熟悉的陌生人:兩岸宗教交流中的星雲模式=A Familiar Stranger: Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Model of Religious Interaction between Taiwan and Mainland China |
Author |
王偉 (著)=Wang, Wei (au.)
Source |
Date | 2014.12 |
Pages | 396 - 419 |
Publisher | 佛光文化事業有限公司 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 星雲模式=Hsing Yun Model, familiar stranger, religious interaction between Taiwan and mainland China, Humanistic Buddhism; 熟悉的陌生人= familiar stranger; 兩岸宗教交流=religious interaction between Taiwan and mainland China; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
Abstract | 星雲大師多年來對推動兩岸交流做出了很大的貢獻,在講經弘法、學術交流,以及慈善事業等方面都做出了獨特的貢獻,可以說大師是當之無愧的兩岸和平使者。星雲大師的人間佛教思想在理論上來源於大陸佛教傳統,但是他的實踐卻又有著現代的思考和關懷。對於大陸來說,他既是熟悉的、親切的,又是陌生的、新鮮的。為此,本文稱他為「熟悉的陌生人」。本文以宜興大覺寺的重建為例來說明星雲大師在兩岸交流中的獨特角色。大覺寺復建之後,對當地文化起了很大的淨化作用,尤其是傳播佛教文化、淨化人心的努力獲得了廣泛的認可。在星雲大師所帶來的人間佛教進入本地的過程中,地方原有的佛教傳統與信仰逐漸被喚醒、創建與發明,星雲大師起到了一種文化合力的作用,進而影響到當地的當代文化建設導向。另外,在與大陸的交往中,星雲大師作為一位「熟悉的陌生人」,扮演了一個創造性又有挑戰性的角色,大陸民眾對星雲大師的歡迎、接納、崇敬,甚至是追隨,說明地方信仰傳統已經實現了文化的「疊加」和「新習俗的創造」。
Venerable Master Hsing Yun has made great contributions to the promotion of interactions between Taiwan and mainland China; furthermore, he has made distinctive contributions in Dharma propagation, scholastic exchange, philanthropy and so forth. Venerable Master Hsing Yun's thoughts of Humanistic Buddhism, in theory came from Buddhist tradition in China, however his practice are in fact of modern thinking and solicitude. To China, he is a familiar and friendly, yet strange and unusual face. Hence, this paper refers to him as "a familiar stranger." This paper takes the reconstruction of Dajue Temple in Yixing as an example to discuss on the unique role of Venerable Master Hsing Yun in the interaction between Taiwan and mainland China. After the reconstruction of Da Jue Temple, it has a great purifying impact on the culture in the local areas especially gaining recognition in broadcasting Buddhist cultures and purifying human minds. In the process of bringing Humanistic Buddhism to the locals, the originally existing Buddhist tradition and beliefs were awakened, constructed and reinvented. Apart from that, in the interactions with mainland China, as a "familiar stranger" Venerable Master Hsing Yun played the role of an innovator and risk taker. The people in mainland China have welcomed, accepted, respected, even followed Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which indicates that belief traditions show the "superposition" and “construction of new custom” of cultures in those places. |
Table of contents | 一、前言—二十世紀80年代以來宗教在兩岸溝通中的角色審視 398 二、何謂兩岸交流中的星雲模式 400 (一)文化事業 400 (二)公益慈善事業 403 三、星雲模式的人間佛教與大陸人間佛教的異同 405 四、星雲大師對兩岸交流的推動 408 五、熟悉的陌生人:以大覺寺為例,談星雲大師對地方佛教傳統構建的參與 412 六、結論 416 參考書目 418
ISBN | 9789865777760 |
Hits | 985 |
Created date | 2017.12.11 |
Modified date | 2018.10.09 |
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