佛教律典中調達謀殺佛陀相關記錄的對比研究=Devadatta’s Attempts at Murdering the Buddha: A Comparative Study Based on Pāli and Chinese Vinaya Texts |
Author |
鍾昊沁 (著)=Zhong, Hao-qin (au.)
Source |
2021 第八屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會
Date | 2021.06.30 |
Publisher | 財團法人聖嚴教育基金會 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 調達=Devadatta; 提婆達多; 佛陀=the Buddha; 謀殺=Murder; 巴利文律典; 《彌沙塞部和醯五分律》; 《四分律》; 《十頌律》; 《根本說一切有部毘奈耶》=Mūla-Sarvāstivāda Vinaya; 《摩訶僧祇律》; Mahāsāṃghika Vinaya; Sarvāstivāda Vinaya,; Dharmaguptaka Vinaya; Pāli Vinaya; Mahīśasaka Vinaya |
Abstract | 本文詳細對比了巴利文律典、中文《彌沙塞部和醯五分律》、《四分律》、《十頌律》、《根本說一切有部毘奈耶》五部律典中有關調達三次謀殺佛陀的相關記錄,同時參考了《摩訶僧祇律》,討論了調達謀殺佛陀的歷史真實性以及律典的演變相關問題。首先,本文對調達謀殺佛陀的相關研究做了綜述,並基於詳盡的文本分析,提出了調達謀殺佛陀相關記錄的真實性和合理性存在兩方面疑點。第一,調達謀殺佛陀的記錄只存在於傳承自上座部的律典,而在大眾部律典缺失。第二,有關調達謀殺佛陀的記錄和調達破僧的記錄存在邏輯不合理之處。其次,本文認為,相對於巴利文律典,中文律典更多地受到了部派佛教發展的影響。《十頌律》相關記錄對業力的論述,《彌沙塞部和醯五分律》和《十頌律》相關記錄對長老阿難的推崇,以及《彌沙塞部和醯五分律》和《四分律》相關記錄對五戒的強調都體現了部派佛教發展對律典的影響。除此之外,本文還對相關記錄中一些史實和文本差異做了點評。
This research examines the records about Devadatta’s attempts to murder the Buddha in the Pāli Vinaya and Chinese Vinayas, namely Mahīśasaka Vinaya, Dharmaguptaka Vinaya, Sarvāstivāda Vinaya and Mūla-Sarvāstivāda Vinaya, and does a comparative study with a reference to the Chinese Mahāsāṃghika Vinaya.
By so doing, in addition to contributing to presenting the first clear comparison of the narratives of different Buddhist Vinaya texts in Pāli and Chinese about Devadatta’s attempts to murder the Buddha, this paper also puts forwards a few interesting opinions as a departure for further studies. First, the rationality and the veracity of these three attempts are questioned for two reasons. One is that it seems, these records were just passed down from the Sthavira tradition. Next, it seems irrational that after these three attempts, Devadatta still had the chance and ability to create a big schism as recorded in the five Vinayas. Second, the passages in the Pāli Vinaya were suggested as the earliest among those five, while those in the Mūla -Sarvāstivāda Vinaya the latest. Third, several signs of later influence in the other four Vinayas, except the Pāli Vinaya, were pointed out and discussed. For example, the emphasis of Karma in Sarvāstivāda’s Vinayas; the especial place held by Ananda in the Mahīśāsaka and Sarvāstivāda Vinayas; and the emphasis on the five precepts in the Dharmaguptaka and Mahīśāsaka Vinayas. Additionally, some historical facts are put into question, and some textual differences are also explained in this paper. |
Hits | 608 |
Created date | 2022.06.14 |
Modified date | 2022.06.14 |
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