Author |
蕭淳方 (撰)
Date | 2004 |
Pages | 184 |
Publisher | 國立東華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 花蓮縣, 臺灣 [Hualien hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立東華大學 |
Department | 教育研究所 |
Advisor | 崔光宙 |
Publication year | 92 |
Keyword | 美感人生=beautified living; 創化=create and transform; 持戒宏律=kept the commandments and enhanced the Vinaya-di; 弘一大師=Hong-yi Master |
Abstract | 在這個道德與精神充滿迷惑的時代,人們對於生存的價值有其判斷的困擾,弘一大師持戒宏律創化美感人生之教育啟示,在於提供一個紛亂年代對生命之衝擊與調適的奮進過程,所創發的實踐美學與積極作為。本文採古典詮釋學為主要研究方法,研究資料涵蓋弘一大師之《弘一大師書信集》、《弘一大師演講錄》及《弘一大師詩詞全解》三本書為主,均為弘一大師生前之實錄;而佐以《弘一大師永懷錄》、《弘一大師新譜》及其他期刊、研討會資料為輔,來充實對其生平事蹟之了解。論者欲藉詮釋弘一大師一生創化之描繪,鼓舞我們去思考人生之思維方向,並以此激勵我們,去正視生命的未來。 本論文除緒論與結論外,共分為四章。第一章為弘一大師生命體驗之歷程,介紹弘一大師成長背景塑造其人格特質與思想特色之原由,並說明其在藝術領域之成就,以及影響他日後一心出家並選擇持戒嚴謹之律宗為其宏律之個人堅持與時代意義,互為因果。第二章主要論述弘一大師於律宗之傳承與重整中,對於佛教因襲的桎梏與戒律表相的批判,其抉擇與進行挑戰與革新的承擔勇氣,對於律宗與時代之影響。第三章在探討弘一大師出家前後其藝術領域之內涵、目的與意境表達之差異與藝術生命之圓熟轉化說明。第四章則闡述持戒宏律之抉擇與藝術生命之昇華,二者之圓融創化而臻「華枝春滿,天心月圓」物我相容之境界。為全文主要詮釋之內涵。 在結論方面,論者總結弘一大師持戒宏律創化美感人生之形成背景與淵源,並針對大師持戒宏律革新思想之闡述與貢獻,及其生命之創化與異同,以及其於「持戒宏律」與「藝術創化」之生命圓融實踐,說明大師一生創化美感人生對於教育的省思。而論者之人生閱歷未豐,僅能就大師具體事實之陳述,來提出對於教育工作者能有思維上之挑戰與啟發,與為人師之典型模範,以及日常生活中實際落實之建議,並期教育場域能因此而多一些生命激發人性深處真誠的事蹟。
When the society is busy in chasing after business marginal utility, the educator are faced with the dilemma of how to cultivate and guide the development of students’ personalities. The plenty of learning and life experiences of Hong-yi Master’s have been offering a unique sample and help which will inspire the teacher struggling in the world of utilitarianism. This dissertation is constructed through the methods of Hermeneutics. The main reference materials of research are included Letters of Hong-yi, Lectures of Hong-yi, The Interpretation of Hong-yi’s Poetries. And The Memorial for Hong-yi Master, The New Biography of Hong-yi, and many other concerning periodicals and discussions are as assistance reference for this research. The aim of this dissertation is by means of Hermeneutics to outline the life of Hong-yi to stimulate the enthusiasm of our lives in the future.
There are four Chapters excluded the Introduction and Conclusion. Chapter One introduces the life of Hong-yi Master and how his unique background of growing nourishes his personality and encourages himself to choose to become a monk. Chapter Two describes what he had understood the Vinaya-discipline and how he had resorted and interpreted the sutra of the Vinaya-discipline to show out the real meaning of Buddhism. Chapter Three explores the transformation of the art work created by Hong-yi when he was a monk and before a monk. And the discovery will describe how Hong-yi Master could transfer and lift up his spiritual life. Chapter Four illuminates how Hong-yi kept the commandments to practice the Buddhism and enhanced the Vinaya-discipline;and then successfully combined his rich art experiences and spiritual life to create a totally new life division. In the conclusion summarizes the research and discovery to try to find a smart way to be a reference for educators. The writer is limited the life experience could not be able to make a deep observation and understand the deep meaning of Hong-yi Master, so the dissertation is on the real events of Hong-yi Master to try offer something that could be taken into account for the educator. |
Table of contents | 緒論 1 壹、研究動機與目的 1 貳、研究方法 3 參、研究範圍與資料 3
第一章 弘一大師生命體驗之歷程 7 第一節 成長背景與出家前後 7 第二節 一心求法與誓宏律宗 13 第三節 講經說法與藝術成就 19 第四節 人格特質與思想特色 23 第二章 弘一大師與律宗 33 第一節 印度戒律發展及傳入中國之演進 33 第二節 弘一大師修學過程與宏律抉擇 57 第三節 弘一大師持戒宏律之重整與發揚 63 第四節 弘一大師在律學貢獻的評價 71 第三章 弘一大師藝術生命之圓熟轉化 77 第一節 書法 77 第二節 音樂 83 第三節 繪畫 89 第四節 詩詞文章 93 第五節 戲劇 97 第六節 歸納與綜合 101 第四章 弘一大師持戒宏律與藝術生命之圓融成就 107 第一節 悲智願行的抉擇 107 第二節 自我完美的昇華 111 第三節 轉識成智的創化 119 第四節 華枝春滿天心月圓的永恆 131 結論 149 壹、總結 149 貳、教育意義的省思 153 參考書目 155 附 表 目 錄 表1 天津桐達李家五代世系略表 159 表2 一九一六年(丙辰)弘一虎跑寺斷食日誌 161 表3 弘一大師年譜 167 |
Hits | 547 |
Created date | 2005.09.23 |
Modified date | 2023.01.10 |
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