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「人間佛教」在台灣的發展 - 以佛光山「回歸本來面目」之教育為核心的探討=The Development of "Buddhism for the Human World" in Taiwan -- Discussion on the Fo Guang Shan's Education of "Return Unto the Came Face"
Author 陳昱廷 (撰)=Chen, Yu-ting (compose)
Publisher Url
Location嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year104
Keyword星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 佛光山=Fo Guang Shan Monastery; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism; 回歸本來面目=return to the original self; 佛陀本懷=return to the original intention of the Buddha
Abstract  星雲大師,江蘇江都人,曾參學金山、焦山、棲霞等禪淨律學諸大叢林。一九四九年春來台,主編《人生雜誌》等刊物。一九五二年創宜蘭念佛會,奠定弘法事業的基礎。一九六七年創建佛光山,以人間佛教為宗風,致力推動佛教教育、文化、慈善、弘法事業。先後在世界各地創建近二百所道場,又創辦多所美術館、圖書館、出版社、書局、雲水醫院、人間衛視、佛教學院,興辦中學、大學多間。二千年創辦佛教第一份日報《人間福報》,二千零一年發行《普門學報》論文雙月刊;同時成立「法藏文庫」,收錄近百年兩岸佛學碩士、博士學位論文及世界各地漢文論文等。
  星雲大師所建構的人間佛教理念為:人在世時,需要佛教,乃至於走到生命的盡頭。佛教的生活性、人間性遍布於人的一生。回歸本來面目之成道體驗等可使之普及於社會各階層,對於淨化人心,增長道德必定有很大的貢獻。而身為佛教徒,若能以佛教禮儀作為一生重要行事的圭臬,便是「生活佛法化、佛法生活化」最好的詮釋了。(星雲大師等(2013)。人間佛教的發展。第323頁) 星雲大師對佛法的新解是:人間佛教是佛說的、人要的、善美的、淨化的,這已然是回歸到佛陀最原始的本懷。

  Venerable Master Hsing Yun was born in Chiangdu, Chiangsu Province. Before arriving in Taiwan in the spring of 1949, he had undertaken formal monastic trainings at various Buddhist monasteries such as Jin Shan, Jiao Shan and Chi-hsia Shan Temple which were renowned for their Chan, Pure Land and Vinaya traditions. He was the chief editor of magazine “Human Life”and other publications and built Ilan Buddhist Chanting group in 1952 which was the beginning and the foundation of propagating the Dharma in Taiwan . He established Fo Guang Shan Monastery in 1967 to preach Humanistic Buddhism, fully dedicated in promoting Humanistic Buddhism through education, culture, charity and cultivation. Since then, over 200 branch temples have been established worldwide. Also established were art galleries, libraries, publishing houses, bookstores, a free mobile medical clinic, Satellite TV Channel 'Beatuiful Life TV(BLTV) ', Buddhist colleges, high schools, universities and colleges. Year 2000 saw the first issue of the newspaper Merit Times which is the first Buddhist Daily newspaper in Taiwan. A bimonthly magazine“Universal Gate Buddhist Journal”was issued in 2001, at the same time, the Dharma Tripitaka Collection was published, which contains scholars ' theses, dissertations and research papers on Buddhist studies in Chinese Language all over the world.
  The philosophy of Humanistic Buddhism of Venerable Master Hsing Yun is that Buddhism serves as the guiding ethics to follow and practice for everyday life from cradle to the crave,not only for the death. Popularizing the experience of enlightenment of returning to the original self must be a great contribution to purifying our minds and improving civic morality. A Buddhist must adhere to Buddhist Etiquette as the important code of conduct in the life. If so, it will be the best interpretation of “A Buddhist way of life and A life way of Buddhist”.(Venerable Master Hsing Yun (2013)The Development of Humanistic Buddhism, page 323.) Venerable Master Hsing Yun interprets Humanistic Buddhism in a new way as it is taught by the Buddha, needed by human beings, pure, virtuous and beautiful, which means the Buddhism returns to the original intention of Buddha.
  Documentary analysis and in-depth interviews of qualitative research are chosen as the study method of this dissertation. The study explored the spirit of“Humanistic Buddhism”which is constructed and practiced by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Especially, to find out the most original power ----“Return to the original self”to present the core of“Humanistic Buddhism”spirit.
Table of contents第一章緒論 1
第一節研究背景與動機 1
第二節研究目的與問題意識 2
一、研究因緣 2
二、研究目的 3
三、問題意識 6
第三節名詞釋義 8
第四節研究方法與步驟 10
一、研究方法 10
二、研究步驟 11
三、文獻回顧與本文訪談方法之啟發 19
第二章臺灣「人間佛教」的發展樣態 21
第一節太虛大師的「人生佛教」 22
第二節印順導師的「人間佛教」 25
第三節星雲大師的「人間佛教」 27
第四節台灣其他佛教團體的「人間佛教」 32
第三章國際佛光會對星雲大師「人間佛教」的實踐 36
第一節星雲大師「人間佛教」的實踐基礎與創發佛法新解 37
第二節理念的建構-佛光讀書會與雲水書車 42
第三節禪修的指導-「回歸本來面目」之教育 43
第四節行門的幾大面向 45
第五節教育的重心 46
第四章質性研究歷程與回歸本來面目之啟發教育 50
第一節星雲法師「人間佛教」的獨特面-回歸本來面目研究歷程 50
第二節「回歸本來面目」落實「人間佛教」的意義之啟發 51
一、學佛的因緣──有錢的煩惱 51
二、學佛後:人生的答案 51
三、學佛後之人生轉變──佛陀成道的歷程 51
四、回歸本來面目──證無生法忍之歷程 52
五、人間佛教之行者 53
第五章結論 54
第一節論文參與者修行體驗之珍貴歷程 54
一、修行次第──回到佛陀的本懷 54
二、「三好」「四給」之發用 56
第二節研究者之體驗歷程 58
一、從南華大學生死學系學習歷程之啟發與反省 58
二、從佛光山相關活動獲得之啟發與反省 60
第三節論文研究者實際體驗參與佛光山萬緣水陸法會的震撼教育 69
參考文獻 75

附錄 83
附錄一質性研究方法──訪談大綱 83
附錄二訪談內容逐字稿 84
附錄三參與研究者 179
附錄四訪談同意書 184
附錄五103年佛光山陳昱廷功德主證 186
附錄六參考照片 187佛光豐原禪淨中心藥師法會:圓滿香。外面天空大樹旁示現許多莊嚴的法輪(出自:佛光人) 187佛光山萬緣水陸送聖:出現二條龍照片(出自:佛光人) 187下午三點後,風雲變色,由炎熱不已,突然轉變為陰天有風之狀態。佛菩薩善知識等把握因緣,準備搭上往生西方船成就。 188
4.104.12月第二場水陸送聖法會:照片1(出自:佛光人)示現:菩薩教化眾生聖像 188
5.104.12月第二場水陸送聖法會:照片2(出自:佛光人)示現:菩薩教化眾生聖像 189
Created date2020.02.12
Modified date2023.01.09

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