梁《高僧傳》福慧觀之分析與省思 -- [興福篇]「論」之研究 |
Author |
Date | 2001.02 |
Pages | 304 |
Publisher | 玄奘人文社會學院宗教學研究所=Department of Religious Studies, Hsuan Chuang University(玄奘大學宗教學系暨研究所) |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 玄奘人文社會學院 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 蕭振邦 |
Publication year | 89 |
Keyword | 高僧傳; 論贊; 福慧; 慧皎, 497-554; 法身; 感應; 二諦; 宗教現象學; Liang Biographies; Lun-zan; Fu-hui; Huijiao, 497-554; Dharma-kaaya; Senses; Religious Phenomenology; Two-fold Truth |
Abstract | 梁 慧皎 (497-554) 依「高僧」之「德」收錄編纂成《高僧傳》(519 年完成),並根據其所從事的佛教事「業」歸類分科,其中以興福事業為主的 [興福篇] 在原來八科 (後增設為十科) 中敬陪末座. 然而,佛教事業在現今的社會中,「興福」已轉而成最受矚目的項目,參與實踐之人不知凡幾,但甚少相關理論之關懷. 本文以《高僧傳》[興福篇]「論」為題材,試圖就其推論中隱含條件前題為架構,將論主之福慧觀點具體化而為議題,進一步探討與其相關之問題並進行深層分析. 最後配合時代思潮,提出個人的省思與看法,俾能提供佛教興福實踐與理論的參考. 本論文擬依上述之問題意識,分為以下五章探討:
1. 0 導論 福慧觀議題相關之定義的釐清,與全文架構及論述的整體介紹.
2. 0 文本觀點之歷史性脈絡考察 首先考察文本於佛教整體文獻中之定位,包括其文類及風格; 繼而探討本文內容及其觀點之形成,尤其涉及繼承與創發處與後人著作之批判; 最後考察文本所指涉及典故及背景.
3. 0 文本觀點相關之議題分析 首先剖析文本佈局與結構,從中萃取理論架構,設法找出隱含條件,由前題之問題意識將概念具體化為議題. 本章論述架構藉西方相關論證形式與思想脈絡予以顯題,其中包括了哲學方面主體主義之轉向; 現象學之本質探討及宗教現象學揭示「神聖」等,接著循此架構將議題以佛教思想脈絡作深層分析. 包括涉及實踐者因虔誠心路而獲致無像法身感應之觀點,及其與龍樹中觀之學的關聯.
4. 0 二諦思想與福慧觀之關聯與省思 文本脈絡顯示與福慧觀有所關聯之二諦思想,不僅可以證成論主在理論上的基本假設,且吾人可依二諦思想進一步詮釋與開展佛教之福慧觀,筆者嘗試由此進路及個人有限之心得與見解,對福慧觀之相關問題提出批判與補充.
5. 0 結論 結論中除回顧強調興福觀點分析的主旨及論証架構之重要外,也自我評估優缺點並說明本論文限制與特色之所在,並針對議題分析所延伸出來的問題,提出日後進一步研究及加強之計劃.
The Liang Biographies (The Buddhist hagiologies),on the basis of different virtues of monk,was completed by Huijiao (497-554) in the Liang dynasty. And in accordance with the special contributions of these eminent monks, the work was divided into ten categories. Xingfu (benefactors) was originally the least important of the ten. Instead,"being a benefactor" has been a main concern in the Buddhist enterprises today. It is true that there are so many benefactors now but the studies on Xingfu are few. The thesis will deal with lun (treatise) at the end of Xingfu with respect to the premise of the implied conditions in the reasoning,trying to make clear the issues that the editor Huajiao was concerned about. Also,I will probe and analyze its related issues profoundly and finally bring forward my reflections in the light of the western contemporary thoughts. In such a way,I hope my argument will be much benefit to combining theory and practice in the Buddhist benefaction.
Within the framework as stated above,the thesis will be discussed as follows:
1. 0 Introduction The introductory chapter introduces the whole structure and how the discourse is going on in the following chapters.
2. 0 A historical examination of lun in Xingfu First I will find out its significance in the Buddhist documents, including its genre and style. Secondly,I will examine how the point of view and the content were formed,especially how it was handed down,what was its creative insight and the critique by later generations. The last part of this chapter will refer to its background and allusion related.
3. 0 An Analysis of the issue lun in Xingfu implies In this chapter I will analyze the layout first and then derive from it my theory. My purpose is to make the issues possible by means of the premise of the implied conditions in lun. The methodology is based on dialectic,and such thoughts as subjectivism,the nature of phenomenology,and the idea of "holiness" in religious phenomenology. Within the framework of western philosophy,finally I am intended to specify the issues in terms of Buddhism,including the vision when a pious practitioner senses formless Dharma-body in his quest,and Long-shu's Maadhyamika (the Middle Way).
4. 0 The relation between the two truths (The conventional truth [and] ultimate truths) and Fu-hui Guan (the philosophy of blessedness and wisdom) The text of lun presents the two-fold truth associated with Fu-hui Guan. With the two-fold truth, not only can we prove the basic assumption of the editor but also interpret and develop the Buddhist Fu-hui Guan further. I will bring up my remarks, by this approach, on several problems concerned with Fu-hui Guan,and also give some supplements to it.
5. 0 Conclusion Besides the emphasis on the importance of the dialectic structure of my discourse and the main idea in Xingfu that I have already analyzed,I will,in the final chapter,evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of my thesis, and account for its characteristic and limitation as well. As for the problems extended in |
Table of contents | 1. 0 導論 1. 1 研究動機與目的 1. 2 研究方法 1. 3 研究策略 1. 4 研究特色與步驟 2. 0 文本之歷史性脈絡考察 2. 1《高僧傳》「論贊」之沿革與文體 2. 2 [興福篇] 內容觀點之繼承,旁涉與影響 2. 3 文本指涉典故之考察 2. 4 本章小結 3. 0 文本相關之議題分析 3. 1 議題的顯化與形成 3. 2 客體存在之理解 -- 法身感應 3. 3 主體認知之實踐 -- 感應心路 3. 4 聖與俗之相倚 -- 福慧雙修 3. 5 本章小結 4. 0 二諦思想與福慧觀之關聯與省思 4. 1 文本與二諦思想之交涉 4. 2 二諦思想相關於福慧觀之內涵 4. 3 興福觀與二諦思想之關聯省思 4. 4 本章小結 5. 0 結論
附錄一 「興福」或「感通」? <慧達傳> 於《高僧傳》及《續高僧傳》之定位 有關釋慧達傳各種不同版本之記載 附錄二 《高僧傳》相關研究資料之整理
Hits | 1670 |
Created date | 2002.04.10; 2002.10.05
Modified date | 2015.07.01 |
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