由榮格「阿尼瑪」與「阿尼姆斯」論台灣佛教性別平權的發展=A Study of Gender Equality in Taiwan's Buddhism in Terms of Jung's Anima and Animus |
Author |
釋聖玄 (撰)=Shih, Sheng-hsuan (compose)
Date | 2006 |
Pages | 156 |
Publisher | 輔仁大學宗教學研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北縣, 臺灣 [Taipei hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 黃懷秋;許明銀 |
Publication year | 95 |
Keyword | 阿尼瑪=Anima; 阿尼姆斯=Animus; 台灣佛教=Taiwan Buddhism; 性別平權=Gender Equality; 男尊女卑; 解決之道; 社會性別; 理論面; 研究者 |
Abstract | 台灣佛教受父權社會的強烈影響,長期處於「男尊女卑」的狀態,如今隨著「性別平權」意識的抬頭,性別問題逐漸浮出檯面。「性別平權」是時代的產物,本研究希望藉由榮格分析心理學之理論基礎,回顧現有的文獻,以台灣佛教為背景深入探討、闡釋,從而證明任何一個性別歧見與行為偏差,均有違佛教「眾生平等」的根本教義,進而希望突破佛教「男尊女卑」的傳統藩籬,藉以發展出適合當今社會性別和諧的解決之道。 本文採用文獻分析法、歷史研究法、人類學性別分類…等方法進行研究,一共分為五章,如下: 第壹章 理論面,以榮格「性」的「原型」理論,即「阿尼瑪」與「阿尼姆斯」為理論基礎,說明性別平權是性別和諧的正確發展; 實務面,本研究則希望傳達「性別平權」的時代意義,藉此喚起佛教界之省思,以利佛教在台灣保有時代脈動。 第貳章 大小乘佛教因循教義的推展,各有其婦女觀的演進。佛教對女性的觀點與態度,由起初將女性描述成障道的情欲化身,後來不斷的演化到能講經說法的登地菩薩,本章除描述佛教女性觀演變之間的轉折之外,更至於變遷中如何開啟台灣佛教性別平權的發展。 第參章 由心靈活動為切入點,環繞「性」為重心,延伸討論「性別」議題,而後回歸到「阿尼瑪」與「阿尼姆斯」對立面的統一,以形塑性別平權的氛圍。易言之,本章由榮格思想闡述性別平權的分析心理學基調。 第肆章 試圖探討造成性別差異的原因,首先淺析兩性不平等的模式,進而闡述「自主性」是女性研究三部曲中的新焦點,而後形成性別平權的前奏; 後繼再述榮格由「阿尼瑪」與「阿尼姆斯」所衍生而來的「神秘合體」能為性別平權擦出什麼樣的火花,最後則期待因應時代的脈動,台灣佛教得以正視性別平權時代的來臨,同時提供落實執行「性別平權」之道,以利佛教生態的平衡。 第伍章 本研究之成果:其一,向佛教領域昭示:「性別平權」的時代意義; 其二,喚醒佛教界省思; 其三,協助落實「性別平權」的執行。 最後,本研究肯定性別平權既是政府既定的政策,而且性別平等教育業已納入九年一貫教育,並贏得社會的共識,顯然「性別平權」是一個極為重要的議題。有鑑於聯合國以「教育」及「工作」二者作為衡量「性別平權」發展的指標,因此建議未來研究者,可以考量:在打造性別平權社會的過程中,如何重構學校教育作為型塑社會性別價值觀與性別秩序的核心機制,並且搭配兩性平等工作之願景作為延伸討論,對一般人身心之平衡發展與生涯規劃當有實質之助益。
Deeply influenced by the patriarchal society, “male superiority" has long existed in Taiwan Buddhism. Nowadays, with the rising of the awareness of "Gender Equality”, gender issues have gradually been paid attention to. “Gender Equality” is the generation of the times. This study attempted to use the theoretical foundation of Jungian Analytical Psychology to review extant literatures, investigate and interpret Taiwan Buddhism, and further prove that any gender bias and behavioral deviation is against the Buddhism doctrine of “Sentient Beings Equality”. This study expected to break through the traditional boundary of “male superiority” and develop a solution to promote gender harmony in the current society. In this study, documentation analysis, historical research method, and gender taxonomy in anthropology were adopted. This study was composed of 5 chapters, briefly summarized as below: I. In the theoretic dimension, based on the archetype of sex, namely Anima and Animus, proposed by Carl Jung, this chapter interpret that Gender Equality is the accurate direction for the development of gender harmony. In the practical phase , by conveying the meaning of “Gender Equality” of the times, this study attempted to arouse the reflection of Buddhism so as to maintain its connection to the times. II. In the promotion of doctrines, mahāyāna & hīnayāna have respective evolutions of the concept of woman. The Buddhist perspective and attitude for women originally described women as a blocking embodiment of sexual desire, and later conceived women as actualized bodhisattva, capable of preaching doctrines. In addition to the changes in the Buddhist perspective of the concept of woman, this chapter also touched upon how to develop Gender Equality in Taiwan Buddhism. III. In view of the spiritual activity, this study surrounded the issue of “sex” to extend the discussion on “gender” and seek unity between the contradictory Anima and Animus to shape the ambiance of Gender Equality. Simply put, this chapter discoursed on the analytic psychology of Gender Equality based on Carl Jung’s thinking. IV. This chapter attempted to probe into the causes of gender discrimination. First of all, this study provided a brief analysis of the gender inequality model. It explained that autonomy is the new focus in the trilogy of Women Studies and formed the prelude of Gender Equality. Later, the effect of Mysterious Conjunctions derived from Anima and Animus by Carl Jung was examined. Finally, it was suggested that in face of the development of the times, it is necessary for Taiwan Buddhism to pay attention to the coming era of Gender Equality and also implement “Gender Equality” for an ecological balance in Buddhism. V. The research achievement: (1) To declare publicly the significant meaning of "Gender Equality” in this times for the society of Buddhism; (2) to arouse the reflection of Buddhism; and (3) to assist in the implemen |
Hits | 1518 |
Created date | 2007.07.27 |
Modified date | 2023.04.25 |
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