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論語、莊子與牟宗三:中國哲學的形上學進路=The Analects of Confucius, Zhuangzi and Mou Zongsan: The Metaphysical Approach of Chinese Philosophy
Author 李志桓 (撰)=Lee, Chih-huan (compose)
Publisher Url
Location嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year107
Keyword形上學=Metaphysics; 牟宗三=Mou Zongsan; 相偶論=antithesis theory; 他者=the Other; 後形上學=Post-metaphysics; 海德格=Heidegger
Abstract「形而上」一詞源於《易傳》:「形而上者謂之道,形而下者謂之器」,同時它也被拿來翻譯meta-physics,字首 meta- 有後設、後返、在某物之背後的意思在,字根physis指的是眼前的自然萬物。思考什麼是在自然事物背後的基礎,就是Metaphysics這門學科所探討的內容。在這樣的語言接觸與翻譯接枝的生長下,一種二元論的等級語意被帶進了中國哲學的理解,「道」指的是眼前事物背後的普遍性本質,「器」指的是道在經驗世界的具體化落實,眼前的形下世界背後有著形上結構作為支持。理/氣、道/物、義理/氣質、心/身、大體/小體、先天/後天、內聖/外王、般若/無明、自然/名教……這些兩兩相對的術語,無不反映著兩層結構的設想,總要以那更為真實的「前者」去整頓那僅具有實然性格的「後者」。

The word "形而上" is derived from "Yi Chuan(易傳)": "形而上者謂之道,形而下者謂之器", and it is also used to translate "meta-physics". The "meta-" means something as a ground behind natural things. Physis refers to the natural things in front of us. Thinking about what is behind the natural things is what Metaphysics teaches. Under the growth of such language contact and translation grafting, a hierarchical theory of dualism is brought into the understanding of Chinese philosophy. "Tao道" refers to the universal essence behind the things. "Device器" refers to the experience of Tao. The world we lived is supported by a metaphysical structure behind the world: 理/氣、道/物、義理/氣質、心/身、大體/小體、先天/後天、內聖/外王、般若/無明、自然/名教... these two pairs of relative terms means that we always uses the Form to rectify the becoming world.
However, this kind of attempt to find commonality behind things, and to help our people face the becoming and uncertainty, is not a necessary approach to interpreting Chinese philosophy. Contemporary philosophy tells us that this metaphysical thinking model not only maintains a sense of stability ,but also causes violence against the self, others and things. This article attempts to reinterpret Mou Zongsan, The Analects of Confucius, and Zhuangzi, with the aim of claiming a metaphysical and immanent philosophy based on bodily experience.
Table of contents第一章 天人關係的意涵和本文的問題意識
一、從語意紛雜的「天人合一」說起 1
二、回到「軸心時代」的背景,重新界定「天人關係」的語意 11
三、「內在超越」和「形上/形下」的二元論之語意糾纏 18
四、本文的論題和寫作規劃 25

第二章 牟宗三哲學中的主體性困難與他者向度
一、前言 31
二、康德語意下的「物自身」、道德宗教及其所蘊含的「他者」意涵 33
三、牟宗三思想中的康德:改寫「物自身」的界限語意 37
四、如何評估牟宗三的改寫:批判意識與因「他者」而思的主體 49
五、在牟宗三哲學內部能夠思考「他者」與「批判」嗎? 58
六、複數的、作為思想資源的牟宗三 70

第三章 《論語》的相偶性詮釋──以「在世存有」作為解讀路徑
一、問題的提出與構想 73
二、無限心的詮釋及其所遭遇的質難 74
三、理論調整與《論語》詮釋 79
四、結語:與當代修養聯繫的可能性 104

第四章 《莊子》文本中的「風」與「自我」構成
一、道家與疾病、麻風、樂生如何發生關係? 111
二、「疾病」作為生存之不確定性的隱喻 116
三、疾病經驗的原型:《莊子》中的風、自我與天刑 119
四、玄德與八德:《莊子》從語言結構來思考倫理議題 125
五、兩種身體經驗:道家如何參與當代文化批判 131
六、結語 137

第五章 「後形上學」語意的開啟 139

引用書目 147
Created date2020.02.05
Modified date2023.01.09

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