「人間佛教」:多元佛教與佛教的人本主義 — 以佛耶比較為背景=Humanistic Buddhism: Flexible Outreach for the Sake of Human Salvation |
Author |
陳堅 (著)=Chen, Jian (au.)
Source |
Date | 2017.10 |
Pages | 416 - 443 |
Publisher | 佛光文化事業有限公司 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 高雄市, 臺灣 [Kaohsiung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 佛教=Buddhism; 中國佛教=Chinese Buddhism; 多元=flexible outreach; 人本主義=human salvation; 判教=comparative religions; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism |
Abstract | 佛教具有多元的向度,這是佛教的特色之一。佛教在其信仰對象、經典(或教法)和修行法門上,都有多元性的表現。造成佛教多元取向的根本原因,在於佛教的「人本主義」宗教觀。佛教「人本主義」的宗教觀表現在佛對不同的人說不同的法,完全「以人為本」,此所謂「觀機設教,對症發藥」。佛教「人本主義」的宗教觀,最終造成了佛法內部「人本主義」的多元結構模式。在這種多元結構模式中,佛法與佛法之間既有並列關係,也有等差關係;而等差關係中又有「好―最好」等差關係、「方便―究竟」等差關係和「權―實」等差關係這三種。不過佛教的多元並沒有造成其內部的對抗和分裂,反而在多元的基礎上獲得了高度的和諧和統一,這就是法藏所說的佛法既是「一音」又是「圓音」。
One of the unique characteristics of Buddhism is its capacity to flexibly adjust to the needs of different people. This paper discusses how Buddhist texts, teaching methods, and practices frequently advocate a diversity of approaches in providing individuals with opportunities to develop faith in the Dharma and cultivate according to one’s affinities and inclinations. It is the contention of this paper that the reason for this inclination in Buddhism is the fundamentally humanistic outlook of the religion. Just as in the diagnosis of illnesses, where there is not one medicine but medicine appropriate to the ailment, likewise so in Buddhism. The various states of suffering foundational to the human condition must be treated only with the appropriate Dharma teaching and practice. These humanistic qualities of Buddhism are expressed in the following three dichotomous principles: “the good and the most good,” “the expedient and the transcendental,” and “the relative and the absolute.” In spite of flexibility in Buddhist outreach, contradiction and conflict are not the result, but rather harmony and unity where the “one sound” of the Dharma is a “perfect sound.”
Table of contents | 中文摘要 416 一、前言 418 二、佛耶比較背景下的多元佛教 418 (一)宗教教主或信仰對象的「一元與多元」 419 (二)宗教經典的「一元與多元」 420 (三)宗教方法的「一元與多元」 424 三、多元佛教語境下的佛教人本主義 427 四、等差關係的佛教「人本主義」多元結構 434 (一)「好與最好」之等差關係 434 (二)「方便與究竟」之等差關係 435 (三)「權與實」之等差關係 437 五、「一音」與「圓音」—佛教的統一與多元 441
ISBN | 9789574574353 |
Hits | 1148 |
Created date | 2018.03.27 |
Modified date | 2018.04.10 |
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