弘一法師的華嚴思想:以《華嚴集聯三百·普賢行願品偈百聯》為例=Master Hong Yi’s thought based on Huayan — A case study of poems of the Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra |
Author |
陳怡之 (著)
Date | 2018 |
Pages | 144 |
Publisher | 華梵大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 華梵大學 |
Department | 東方人文思想研究所 |
Advisor | 伍至學 |
Publication year | 106 |
Keyword | 華嚴集聯=How's of Huayan |
Abstract | 弘一大師為中國清代末年至民國初年一位傳奇人物,他在文學、藝術、書法、美術、音樂、戲劇等方面均有令人驚艷的造詣。他在未出家前文學和藝術的領域取得各種成就,引起人們對他濃厚的興趣。再到後來悄然的出家,這對當時社會無非是一個不小的衝擊。 對於弘一大師的研究,大約分成兩階段。前一階段為大師在俗時,第二階段為大師出家之後。本論文乃是針對弘一大師棄俗後的文學創作及佛學思想進行探討。而《華嚴集聯三百》乃是弘一法師摘錄《華嚴經》的經文所撰寫而成,分量頗為豐碩,另外弘一法師又另外摘錄《華嚴經》中的《普賢行願品》中偈句百聯,以其後世學者能夠藉由此集聯開啟研究《華嚴經》的熱忱。 本論文共分四個部分闡釋,簡述內容大要如下: 第一部分,分別敘述本文研究動機、方法及範圍,以及概述前人研究的成果,並概述《華嚴集聯三百》及《普賢行願品偈句百聯》之寫作背景及內容概要。 第二部份,介紹弘一大師《普賢行願品偈句百聯》之寫作背景,並分析同時其文學創作《護生畫集》及《清涼歌集》之文字義理,並分析文學創作與《普賢行願品偈句百聯》詮釋意義之比較,後續綜整弘一法師的華嚴思想,解讀《普賢行願品偈句百聯》之寫作背景。 第三部分,分析《普賢行願品偈句百聯》之文學義理及佛學義理解釋。 第四部分,為闡述弘一法師在《普賢行願品偈句百聯》的華嚴思想及後續的人生實踐。 第五部分,為結論,說明弘一大師的《普賢行願品偈句百聯》的華嚴思想與未來展望。
Master Hong Yi was a legendary figure from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the early years of the Republic of China. He has amazing accomplishments in literature, art, calligraphy, art, music, and drama. He has made various achievements in the field of literature and art before he became a monk, and made people had strong interests about him. After quietly becoming a monk, it was a strong shock to the society at that time. For the study of Hongyi Master, it is divided into two stages. The previous stage was the time before he become a monk, and the second stage was the tome he became a monk. The paper is to explore the literary and the Buddhism thought after Hongyi master abandoned the custom. The "The Vows of Asapiration and Bodhisattva Samantabhadra" was written by Master Hongyi's excerpts from the "300 vows of Huayan ". In addition, Master Hong Yi also excerpted the "Pu Xian wish" in the "Hua Yan Sutra". He wish open the enthusiasm for following scholar about Huayan. This thesis is divided into four parts, and the brief contents are as follows: The first part is to describe the motives, methods and scope of this study, as well as to summarize the results of previous researches, and summarize the writing background of "300 vows of Huayan " and " The Vows of Asapiration and Bodhisattva Samantabhadra ". The second part introduces the writing background of "300 vows of Huayan ", and analyzes the literary creations of "Humanistic Paintings" and "Qingliang Song Collection", and analyzes the literary creation and " The Vows of Asapiration and Bodhisattva Samantabhadra", the follow-up of the Huayan ideology of the Master of Hongyi , and the interpretation of the writing background of the " The Vows of Asapiration and Bodhisattva Samantabhadra ". The third part analyzes the literary theory and the interpretation of Buddhism in the " The Vows of Asapiration and Bodhisattva Samantabhadra ". The fourth part is to expound the Huayan thought and follow-up life practice. The fifth part is the conclusion which explains the Huayan thought and future prospects of Master Hongyi. |
Table of contents | 誌謝 I 摘要 III Abstract V 目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機和目的 2 第二節 當代學者研究成果回顧 3 第三節 研究範圍、方法與架構 3 第二章《華嚴集聯三百》與《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》文本集成與說明 5 第一節《華嚴八十卷》、《華嚴六十卷》、《華嚴四十卷》的詮釋 12 第二節 現行流通版本--西泠印社出版之《華嚴集聯三百》13 第三節《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》文字分析 13 第四節《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》佛學義理分析 57 第三章 《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》思想闡述與同時期文學作品之比對 75 第一節 弘一法師人生歷程解讀《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》之寫作背景 75 第二節 《發菩提心論》與《普賢菩薩行願品》十大願分析 76 第三節 《護生畫集》與《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》之比較 79 第四節 《清涼歌集》與《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》之比較 110 第四章 《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》的文學、藝術與佛學 119 第一節 弘一法師的書法藝術 119 第二節 弘一法師在《華嚴集聯三百‧普賢行願品偈句百聯》的華嚴思想 122 第五章 結論 137 第一節 結論 138 第二節 未來展望 138 參考文獻 139 |
Hits | 496 |
Created date | 2020.02.04 |
Modified date | 2023.01.18 |
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