馬來西亞中文佛教雜誌初探——以《佛教文摘》為例=A Study on Chinese Buddhist Magazines – A Case Study on Buddhist Digest |
Author |
曾衍盛 (著)=Chan, Yann Sheng (au.)
張愛玲 (著)=Chong, Oi Leng (au.)
Source |
回顧與前瞻馬來西亞佛教:第一屆馬來西亞佛教國際研討會論文集=Retrospective and Perspective of Malaysian Buddhism: Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Malaysian Buddhism
Date | 2010.11 |
Pages | 253 - 265 |
Publisher | 馬來西亞佛教學術研究會=Buddhist Research Society of Malaysia |
Publisher Url |
Location | Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia [八打靈再也, 雪蘭莪州, 馬來西亞] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Abstract | 佛教在馬來西亞紮根衍傳,弘法立身之余,文化事業之推廣是另一途徑。為此,吉蘭丹佛友於12年發起《佛教文摘》創刊號,前後發刊12期,因人事變動而於14年間停刊。時隔4年再覆刊,迄今歷時三十余年,共出版百余期。覆刊之際,馬來西亞漢傳佛教界僅有一份伴隨竺摩長老自澳門遷移至此出版之定期佛教雜志——《無盡燈》。《佛教文摘》可謂第一本由本地人發起創刊,是馬來西亞歷史最悠久的中文佛教雜志。有別於一般活動報告式或小品式呈現的佛教雜志,該刊秉持「網羅錦繡文章,築成護法長城」的宗旨,搜羅世界各重點佛教文獻於一刊物內,解決了許多刊物面臨稿源缺乏而告停刊的難題。該刊於覆辦後,在不影響創刊宗旨的前提下考慮讀者群興趣等因素而針對內容作出局部調整。在摘錄各類名篇之余,該刊亦設專欄為本土作家提供發表論述之空間,使其內容兼具通俗性。本文擬以《佛教文摘》為例,針對其歷年所刊載的文章出處和內容性質演變進程加以探討,並展望其未來之前景。
While taking root and propagating, Buddhism in Malaysia also engaged in cultural activities. Hence, Buddhists in Kelantan started the Buddhist Digest in 1972, and published 12 volumes before stopping in 1974 due to changes in persons in charge. 4 years later it was republished, and had since published more than a hundred volumes over a period of more than 30 years. When it was republished, there was only one other Chinese Buddhist magazine in Malaysia – the Everlasting Light, which was brought into Malaysia by Ven. Chok Mor who immigrated from Macao. Hence, Buddhist Digest may be considered the first Chinese Buddhist periodical started by locals, and its also the one with the longest history. Periodicals are different from activities reports or magazines of short essays. The Buddhist Digest, with the objectives of “Collecting Excellent Articles to Build the Great Wall of Protection of the Dhamma”, sets itself to collect good articles on Buddhism from various parts of the world. This is its uniqueness. This incidentally also resolves the difficulty of getting Buddhist articles as often faced by other publishers. However, due to objective element of readership, the periodical had, without compromising on its original objectives, to make adjustment after its republication. He periodical, while collecting excellent articles form various sources, also provided special columns for local writers to express their talents, as a way to increase the popularity of its content. This paper will attempt to discuss the development of the periodical, and to provide a preliminary study on the sources and contents of the articles used. |
Table of contents | 前言 253 一、草創期 255 1.1:第一階段「創刊號至第12期」(1972-1974) 255 1.2:第二階段「復刊號至第53期」(1978年9月份-1988年9月份) 257 二、拓展期(第54期至第92期)(1988年12月份─1998年9月份) 260 三、穩健期(第93期至第125期)(1998年12月份─20088年9月份) 262 小結 265 |
ISBN | 9789671009109 |
Hits | 318 |
Created date | 2023.12.04 |
Modified date | 2023.12.04 |
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