《華嚴經》「六根互用」之研究=A Study of the “Interaction among the Six Sensory Organs” in the Avatamsaka Sutra |
Author |
陳士濱=Chen, Shi-Bin
Source |
Date | 2014.10 |
Pages | 49 - 92 |
Publisher | 財團法人臺北市華嚴蓮社 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:德霖技術學院通識中心 助理教授 Assistant Professor, General Education Center, De Lin Institute of Technology |
Keyword | 《華嚴經》; 《最勝問菩薩十住除垢斷結經》; 《楞嚴經》; 六根互用; 聯覺 |
Abstract | 「六根互用」指如來於一根中能具足「見色、聞聲、齅香、別味、覺觸、知法」的功德,此義理從《法華經》之「法師功德品」、《涅槃經》之「光明遍照高貴德王菩薩品」、《華嚴經》、《楞嚴經》……等皆有廣泛的討論。如《八十華嚴經》卷 46 之「佛不思議法品」云:「一切諸佛能以眼處作耳處佛事。能以耳處作鼻處佛事。能以鼻處作舌處佛事。能以舌處作身處佛事。能以身處作意處佛事。能以意處於一切世界中住世、出世間種種境界」。唐‧澄觀述《華嚴經隨疏演義鈔》卷73 釋云:「但眼處能作耳處等事,耳處能作眼鼻事等,故六根互用」。本文將探討《華嚴經》「六根互用」之義理及現代科學之實際驗證,並進而探討《度世品經》與六十、八十《華嚴》「離世間品」中的十種「六根」義。
The term “interaction among the six sensory organs” is employed to refer to the merits of the Buddha who is capable of perfectly embracing in one sensory organ the abilities to “see, listen, smell, distinguish, feel, and understand.” This supernatural power has been widely discussed in “The Merits of Dharma Preachers” of The Dharma Flower Sutra, “The Illuminating Bodhisattva of Noble Virtues” of the Nirvana Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, and the Wurangama-Sutra, etc. In the 46th scroll of the 80-scroll Avatamsaka Sutra—“ Inconceivable Qualities of Buddhas,” we encounter a passage which goes thus “all the Buddhas can perform buddha-work originally done by ears through eyes, buddha-work originally done by nose through ears, buddha-work originally done by tongue through nose, buddha-work originally done by body through tongue, buddha-work originally done by intentions through body. The varieties of worldly phenomena arise from the workings of intentions.” Also, the Tang-dynasty Dharma Master Cheng-kuan, in the 73rd scroll of his Interpretations of the Avatamsaka Sutra, observed that “the buddha-work achieved by ears can well be performed by eyes, nose . . . and so forth, and vice versa. This is the so-called interaction among the six sensory organs.” This paper aims to discuss the meanings and the scientific evidences of the “interaction among the six sensory organs.” Moreover, the ten kinds of the “six sensory organs” recorded in the “Detachment from the World” of Avatamsaka Sutra and the Universal Liberation Sutra will be explored. |
Table of contents | 一、前言 51 二、「六根互用」為諸佛菩薩自在法 57 三、「六根互用」的修法 62 (一)悟「六根」即實相 (二)從「一根」起修 65 四、「六根互用」的科學觀 68 (一)凡人皆擁有六根「串聯」的潛能 69 (二)一根受損,他根「替用」的人 72 (三)三根「聯覺互用」的人 76 五、結論 81 |
Hits | 816 |
Created date | 2021.12.02 |
Modified date | 2021.12.02 |
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