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準提法門及其在當代台灣之弘揚=The Dharma Gate in Cundī and its Propagation in Contemporary Taiwan
Author 謝碧芬 (撰)=Shieh, Bi-fen (compose)
Publisher Url
Location新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year107
Keyword準提法門=The Dharma Gate in Cundī; 準提咒=Cundī-Mantra; 唐密=Tang-Vajrayāna; 七俱胝佛母=Cundī-Bodhisattva; 開元三大士=Three Masters in Kai-yuan

The Dharma Gate in Cundī is an incomparably sacred method, which has been passed down for centuries. That’s because innumerous ancient Buddhas have become enlightened Buddhists by having long practiced the Dharma Gate in Cundī. In order to mercifully coddle all the future mortal beings, Sakyamuni Buddha preached the incredibly unique approach, “Cundī-Mantra”, for the purpose of saving scarcely-blessed mortal beings from being deserted in the evil environment. Sakyamuni Buddha endeavored to turn human beings’ igNorance into a peaceful and tranquil mind, stupidity into enlightenment, and common people into sanctification so as to achieve great wisdom and to become supremely awakened.

The main research area of this paper is based on the Dharma Gate in Cundī and its propagation in contemporary Taiwan, and is separated into the following parts. Firstly, the researcher explains the motivation and the structures of the research. Secondly, it discusses the study of the Dharma Gate in Cundī, including the very reasons why and how the Dharma Gate in Cundī was spread into China since the Tang Dynasty, the masters who were responsible for spreading the Dharma Gate in Cundī in China and their relevant backgrounds, and the general situation of their interpretation on the Dharma Gate in Cundī. And then the researcher engages in the ideological analysis of the Dharma Gate in Cundī system, and compares and discuss their similarities and differences. After that, the researcher continues to discuss the source and its development of the Dharma Gate in Cundī. At last, this paper discusses both the authentic practices of the Dharma Gate in Cundī in contemporary Taiwan and the different ways of carrying out the same beliefs in the Dharma Gate in Cundī? Under the divergent cultural backgrounds will the author organize, analyze and explore the ways of propagation and inheritance on the Dharma Gate in Cundī.

The direction of the research in the future is expected to be based on the process of the real practices from the practitioners. And thus, the in-depth research about the Dharma Gate in Cundī will follow suit as the spiritual sign for propagating the Dharma Gate in Cundī. Hopefully, this paper will provide something worth studying in the field of an academic research.
Table of contents摘 要 I
謝誌 V
目 次 VII
表目次 XI
圖目次 XIII
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 5
第二節 文獻回顧 6
一、準提法門相關典籍 6
二、 前人準提法研究成果 9
第三節 研究方法與架構 12
一、研究方法 12
二、研究架構 13
第二章 準提法門經典研究 15
第一節 開元三大士準提法門之經典 15
一、開元三大士之源流分析 15
二、七俱胝佛母準提法淺探 23
第二節 唐後修持準提法門之經典 46
一、顯密修持圓通妙法 48
二、顯密獨部修法 50
三、準提法門之修持 51
四、五種準提壇法成就法 59
第三節 日本修持準提法門之經典 66
第四節 藏傳佛教修持準提法之經典 68
第五節 小結 92
第三章 準提法門之源流與發展 99
第一節 真言示現之因緣 99
第二節 準提法門在中土之源流與發展 100
第三節 準提法門在日本密教之源流與發展 103
第四節 小結 105
第四章 準提法門在當代台灣之弘揚傳承 115
第一節 十方禪林弘揚準提法門及修持 116
一、十方禪林的叢林淺述 116
二、十方禪林修持準提法門之緣起傳承 130
三、十方禪林如何弘揚準提法門 133
第二節 大華嚴寺弘揚準提法門及修持 158
一、大華嚴寺之叢林淺述 158
二、大華嚴寺之準提密法 165
三、大華嚴寺如何弘揚準提法門 166
第三節 研究分析比較 181
第五章 結論 183
一、研究成果 183
二、檢討與建議 189
三、未來的研究發展 190
參考書錄 191
一、典籍 (按照大正藏冊數順序排列) 191
二、專書 (按照出版年順序排列) 195
三、學術論文 (按出版年順序排列) 201
四、參考期刊 (按出版年順序排列) 202
五、引用流通法本 (按出版年順序排列) 204
六、工具書(按照出版年順序) 205
七、網站資料(依閱覽日期排序) 206
附錄圖目錄 208
附 錄 210
附錄一、十方禪林準提七修法–筆者實修日誌 210
附錄二、首愚法師準提七開示錄 217
附錄三、七俱胝獨部法(房山石經掃描) 226
附錄四、準提蘭札體梵字咒輪 227
附錄五、準提佛母畫像 229
附錄六、準提佛母坐像 239
Created date2020.02.10
Modified date2023.01.05

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