日常老和尚的儒佛融合思想與實踐=The Confucianism-Buddhism's Thoughts and Praxis of the Venerable Master Jih Chang |
Author |
曾雅青 (著)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 132 |
Publisher | 華梵大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 華梵大學 |
Department | 東方人文思想研究所 |
Advisor | 張崑將 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 日常老和尚=Jih Chang; 儒佛融合=Confucianism-Buddhism; 《菩提道次第廣論》=The Great Treatise On The Stages Of The Path To Enlightenment; 《論語》=The Analects of Confucius; 《孝經》=Filial Piety |
Abstract | 日常老和尚一生嚴持戒律,博通三藏,精勤修行,是一位為當代社會及佛教界、教育界所推崇的老法師。「一肩擔如來志業,一肩挑儒家文化」是日常老和尚一生的寫照,其與台灣其他宗派最不共的地方,在於經由融貫漢藏文化而融合儒佛,終生致力於儒佛志業,其思想與實踐,這幾年為台灣及世界各地帶來深遠的影響。 本文旨在探究日常老和尚的儒佛融合思想與實踐,旨在解決三個課題:釐清日常老和尚儒佛融合的理由及背後支撐的信念;了解日常老和尚如何儒佛融合及儒佛融合的解釋方法;探究日常老和尚儒佛志業及實踐後帶來的影響。採取的研究方法為「經典詮釋方法」與「訪查方法」。依據原訂的研究計畫,完成三項研究成果。首先,發現老和尚儒佛融合的理由及信念是為了「弘法利生」;其次,分析出四種老和尚儒佛融合的解釋:易懂易持的「以心印心」融合解釋、一以貫之的「重視次第」融合解釋、融貫義理的「以經解經」融合解釋、《廣論》與《論語》《孝經》互為詮釋;另外,探究老和尚儒佛志業及實踐後帶來的影響,先從「學生」及「老師」的儒家學習進行介紹與分析,最後探究出老和尚儒佛志業實踐後帶來的影響有四點:其一,大規模啟動推展儒家文化;其二,開創易行易懂的儒佛融合修行實踐法門-「觀功念恩」;其三,落實品德教育,淨化人心,端正社會風氣;其四,老和尚儒佛融合思想與實踐帶來的未來趨勢,有開啟以儒家文化內涵為核心的實驗學校及老和尚思想與實踐在學術界產生激盪二點。 日常老和尚示寂雖已逾10年,但其創立的福智團體依然秉持其宗風,持續推廣弘法利生事業,足證老和尚的儒佛融合思想禁得起時代考驗。
Jih Chang was an old master with strictly obeyed the Commandment, well understood Tripitaka, zealous conduct in his life, moreover he was highly praised by the Buddhism and educational circle. “Lift up the Buddhism vocation, and Confucian culture on his own shoulder” was his thorough life’s goal, furthermore, it was the most different from the other Buddhism sects. He tried to merge the culture of the Tibetan and Chinese, then fused the Buddhism and Confucianism into one. During his whole life, he worked toward to realize his thought and has being brought the deeply influence to Taiwan and the other places of the world. In my thesis, it is the main purpose to resolve three problems, to clarify his belief of the main idea and background of Buddhism-Confucianism thought to Jih Chang; to understand how to merge and explain about the Buddhism-Confucianism meaning; to explore the affection of his Buddhism-Confucianism practice. My research approaches are two, one is annotation of the sutra and the other is to interview and survey. According to my original plan, there are three achievements. The first, it is the only reason that he mixed up the Buddhism and Confucianism to “ spread the Dharma and benefit others”; the second, to analyze four Buddhism-Confucianism interpretations, easily understand and keep the way of “heart to heart”; to emphasize exhaustively the “practice of order”, to combine the sophisticated explanation through “ sutra to the The Analects of Confucius、Filial Piety”. Another hand, to introduce and analyze their learning of Confucianism from the believers and teachers, therefore, the last step is to figure out the impacts of Jih Chang’s practice and thought. There are main four points, one is cosmically extend the Confucian culture; the other is to find a method which are easily to practice and understand by the “ Observe Merits and Appreciate Kindness ”; another is to carry out moral education, to purify people’s inner heart; to rectify the social general mood; the last is to expand the future trend of reconcilement to the Buddhism and Confucianism which can be practiced to set up an Confucian intention experimental school, and the largely impact on the industry and academics.
Even the Master Jih Chang passed away over ten years, The Bliss and Wisdom Group which was established by him, it does still keep his lesson and style to continue doing business of evangelizing and salvation. It can be corroborated that his thought of Confucianism-Buddhism can stand the test of time.
Table of contents | 摘 要 I ABSTRACT III 目 錄 V 表 錄 VII 第一章、 緒論 1 第一節、 研究動機與目的 1 第二節、 研究方法與文獻回顧 2 一、 研究方法 2 二、 文獻回顧 3 第三節、 研究架構 13 第二章、 日常老和尚的儒佛志業 17 第一節、 日常老和尚生平與學佛歷程 18 一、 成長背景與求學歷程 18 二、 出家與求法因緣 21 第二節、 融攝漢藏以建立教法 27 一、 建立儒佛兼通的僧團 28 二、 開辦居士《廣論》研討班 29 三、 創設法人事業以建立教法 30 第三節、 日常老和尚的儒家志業 35 一、 以儒家文化作為教育的中心主軸 35 二、 推動儒家文化的原因 38 三、 老和尚推動儒家志業的實踐 42 第三章、 老和尚對《論語》《孝經》儒佛融合解釋 45 第一節、 以心印心的融合解釋 46 第二節、 重視次第的融合解釋 48 一、 重視章節次第的融合解釋 49 二、 重視修行次第的融合解釋 51 第三節、 以經解經的融合解釋 55 一、 引《大學》詮釋《論語》和《孝經》 56 二、 引《中庸》詮釋《論語》和《孝經》 58 三、 引《孟子》詮釋《論語》和《孝經》 60 第四節、 《廣論》與《論語》《孝經》互為詮釋 63 第四章、 福智團體儒佛志業之實踐 81 第一節、 儒家學習課程及營隊之一:以學生為主 81 一、 福智教育園區 81 二、 兒童讀經班 90 第二節、 儒家學習課程及營隊之二:以老師為主 96 一、 儒家文化師資培訓 97 二、 暑期教師生命教育研習營 103 第三節、 老和尚儒佛志業實踐之影響 112 第五章、 結論 121 參考書目 127 |
Hits | 520 |
Created date | 2020.02.04 |
Modified date | 2023.01.18 |
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