人間佛教概念新闡 -- 以星雲大師近年之相關論述為主要依據=A New Interpretation of the Concept of Humanistic Buddhism: According to Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Discourses in Recent Years |
Author |
鄧子美 (著)=Deng, Zi-mei (au.)
Source |
Date | 2017.10 |
Pages | 362 - 377 |
Publisher | 佛光文化事業有限公司 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 傳統與現代化=tradition and modernization; 菩薩行=bodhisattva practice |
Abstract | 當今有些習知漢傳佛教明清模式的佛教僧俗,與更多希望了解佛教的人們,對人間佛教仍有疑慮。為此,星雲大師近年作了不少相關闡述。本文即以這些闡述為主要依據,結合八十餘年來人間佛教倡導者、學者論述,解讀其間的內在聯繫。並借鑑國際宗教學界的理論方法進行梳理,從而有助於凝聚對人間佛教概念的共識,增進對星雲大師以及其他宣導者闡述的理解。不但從理論上也從實踐中去領會人間佛教,並就廣義與狹義的人間佛教概念統一作了論證,指出各自在運用時應注意防止的傾向,強調了近代太虛大師提出這一概念時與當代星雲大師闡述時所面對的不同形勢,以及他們之間闡述的一貫性。
Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s recent discourses on Humanistic Buddhism are directed towards those whose view of Buddhism is still based on the patterns of the Ming and Qing dynasties, or to people who wish to learn more about Buddhism. This paper examines these recent discourses by Venerable Master Hsing Yun on Humanistic Buddhism, and the discourses by other advocates and scholars of the past 80 years, analyzing the relationship between the two. The author, using the theories and methods of religious studies, makes sense not only of the theory and practice of Humanistic Buddhism, but also of the broadness and narrowness of the concept, with particular attention to the different tendencies that various authors have expressed. In particular, the author emphasizes that the notion of Humanistic Buddhism promulgated by Master Taixu is different from that promulgated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun today, but continuities between the two do also exist.
Table of contents | 中文摘要 362 一、前言 365 二、廣義與狹義人間佛教概念 368 三、廣義與狹義的人間佛教概念的統一 371 四、結語 375 參考書目 376 |
ISBN | 9789574574346 |
Hits | 1016 |
Created date | 2018.03.27 |
Modified date | 2018.04.10 |
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