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《百喻經》道德觀之研究: 以「十善業道」作分析=A Study on Morality of the Illustrated Sutra of the One Hundred Parables : Examined from the Ten Wholesome Ways of Actions
Author 趙庭莉 (撰)=Chao, Ting-li (compose)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year103
Keyword百喻經; 道德觀; 十善業道
關於《百喻經》的研究,前賢多從佛學思想、文學特質的角度來切入,然而《百喻經》能受到魯迅先生給與的高度評價,自有其吸引人從其他面向切入的價值,基於此,研究者試圖從其教化人心的角度深入探究。故本篇論文主旨在透過探討《百喻經》之文本所蘊涵之佛教道德觀,以分析經中之修善止惡、慈悲平等和自利利他為主要部分,並藉由佛教道德基礎「十善業道」之標準, 分析《百喻經》經中所含蓋之精神,以提昇《百喻經》中內心淨化、人格昇華的「增上道德」,宣導「諸惡莫作、眾善奉行」之道德觀,指引讀者除閱讀《百喻經》寓言所帶來之詼諧戲笑外,更期能在社會一般大眾之生活中啟發及重視道德之作用。

Buddhism is originated from ancient India and has spread over China for more than two thousand years. The moral thought of Buddhism was enriched constantly over two thousand years and became an important part of Chinese traditional ethics. The fable is an ancient literary pattern. It played an important role in enlightenment by virtue of a profound idea and unique aesthetic during the period of human self-consciousness. The Buddhist scripture, "Sutra of A Hundred Parables",is referred to as the Buddha dharma with metaphorical stories. Each parable is formed using story and Buddhist precepts. Not only is it the metaphorical screnpture of Buddhism ,it is also an irreplaceable role for the promotion and popularization of it.
The seniors usually researched "Sutra of A Hundred Parables" from Buddhist thought or literary qualities. Nevertheless, this sutra has been given high appraisal by Mr.Lu Xun. It seemed that the sutra maybe worth studying from other aspects. Hence ,the researcher attempts to make an in-depth inquiry with the thought of inspiring people. Therefore, the objective to analyze the practice of good deeds, compassion and equality,as well as putting evil to a halt.It is self-benefiting to explore the Buddhist morality of "Sutra of A Hundred Parables" and analyze the spirits in the sutra by virtue of the criterion of The Ten Wholesome Ways of Action to advocate the moral thought of creating no evil and cultivating all good. In addition, this paper focuses on the role of morality in life of the general community while allowing readers to gain a laugh.

Table of contents摘要 I
目錄 III
表錄 V
圖 錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍 8
第三節 研究方法與架構 9
第四節 名詞解釋 11
第二章 《百喻經》文獻探討及其內涵 14
第一節 《百喻經》文本相關背景之陳述 14
第二節 《百喻經》相關研究成果彙析 30
第三節 《百喻經》之道德觀 39
第三章 十善業道之概觀 55
第一節 十善業道之釋義 55
第二節 十善業道之依據 61
第三節 十善業道的法益 67
第四節 小結 78
第四章《百喻經》與十善業道 80
第一節 《百喻經》之意三業 87
第二節 《百喻經》之身三業 94
第三節 《百喻經》之口四 102
第四節 《百喻經》十業之作用 109
第五章 結論 113
參考文獻 120
附錄一 132
Created date2016.08.23
Modified date2023.04.14

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