharati University ),這個「關鍵年」, 他與湖南同鄉陳乃蔚結識結婚;1928 年,赴印度聖地尼克坦(Santiniketan)國際大 學任中文教授。1928 年到 1937 年,成立中印學會(Sino-Indian Cultural Society) 與中國學院(Cheena Bhavan)。譚雲山如何讓組織和機構,成為中印學術研究重 鎮與中印友誼的重要里程碑?此即譚雲山成為二十世紀上半葉中印關係的關鍵 人物的核心之一。 譚雲山與泰戈爾兩人,走過劃時代的歷史事件-1937 年日本侵華與二次大戰。 1938 年,印度尼赫魯與泰戈爾致書表態,反對日本侵華,同情和支持中國。1942 年,蔣介石(Chiang Kai-shek,1887-1975)與宋美齡(Soong May-ling, 1897 年-2003) 伉儷訪問印度聖雄甘地(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi1,1869-1948)與尼赫魯 (Jawaharlal Nehru,1889-1964),是非官方人物譚雲山居中,一手安排且陪同接 待。譚雲山就是中國政府認定的駐印度之「非官方代表」;同時印度政府領導人, 卻將他視同為中國的「官方代表」。譚雲山扮演著中印雙方官方領導階層,穿針 引線的重要角色。扭轉亞州政局之歷史轉折點,譚雲山是幕後的一隻推手。此即 筆者所論述,譚雲山成為二十世紀上半葉中印關係的關鍵人物的核心之二。 1967 年從中國學院退休,1980 年 3 月 4 日其夫人陳乃蔚逝世於聖地尼克坦。 三年之後,1983 年 2 月 12 日,譚雲山於印度菩提迦耶中華佛寺,仙逝入寂,享 壽 85,共居印度 45 年。 Why Mr. Tan Yun-Shan is considered as a Key Figure in the history of Sino-Indian cultural exchange during second half century? This paper is based on the historical figure of Mr. Tan Yun-Shan as an important personality in establishing Sino-India cultural exchange. In 1927, Tan Yun-Shan met with Rabindranath Tagore in Singapore and he was invited in Visva-Bharti University. In the same year he married with Cheng Nai Wei. In 1928, he became Chinese professor in Santiniketan Visva-Bharti University. During 1928 to 1937, he established Sino-Indian Cultural Society and Cheena Bhavan. How Tan Yun-Shan was able to establish and organize the institutions and became milestone in the academic research center in Indian and gradually, became a key figure in Sino-Indian relations during central half of the twentieth century? This paper will further focus on these important ideas. Both, Tan Yun-Shan and Tagore, walked through historical events of Japanese invasion during World War II. In 1938, (Jawaharlal Nehru,1889-1964) and Tagore made a statement against Japanese invasion over China and showed their moral support to China. In 1942, Chaing Kai-Shek (1887-1975) and his wife Soong May-Ling (1897-2003) went to India to meet with Mohandas Karamchang Gandhi (1869-1948) and Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964). Tan Yun-Shan was “unofficial representative” recognized by Chinese government in India; however, the Indian government leaders considered him Chinese “official representative”. Tan Yun-Shan worked as both, Chinese and Indian official leadership, an important role between two nations. Tan Yun-Shan was one of the important hands in reversing the historical turning point in Georgia council. Accordingly, the author discusses Tan Yun-Shan as one of the core of the second hand of the twentieth century, a key figure in the second Sino-Indian relations. In 1967 he retired from Chinese Academy. March 4, 1980 his wife, Tan Nai Wei, died in Shantiniketan. After three years, February 12, 1983, at the age of 85 years, Tan Yun Shan passed away in Bodhgaya Chinese Temple. He lived in Indian for 45 years.
Table of contents | 中英文摘要 2
壹 文獻回顧 4 史學方法與研究態度 5
貳 正文 身世、教育與才氣 9 髮妻陳乃蔚 12 中國「泰戈爾熱」討論 13 與印度及泰戈爾之緣 19 中印學會–南京分會 22 中印學會-印度分會 22 中國學院 23 對促進印度之佛教學術之貢獻 27 巨人背後的「燈塔」-中印使者 29 中印學與中印關係 32 中印之間兄弟情誼的貢獻 33 結語 34 |
Hits | 1307 |
Created date | 2015.12.24 |
Modified date | 2015.12.24 |
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