星雲大師「四給精神」與其宗教情懷之探討=A Discussion on "Four Givings" and Religious Feelings of Master Hsing-Yun |
Author |
陳素雲 (撰)=Chen, Su-yun (compose)
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 109 |
Publisher | 南華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 釋覺明 |
Publication year | 107 |
Keyword | 星雲大師=Master Hsing-Yun; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 慈悲喜捨=Loving Kindness-Compassion-Joy- Equanimity; 四給精神=Four Givings; 佛光山四大宗旨=Four Main Objectives of Fo Guang Shan |
Abstract | 人間佛教的學習修行,是深入經藏、深入社會、深入人間、深入法界。佛陀在菩提樹下夜睹明星,了悟因緣法,證果成道。因緣就是人與人、人與事、人與物之間的相互關係,生活在人間,一定要「廣結善緣」,共創「幸福與安樂」。慈、悲、喜、捨就是四無量心。星雲大師依四無量心提出四給精神,提供了佛法實踐的可能。大師把四無量心制定為佛光人工作信條,「給人信心」-慈無量心,「給人希望」-悲無量心,「給人歡喜」-喜無量心,「給人方便」-捨無量心。四無量心與四給精神,培植人們的福德因緣,增進有情眾生友好關係,促進社會和諧安定力量。大師「四給精神」提供了「人間佛教」核心理念,從大師「四給精神」的弘法理念,與佛光會宗旨的結合,來創造「人間佛教」。 本論文從大師的著作及筆者的觀察,參考對文獻分析與教理的詮釋,將慈、悲、喜、捨與四給精神的匯融,從「四給精神」結合佛光山「四大宗旨」的實踐,如佛光山「四大宗旨」的理念,僧伽教育的實踐及大師為何要提倡百萬人興學?等面向,期能將大師的「人間佛教」及「四給精神」做一整合性的論述。
Humanistic Buddhism’s study and practice is deep in sutra, society, the human world, and the Dharma Realm. Under the Bodhi tree, Buddha watched stars at night, and realized the cause and conditions of the world. The cause and conditions include the relationship between people, people and things, and people and materials. When living in the world, we must "develop broad and good affinity with others" and create "happiness and peace." Loving Kindness, Compassion, Joy, and Equanimity, are the four Immeasurable Minds. Venerable Master Hsing-Yun presented Four Givings from the four Immeasurable Minds, and provided the possibility of Dharma practice. Venerable Master Hsing-Yun has made the Working Creeds for Buddha’s Light Members based on the four Immeasurable Minds, "Give Others Faith" - Immeasurable Minds of Loving Kindness, " Give Others Hope " - Immeasurable Minds of Compassion, " Give Others Joy " - Immeasurable Minds of Joy, " Give Others Convenience " - Immeasurable Minds of Equanimity. Four givings and four Immeasurable Minds which cultivate Blessing, Virtue, and the Right Causes and Conditions, improve the friendly relationships between people and promote social harmony and stability. The Master’s "Four Givings" provide the core concept of " Humanistic Buddhism". "Four Givings " and Buddha’s Light Association working creeds make " Humanistic Buddhism " in practice. This thesis combines the studies of the Venerable Master Hsing-Yun, reference to the relevant literatures analysis, core teachings of Buddhism, "Four Givings": Loving Kindness-Compassion-Joy-Equanimity, and my observations. I integrate "Four Givings" and "Four Main Objectives" of Fo Guang Shan to illustrate the practice of Humanistic Buddhism. For example, why does the Master want to promote Million-Member Fundraising Campaign, the importance of Buddhism education and also some other relevant themes have been discussed. This thesis is devoted to give an integrated discussion of the Master’s " Humanistic Buddhism " and "Four Givings" and hopes to reveal the practice of Humanistic Buddhism. |
Table of contents | 致謝詞 i 摘要 ii ABSTRACT iii 目次 iv 表目次 v 圖目次 vi 第一章緒論1 第一節研究動機與目的1 第二節研究方法7 第三節文獻回顧11 第四節研究架構16 第二章星雲大師對「四給」的詮釋19 第一節「給人信心」中展現「慈無量心」19 第二節在「給人希望」中展現「悲無量心」23 第三節在「給人歡喜」中展開「喜無量心」28 第四節在「給人方便」中展開「捨無量心」32 第三章佛光山「四大宗旨」探究「四給精神」-以人才培育為例37 第一節佛光山「四大宗旨」的理念37 第二節僧伽教育的實踐52 第三節百萬人興學的實踐61 第四章「四給精神」是人間佛教之核心理念67 第一節星雲大師「四給精神」的弘法理念67 第二節佛光會宗旨的「四給精神」74 第三節以「四給精神」推動「人間佛教」81 第五章結論89 參考書目98 表目次 表1佛光山學人每日活活作息表49 表2禪修課程一覽表50 圖目次 圖1筆者夫婦與星雲大師合影4 圖2佛光人的工作信條-四給20 圖3星雲大師為慈悲做出開示21 圖4佛光山歡喜卡通圖32 圖5佛光佛陀紀念館每年為眾神明提供聯誼活動34 圖6大師三好、四給精神也傳播到美國達拉斯35 圖7共創人間淨土46 圖8佛光山大禪堂47 圖9佛光山僧團弟子與大師合影55 圖10南華大學106年級宗教所畢業生合影65 圖11大師說:做共生的地球人69 圖12佛陀紀念館與神明聯誼會體現著從佛教到他教的融合精神72 圖13國際佛光會世界會員大會於佛光山藏經樓20181010 74 圖14佛光山檀信樓76 圖15大師的開示表情生動89 圖16國際佛光總會第一屆大會-星雲大師與其他會員大合照92 圖17韓國瑜市長為大師新書《我不是「呷教」的和尚》作序及夫人李佳芬,與大師於佛光山傳燈樓合影94 圖18 2019年春,筆者回山,巧遇大師97 |
Hits | 286 |
Created date | 2020.02.10 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |
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