從《金剛經》反思 國中數學老師的教學現況=Reflection on the Teaching Current State of Math Teachers in Junior High Schools from the Diamond Sutra |
Author |
古惠珠 (著)=Ku, Hui-chu (au.)
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 85 |
Publisher | 華梵大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 華梵大學 |
Department | 哲學系碩士班 |
Advisor | 陳振崑 |
Publication year | 107 |
Keyword | 反思=Reflection |
Abstract | 《金剛經》的內容,是長老須菩提向釋迦摩尼佛的提問與回答:「稀有!世尊!如來善護念諸菩薩,善付囑諸菩薩。世尊!善男子、善女人,發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心,應云何住?云何降伏其心?」而能發菩提心的意思是需要心的「覺悟」,「應云何住」強調心的無念、無住、或是無我;「云何降伏其心」則是推翻初心(不好的習慣),再建設新生的心(清淨心)。心是生命中的核心,是生命超越的樞紐。將經典中的文字內容消化:要知道自己的真心,能觀察檢視自己對於人、事、物感受,能面對瓶頸,想辦法去調適自己的心態,也是希望使自己能夠堅強的面對一切。 教育的使命在於引導學生了解自己,接納自己,實現自己,如此才會有腳踏實地的人生。曉雲法師的《覺之教育》提到:「覺悟人生最需要的是什麼,生存最珍貴的是什麼,無他,『安心之道,事事和諧』而已。」 生命中有不可承受之重或輕,最重要的、最珍貴的是如何安心,自處(獨立)並知道事事平衡和諧之道。 數學教學是數學思維過程的教學,學生學習數學的過程是建構數學認知結構的過程。本論文嘗試反思一個老師如何透過對於《金剛經》:「應無所住,而生其心」所蘊含的教學原理與生活智慧,來調整自己的教學心態與方法,精進自己的數學教學,使學生不害怕學習數學,如何培養學生正確的學習態度,幫助學生藉由探索數學問題,學會整理歸納,解決問題,並在尋找答案的過程中,培養思考力,開展想像力,最後能應用於生活,且能感受成長的喜悅。
The elder Subhuti said to the Buddha,” It’s very rare, World Honored One! How well the Tathagata protects and thinks of all Bidhisattvas! How well He instructs all the Budhisattvas! World Honored One! When virtuous men or women develop the supreme-enlightenment mind, how should their mind aside and how should they be subdued?” However, having Budhicitta means the consciousness of the heart. “How should their mind aside?” is the thoughtless, non-abidance, or selflessness. “How should they be subdued?” is the overthrowing of the first heart (bad habits) and the creation of the new heart (pure heart). The heart is the core of our lives the hub which we should surpass. To digest the words of those classical books, we have to not only know our true heart but also examine our own feelings about people and things. When facing the difficulties, we may try our best to adjust our attitudes. By doing these, we hope we can have the strongest power to deal with everything in our lives. The ambition of education focuses on guiding students to understand themselves, accept themselves, and achieve themselves. And it helps them to own the practical lives. Master Xiao-Yun mentioned in the enlightenment education, “Do you realize what you need most in your life? Do you know what you treasure most in surviving? Nothing but the way you feel comfortable and the harmony. We experience the unbearable lightness or heaviness of being all the time. The most important and cherish thing is we know how to feel peaceful, get along with ourselves, and balance on everything. Math teaching is math about the process of math cogitation. The process of students' learning math focuses on letting them build the process of the cognitive structure in their mind. The essay tries to think how a teacher adjusts his/her own teaching mindset and methods to master math teaching by the inclusion of the teaching principles and life wisdoms from “They should develop a mind which does not abide in anything.” of the Diamond Sutra as reflections. Teachers master their own math teaching to let students not be afraid of math and develop the right learning attitudes. By the process of exploring questions, organizing and summarizing, the interpretations of their ideas and finding the answers, students develop their thinking. This will open their mind. They can apply this in their lives and enjoy the happiness of growing. |
Table of contents | 摘 要 I Abstract III 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法 3 第三節 文獻探討 4 第二章 國中數學教學的目標與現況(困境)分析 7 第一節 教學的目標 7 一、數學教育願景 8 二、一技之長的建立 9 第二節 教學的瓶頸 13 一、教師對環境的適應與心態的調適 13 二、學生學習態度的限制與改變 15 三、國中數學學習的困境 16 第三節 教學的方法 18 一、老師能不能不按牌理出牌?19 二、老師能不能發掘孩子天賦? 21 第三章《金剛經》的教育思想內涵 25 第一節 《金剛經》的源流 25 一、《金剛經》的漢譯本 27 二、鳩摩羅什漢譯本的特色 28 三、《金剛經》的註解版本 29 第二節 《金剛經》的體會與教育思想內涵 30 一、信心的建立 31 二、0/1 的聯想 34 三、平等的心態 38 第三節 《金剛經》的「無所住」與「生其心」41 一、無所住:不執固定形式的靈活性 41 二、生其心:無限可能的創意性 43 第四章《金剛經》於數學教學的實踐與應用 49 第一節 類推 49 第二節 應變 51 第三節 喜悅 53 第五章 結論 57 一、 從困惑中找到問題 58 二、從問題中發現智慧 58 三、 依智慧行體悟真理 60 參考書目 61 一、 古籍(依朝代先後) 61 二、近人論著(依作者姓氏筆畫排序) 61 三、學位論文(依作者姓氏筆畫排序) 62 四、期刊論文(依作者姓氏筆畫排序) 62 五、網站資料(依網站名筆畫排序) 63 六、附錄 64 |
Hits | 343 |
Created date | 2020.02.10 |
Modified date | 2023.01.18 |

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