佛教在家居士的信仰與實踐:以南林尼僧苑為例=Faith and Practice of The Buddhist Laity : A Case Study of Daksinavana Bhiksuni Samgha Ashram |
Author |
范美莉 (撰)=Fan, Mei-li (compose)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 131 |
Publisher | 國立暨南國際大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 南投縣, 臺灣 [Nantou hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立暨南國際大學 |
Department | 東南亞學系人類學碩士班 |
Advisor | 邱韻芳 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 宗教實踐=Religious implementation; 佛教=Buddhism; 戒律=Vinaya; 僧人=Sangha; 在家居士=Laity; 護持=Support |
Abstract | 當代台灣佛教徒的宗教實踐,已走出寺院,開啟實踐多元化的趨勢。當前佛教的教派、僧團轉型、人間佛教理念盛行、女性修行者戒律的改革聲浪中,位於中台灣女性修行者道場的南林尼僧苑,卻仍堅持以恢復古印度佛教的戒律為使命,推動持戒念佛的修持方式。然而,僅有一群為道統戒律堅持的佛教僧人,尚無以具備推廣佛教志業的條件,需要道俗和合互動,在家居士鼎力的支持與護持,才能振興佛教延續宗教生命。本文意圖從實踐於台灣淨律修行道場的在家居士為研究對象,以質性研究方法,去了解淨律修行道場的行持方式、在家居士與僧人的交互關係、在家居士的自我實踐歷程。 當代佛教的在家居士,在認同淨律道場的修持方式後,以戒律理念為主要課題,從修持戒律佛寺場域中去觀察僧俗間的互動,僧人引導在家居士如何運用戒律概念,進行「護僧」、「護寺」、「護教」。「護持」乃是連結了女性僧人與在家居士之間的一個重要媒介,尼僧與在家居士靠著共同的信念互相協助,透過僧俗成員的分工實踐,除了各自圓滿道業,更能立足當代社會,達成延續宗教之使命。 再者,宗教讓人們在現世就能有心靈的依靠;也帶給人相信有過去、現在及未來的人,對未來有無窮盡的希望。此則是在家居士認同淨土思想的原因;另一方面,藉由戒律教育就是「持心戒」的本質,社會生活中去實踐佛教的理念,淨化心靈的本質「身清淨、口清淨、心清淨」。如要修身,需實踐身不造作惡行,口不說惡言、不諂媚、不挑撥離間、不說謊等等諸多戒律。亦同儒家思想「欲修其身者,先正其心」,自己先做到世俗的道德標準,進而推廣到社會大眾,以達淨化社會風氣之效。藉由宗教的教義,能淨化人們心靈,人與人之間的相處才會和諧,社會才能安定。從正面來肯定戒律教育發展與其正確信仰的影響性有相關的脈絡。
The Buddhist religious practice in modern Taiwan has been spreading out of temples with the trend of diversification. Among the current sects of Buddhism, sangha transformation, the prevailing humanistic Buddhism philosophy, and the vinaya reforms of female practitioners, Daksinavana Bhiksuni Samgha Ashram, located in central Taiwan, still persists in restoring the vinaya of ancient Indian Buddhism, and promoting the practice of upholding precepts and chanting Amitabha Buddha. However, with only a group of Sangha who adhere to the Buddhist precepts, Buddhism cannot be promoted well. It also requires concordance and interaction of both Sangha and laity, the full support of laity is needed to revitalize Buddhism. The intention of this study is to understand the practice in monasteries specializing in vinaya and Pure Land, and the interaction between Sangha and laity. The aim is to understand the self-realization of laity with qualitative research method. The object of this study are the laity who fully support monasteries specializing in vinaya and Pure Land. After recognizing the practices in monasteries specializing in vinaya and Pure Land, contemporary Buddhist laity observe the interactions between sangha and laity, to understand how sangha guide laity to utilize the concepts of precepts to support sangha, monasteries, and Buddhism, with vinaya as the main issue. Support is an important medium between bhikkhunis and laity. Bhikkhunis and laity work together based upon mutual belief. Though the collaboration, they not only fulfill their religious achievements respectively, but also revitalize Buddhism. Furthermore, religion can be not only spiritually reliable for people in the current life, but also bring endless hope to the people who believe in past, present, and future. On the other hand, the essence of vinaya education is to keep mental precepts. People spiritually purify themselves, with pure behavior, pure talks, and pure mind, to implement Buddhist doctrine in their social life. If one intends to practice, self-cultivation is needed; many precepts must be implemented, such as physically, having no vicious behavior, and verbally, performing no criticism, no flattery, no divisive talk, and no lying. Like Confucianism, which says people who want to cultivate their behaviors need to cultivate their mind, people need to follow secular moral standards themselves, then promote these Buddhist precepts in society in order to purify civilization. By following religious doctrine, people can purify their minds and live harmoniously in a stable society. From a positive perspective, we confirm relevant main ideas and outlines of the influence between the development of vinaya education and correct views. |
Table of contents | 謝 詞 ⅰ 摘 要 ⅱ Abstract ⅳ 目 次 ⅵ 表目次 ⅶ 圖目次 ⅷ 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 緣起與問題意識 1 第二節 文獻探討 3 第三節 研究方法 10 第二章 堅持傳統戒律的南林尼僧苑 14 第一節 成立背景及發展歷史 14 第二節 僧團組織 25 第三節 活動種類及型態 31 第四節 弘法利生 37 第三章 在家居士的信仰與護持 43 第一節 為何而來 43 第二節 在家居士修持的歷程 49 第三節 在家居士護持的展現 64 第四節 信仰中的我:志工護持的原動力 78 第四章 在家居士的信仰實踐歷程 89 第一節 堅定的出家修道心 89 第二節 為建道場而來 99 第三節 女兒出家為僧 103 第四節 在家居士行菩薩道 110 第五章、結論 122 參考文獻 129 |
Hits | 322 |
Created date | 2020.02.18 |
Modified date | 2023.01.16 |
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