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論《楞伽經》的主體哲學:以唯識與如來藏思想的交涉為核心=The Philosophical Implication of Subjectivity in the Laṅkāvatārasūtra - an Interaction between Yogācāra and Tathāgatagarbha
Author 曾繁玲 (著)=Tsen, Fan-lin (au.)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year104
Keyword《楞伽經》=Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra; 唯識=Yogācāra; 阿賴耶識=Ālayavijñāna; 如來藏=Tathāgatagarbha; 輪迴主體=Subject of Samsara; 解脫主體=Subject of Nirvāṇa

This essay discusses The Philosophical Implication of Subjectivity in the Laṅkāvatārasūtra (《楞伽經》)---- an Interaction between Yogācāra (唯識) and Tathāgatagarbha (如來藏).
Primitive Buddhism inherited karma and samsara view in Indian traditional thought, but thought that five-skandha (五蘊) body and mind had incorporeity and nirātman (非我), advocated all living beings can transfer from delusion to enlightenment, part from bitterness to happiness, break away from life and death, free from the nirvana plate by all sorts of practicing of Buddha dharma. However, under theory of 「paticcasamuppada anātman」 (「緣起無我」) in primitive Buddhism, who can escape from a suffering sea of worried life and death then into the coast of the liberation and nirvana? Hence, primitive Buddhism solved the relationship of「the concept of anātman」 (「無我說」), built and constructed the question of subject among living beings’ endless life and death as well becoming a Buddha from liberation, discussed ālaya (阿賴耶), citta-prakrti (心性) is extremely pure and clear, etc. in Āgama (《阿含》) holy sutra. Later, to deeply discuss and respond to those topics in systematized way, Theravada Buddhism seriously went into theory of śūksma-mano-vijñāna (細意識) in accordance with one after another wholeheartedly and pudgala (補特伽羅) in accordance with five-skandha body in order to solve all living beings how to leave off the endless samsara.
Mahayana Buddhism in India adopted and developed the doctrines of the Theravada Buddhism──the theory of śūksma-mano-vijñāna and pudgala by way of theorizing. Yogācāra ideology at initial stage important sutra and abhidharmac (論) in India like Yogācāra-bhūmi-śāstra (《瑜伽師地論》), Sandhinirmocana-sūtra (《解深密經》), Mahāyānasaṃgraha-śāstra (《攝大乘論》) and Triṃśikā-vijñapti-mātratā-siddhi (《唯識三十論頌》) deeply said ālayavijñāna (阿賴耶識) that bears karma-seed grown, cognize, realize all meanings in dharma, so as to set up all living beings’ question of 「subject of samsara」 (「輪迴主體」) in triple realms, six samsara and four forms of birth. Tathāgata-garbha ideology major sutra in primitive and middle stage of India such as Arya-tathāgata-garbha-nama-mahayana-sūtra (《大方等如來藏經》), Anūnatvāpūrnatva-nirdeśa-parivarta-sūtra (《不增不減經》), Śrīmālā-siṃha-nāda-sūtra (《勝鬘經》) and Mahā-parinirvāna-sūtra (《大般涅槃經》) deeply said tathāgata-garbha thought that disconnect the trouble then show the clean dharma-body (法身), stay away from life and death as well prove the liberation by using shunya amoghavajra tathāgata-garbha-prajñā (空不空如來藏智) so as to set up all living creatures‘ question of 「subject of nirvāṇa」 (「解脫主體」) in our forms of birth, three beings and six samsara. The keynote of two comments is to expound all living beings how to break away from the karma samsara retribution and leave foolishness, harassment and suffering, be happy to liberate then awaken nirvana.
After looking at the theory of two greatly depended-on (所依) thoughts find
Table of contents第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 問題意識之形成與研究進路 1
一、問題意識的提出 1
二、研究進路的設定 2
第二節 研究方法與範圍 4
一、研究方法 4
二、研究範圍 5
第三節 研究對象─《楞伽經》之歷史考察 6
一、《楞伽經》的傳譯及源流歷史考察 6
二、《楞伽經》的版本對比 10
三、《楞伽經》的基本架構 14
四、《楞伽經》的主要理論 15
第四節 學界研究概況 18
一、藏識與如來藏的研究 19
二、輪迴主體的研究 30
第五節 研究目的與本文架構 35
一、研究目的 35
二、本文架構 36
第二章 印度佛教輪迴解脫思想「主體」概念之發展 38
第一節 原始佛教無我的業感緣起 38
一、業感緣起下輪迴主體的問題 38
二、原始聖典中「主體」思想的雛型 40
第二節 部派佛教有我的生死流轉 45
一、依一心相續立細意識說的主體 46
二、依五蘊身立補特伽羅說的主體 49
第三節 初期唯識思想中輪迴主體的觀點 51
一、阿賴耶識為業種受生輪迴主體 51
二、阿賴耶識為認知一切法的行動主體 55
三、「能變識」為假說的形上主體 58
第四節 初、中期如來藏思想解脫主體的特色 60
一、如來藏為斷煩惱顯清淨的解脫主體 61
二、如來藏自性清淨心法身為解脫主體 63
三、空不空如來藏為離生死證涅槃的解脫主體 66
第五節 小結 70
第三章 《楞伽經》中唯識與如來藏思想之融攝關鍵 73
第一節 唯識與如來藏思想各自的理論困難 73
一、唯識思想的理論困難 73
二、如來藏思想的理論困難 75
第二節 唯識與如來藏思想可互相融攝的線索 76
一、「清淨」概念 77
二、「雜染」概念 80
三、「轉依」概念 81
四、「界」、「性」概念 84
五、「空」與「不空」概念 87
第三節 《楞伽經》融攝唯識與如來藏思想的目的與主張 94
一、融合阿賴耶識與如來藏的目的 95
二、整合阿賴耶識與如來藏的主張 97
第四節 小結 105
第四章 《楞伽經》的輪迴主體概念:藏識 107
第一節 藏識作為輪迴主體的原因及其性質 107
一、「藏識」概念形成的原因 108
二、藏識的特質與活動 113
第二節 藏識作為輪迴世界的生因 124
一、輪迴世界的假有性:輪迴世界是心識妄想世界 124
二、藏識如何生起輪迴世界 133
第三節 小結 145
第五章 《楞伽經》的解脫主體概念:如來藏 149
第一節 如來藏與外道神我之區別 149
一、如來藏非實體我 150
二、如來藏不違空性 158
第二節 如來藏的特質與活動 164
一、如來藏是法身、真我 164
二、如來藏是智非識 176
第三節 如來藏與解脫世界的關係 184
一、解脫世界由證悟如來藏所顯 185
二、解脫世是離言第一義諦 188
三、如來藏與解脫同為覺悟者現量親證境界 192
第四節 小結 194
第六章 《楞伽經》的解脫實踐工夫 197
第一節 轉依工夫理論 197
一、愚夫所行禪 198
二、觀察義禪 200
三、攀緣如禪 202
四、如來禪 208
第二節 頓漸與階位關係 211
第三節 小結 214
第七章 結論 216
參考書目 222
Created date2020.02.05
Modified date2023.01.18

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