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梁武帝制斷酒肉之主張與中國佛教素食文化之關係=The Relationship between Abstention of Wine and Meat by the Liang Emperor Wu and the Vegetarian Culture of Chinese Buddhism
Author 徐立強 (著)=Hsu, Li-chiang (au.)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year88
Keyword梁武帝=Liang Emperor Wu; 素食=vegetarism; 蔬食=vegetarism; 斷酒肉文=Abstention of wine and meat; 梵網經=Brahmajalasutra; 如來藏=Tathagatagarbha

The tradition of the vegetarian culture of Chinese Buddhism is related to the abstention of wine and meat by the Liang Emperor Wu. The most important document in the abstention of wine and meat by the Liang Emperor Wu presented five principle in two meetings held in May 517. 1448 monks attended the first meeting. Emperor Wu declared vegetarian principle in person to the Buddhists and demanded all of them to obey. One who disobeyed would be punished and resumed secular life according to the law of Mahaparinirvanasutra (大般涅槃經) . Besides, his colleagues would be punished too if they did not report.
But, some monks were not convinced. They believed that vegetarism was not in accordance with Buddhist principle. Therefore, Emperor Wu held the second meeting, in which he discussed vegetarism and Buddhist principle with several consultants. In the meeting, Emperon Wu discussed with them and declared that vegetarism was in accordance with the spirit of Buddhist mercy and statements in the Sutras of formation of the Tathagatagarbha theory. But in lack of principle guides, vegetarism was hard to be accepted by Buddhist. Therefore, the five principle which was compelling turned into , “ All monks should think about it ” (凡出家人,實宜深思), “ Bodhisattva keep the mindful Precepts, therefore, they should not eat the meat of living creatures ”(菩薩人持心戒,故自無有食眾生理) , to advise the concept of abstention of wine and meat.
Due to the lack of principle guides, Buddhist did not accept vegetarism. By May in 519, about one year later, Liang Emperor Wu finished one of his transcripts “ Receiving the Bodhisattva Precepts of Monks ” (出家人受菩薩戒法). The Brahmajalasutra* (梵網經)was introduced for the first time, and which contained abstention of wine and meat of Bodhisattva Precepts, by which vegetarism had become formally buddhism principle. In the same time, he also received the Bodhisattva Precepts and convinced people to follow it. As the Bodhisattva Precepts of “ Brahmajalasutra* ” (梵網經) was getting popular, vegetarism had turned to be the characteristic of Chinese Buddhism.
Table of contents摘  要 i
凡 例 v
目 次 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與方法 1
第二節 研究範圍與材料 2
第三節 參考文獻述要 4
第四節 章節安排 6
第五節 名詞界定 7
一、素食 7
二、制斷酒肉 13
第六節 梁武帝與中國佛教素食傳統 15
第二章:梁武帝〈斷酒肉文〉之探討 19
第一節 〈斷酒肉文〉制斷酒肉的過程 20
一、召開第一次會議 20
二、召開第二次會議 24
三、頒布五道敕文 26
第二節 〈斷酒肉文〉的內容分析 29
一、所引經典 29
二、〈斷酒肉文〉制斷酒肉成效分析 31
第三節 關於〈斷酒肉文〉的撰定年代 33
第三章:《梵網經》與制斷酒肉 35
第一節 《梵網經》的特色與此經之中國成立說 37
第二節 《梵網經》與〈斷酒肉文〉的關係 39
第三節 制斷酒肉與《梵網經》的出現 41
一、僧祐與偽經之辨識 42
二、〈出家人受菩薩戒法〉與《梵網經》 45
三、慧皎與《梵網經》 55
四、梁武帝與《梵網經》 59
第四節 小結 66
第四章:制斷酒肉與如來藏思想 67
第一節 如來藏系經典 68
第二節 如來藏經典的禁斷肉食 68
一、《象腋經》 68
二、《大雲經》 72
三、《央掘魔羅經》 72
四、《楞伽經》 74
五、《大般涅槃經》 77
第三節 如來藏與印、藏素食傳統 82
第五章:制斷酒肉與印度素食傳統 89
第一節 印度不殺、不食肉的傳統 89
一、正統婆羅門文化 89
二、耆那教 91
第二節 印度佛教素食思想分析 94
一、頭陀行 94
二、三淨肉 98
三、彌勒本願 99
四、咒術與陀羅尼 101
五、《文殊師利問經》 102
第三節 印度佛教素食思想的流傳與影響 103
第六章:制斷酒肉與中國素食傳統 105
第一節 中國固有的素食傳統 105
一、儒家居喪之持素盡孝 105
二、儒家仁恕精神 109
三、儒家安貧樂道精神 109
四、道教思想 111
第二節 印度佛教素食思想的傳入 112
第三節 中印素食傳統的結合 114
第七章:結論 117
參考書目 121
Created date2000.11.06
Modified date2023.01.18

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