盧山慧遠形神思想之研究=The Research of Lushan Huiyuan’s Philosophy in the Discussion on the Indestructibility of the Spirit after the Dissolution of the Body |
Author |
鄭琨繽 (撰)=Cheng, Kun-pin (compose)
Date | 2015 |
Pages | 148 |
Publisher | 華梵大學東方人文思想研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 華梵大學 |
Department | 東方人文思想研究所 |
Advisor | 黃俊威 |
Publication year | 104 |
Keyword | 盧山慧遠=Lushan Huiyuan; 形神之爭=debate between body and spirit; 形盡神不滅=Discussion on the Indestructibility of the Spirit after the Dissolution of the Body |
Abstract | 在《肇論‧劉遺民書問附》一文中提到慧遠認同佛教中觀思想畢竟空的義理,也承認「法性」是無性之性,同樣是不能被感知的,但是慧遠試圖把「法性」與「現象世界」組成相對待的兩種層次,視「法性」為「本」,「現象世界」為「末」,而慧遠在自覺本身的觀點與中觀思想各有所本之後,卻仍然要堅持自己「不究竟」的立場,這又是為了甚麼呢?而這個問題的探討也正是本論文所要研究的主要目的。 本文定名為:盧山慧遠「形神思想」之研究,主要的內容是在參考現代學者對於慧遠思想研究的基礎上,進行對慧遠形上學的論述-〈形盡神不滅〉篇,作文本與其形上學思想的分析,然後再輔以其它慧遠形上學的相關資料來研究,找出慧遠對於中、印文化思想作出融攝的主要動機。 印度佛教文化在中國,從初期的傳遞到最後成功地融合而成為中國文化的過程,必須要歸功諸多致力於佛教傳播的佛門龍象們所作出的努力,因為在這些人對於中國固有文化的延伸與包容外來文化的態度下,讓佛教在中國的發展得以受 到重視,並由此而產生了具有豐富內涵和獨特風格的中國佛教,而慧遠正是其中具有重大貢獻者之一。 全文主要分為三大部分,簡述如下: 一、首先介紹慧遠的生平與當時的社會思潮,對魏晉玄學與格義佛學及慧遠的主要思想作出系統性的整理,使其思想脈絡,更為清晰可見。 二、接著探討在慧遠之前中國本土的傳統形神觀念,並簡述印度佛教的業力輪迴觀與輪迴主體的主張。 三、對慧遠〈形盡神不滅〉篇的文本進行分析,輔以對慧遠的法性思想相關的資料作出研究,由此推論慧遠形而上學的架構與成因。 最後再就整個論文的研究成果作出歸納與總結。
In Letters between Huiyuan and Liu Yimin, it suggests that Huiyuan identified with the doctrines of atyanta-sunyata, the Madhyamika thought of Buddhism. And he recognized that dharmata belongs to the thing without nature, which cannot be perceived. Nonetheless, Huiyuan attempted to regard dharmata and phenomenal world as two subject matters of relativity, which defined the former as foundation while the latter as end results. Though Huiyuan had traced his own philosophy and Madhyamika thought to their origins, he still defended his stance on anatyantika. The analysis of his reasons is also the principal part of the thesis. The title of the thesis is A The Research of Lushan Huiyuan’s Philosophy in the Discussion on the Indestructibility of the Spirit after the Dissolution of the Body. Based on modern research on Huiyuan’s philosophy, the author will analyze the texts and metaphysical thought of Huiyuan’s Discussion on the Indestructibility of the Spirit after the Dissolution of the Body. Along with concerning texts of Huiyuan’s metaphysics, the author will further generalize what drove Huiyuan to accomplish assimilation of Chinese and Indian Buddhist philosophies. From early development to integration into Chinese culture, the assimilation of Indian Buddhist cultures and Chinese cultures must be credited to the venerable Buddhist masters who had contributed a great deal to the diffusion of Buddhism. They strived to extend the intrinsic Chinese cultures and embrace the foreign cultures, which successfully aroused the attention of the development of Buddhism. And the unique Chinese Buddhism has been born through great depth based on the development. Huiyuan was one of the great contributors at the time. The thesis can be divided into three parts: The first part consists of introduction of Huiyuan and the ideology dominating the society, which helps systematize metaphysics of Cao Wei and Jin Dynasty, Geyi Buddhist studies and the philosophy of Huiyuan and clarify the whole course of philosophical development. The second part comprises the discussion of conventional concept of body and spirit rooted in China prior to Huiyuan’s era and the brief introduction of Karma and Samsara as well as the main part of Samsara. The third part encompasses textual analysis of Huiyuan’s Discussion on the Indestructibility of the Spirit after the Dissolution of the Body, along with studies on texts of Huiyuan’s dharmata philosophy, generalizing the structure and development of Huiyuan’s metaphysics. |
Table of contents | 致謝 I 摘要 II Abstract III 目錄 IV 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起、動機 1 第二節 研究目的與論文架構 5 第三節 研究方法與前人研究成果討論 11 第二章 廬山慧遠的生平與主要思想 15 第一節 慧遠的生平 15 第二節 魏晉時期的玄學與格義佛學 21 第三節 慧遠主要的思想 37 第三章 形神之爭 55 第一節 中印文化的衝突、融合 55 第二節 印度佛教的業報輪迴思想 62 第三節 慧遠之前的形神思想 73 第四章 慧遠的形盡神不滅論 87 第一節 慧遠的因果報應思想 87 第二節 慧遠的形盡神不滅論的文本分析 96 第三節 慧遠的法性不變思想 103 第五章 慧遠思想之容受與影響 115 第一節 鳩摩羅什和慧遠對「法性」的交涉 115 第二節 道生的佛性論 124 第三節 慧遠對中國佛教的貢獻 133 第六章 結論 139 第一節 慧遠形神思想發展的動機 139 第二節 論題的反省與展望 140 參考文獻 143 |
Hits | 356 |
Created date | 2016.08.23 |
Modified date | 2023.04.14 |
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