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道源長老《地藏菩薩本願經講記》研究=The Study in the Dizang pusa benyuan jing jiangjiby the Venerable Daoyuan
Author 林綺妮 (著)=Lin, Chi-ni (au.)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year106
Keyword地藏菩薩本願經=the Dizang pusa benyuan jing; 道源法師=Master Dao Yuan; 生命觀=life view; 佛教=Buddhism
道源法師在此經之解說,有其相當精闢獨特的見解,這些內容也是相通於佛法的相關基礎概念。此經的思想特色,除了介紹佛法是以心為主,而此經的五個重要性,必要在講經前先說明清楚,更可增加大眾願意學習此經的信仰心,還有兩個經眼是業力甚大及迴向法界,這些是此經的最核心內容。另外,更強調要讓社會、國家及世界和平的方法,就要先布施貧賤,軟言慰喻、下心含笑,除了可以減少社會動盪,其功德更不可思議。眾生若欲改邪歸正就必須先修福,而最簡捷的方法,可所費既少,功德甚大,就是讀誦與書寫此經,特別重視念佛法門與地藏法門的弘揚,成佛之因就是要將布施與念佛法門這兩項要並重、若能再加上常以至誠恭敬、深信、改過遷善、深信因果、懺悔、反省的心來念滿一萬遍佛號,最後都迴向法界,自然諸衰惱事會漸消滅,甚至可解脫生死直至證涅槃之樂;此經是當代社會和平安定的一帖良藥, 對當前人心浮動,動亂不安的社會,提供了一濟很好的定心丸,也可為人們帶來心靈平靜與生命成長。這是撰寫本文的最初動機,也是法師講此經的主要重點與其精神可貴之處,本研究結論發現與歸納地藏法門,可分別從闡述有關在生活關懷、重病關懷、臨終關懷、死後關懷、祈求對象、資助設福,修諸善事的方法、感恩、尊重、結緣、讚嘆、念佛、布施、懺悔、解脫……等與生命息息相關內容之介紹,這些都屬於本論文在生命觀的研究與說明範圍。目前還沒有查找到相關學者、專家有同時在探討《地藏菩薩本願經》義理、生命觀與具體實踐方法的相關研究,這就突顯出此篇論文的重要性,以及是研究者寫此篇論文的研究貢獻。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出反思與建議。期望此論文可裨益對於此經及具體實踐方法,有意願學習者之參考方向。

This study starts up with [Sutra of Terra Treasure] and the researcher presents the personal points of view, deeming it to focus on filiality thinking and Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha’s fundamental vow and spirit: Vow not to be a Buddha before the emptiness of the hell realm and till the sentient beings is all delivered to certify Bodhi.” This magnanimous vow is what all Buddhas exclaim and allows the future generations to learn as a model. The sutra is profoundly propagated and cherished in China, essentially for the Confucius thinking to concentrate on filiality as well as the filial culture in the history of China over more than five thousand years. The main point of view in his essay is to illustrate the filiality and mercy vow of Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha and introduce Karma and hell realm and instruct the sentient beings the basic policy to promote good deed and cultivate and provide the implementation of Terra Treasure Doors for peace and happiness in the mundane world. The study method is analysis of documents. The main theme and important point of view is to explore [Sutra of the Terra Treasure] and Dao Yuan Elder’s life view on [Original Vows of Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha Sutra lectures]. By way of first introducing the sutra or quoting other relative content, to make up for the elder’s view, integrate and complement each other. The elder is reputed as the legend of the No. 1 promoter in the contemporary Buddhist realm. The life view and practical teachings in his lecture on this sutra are worthwhile for us juniors to learn and follow and also the nourishing and inspirational model in our cultivation and confidence enhancement. This essay consists of five chapters and in the scope of research summarizes from the preface, translation and propagation of [Sutra of Terra Treasure] and Dao Yuan elder’s [lectures on the Original Vows of Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha] concentrating on filiality, vow, mercy, charity, karma...etc to illustrate the relative content from these special characteristics, life view and practical implementation policy. The life view in this sutra is explored in a comparatively vigorous format from the life angle on [sutra of terra treasure], including the life and death view, hoping to help us understand the value, meaning, mission, vision and enhancement of life quality and recognize the learning subjects related to the growth of life. Emphasis on integrating with the modern living reality, understanding the basic principle of behaving, dealing things and attitudes so as to give hope, obj
Table of contents誌謝 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
一、研究動機 1
二、研究目的 6
第二節 研究範圍與前人研究成果 6
一、研究範圍 6
二、研究限制 7
三、前人研究成果 8
第三節 研究方法與章節架構 17
一、研究方法 17
二、章節架構 19
第二章《地藏經》的傳譯與弘揚 23
第一節 《地藏菩薩本願經》的傳譯歷程 23
二、地藏菩薩名號相關之研究 27
三、地藏信仰方面的研究 29
第二節 《地藏菩薩本願經》的內容分析 31
一、本經的基本架構 31
二、本經的思想特色 32
三、各品大意 33
第三節 道源長老生平與思想 39
一、道源長老生平 39
二、道源長老之地藏思想 54
第三章《地藏菩薩本願經講記》中的生命觀在大孝與大願 69
第一節 大孝 69
一、孝道 69
二、報恩 79
小結: 84
第二節 大願 86
一、信 86
二、願 101
三、行 108
第三節《地藏菩薩本願經講記》中的生命觀在大孝與大願之具體實踐 114
一、大孝的具體實踐 114
二、大願的具體實踐 117
第四章 《地藏菩薩本願經講記》中的生命觀在大悲與大捨 121
第一節 大悲121
二、拔苦 127
第二節 大捨 147
一、迴向法界與三輪體空的關連性 147
二、度眾生成佛道 153
小結: 158
一、大悲的具體實踐 159
二、大捨的具體實踐 165
第五章 結論 175
參考文獻 191
附件 1
Created date2020.02.11
Modified date2023.02.03

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