佛法入世的教化功能:以更生人的生命轉化為例=Edifying Functions of Engaged Buddhism: Case Studies of Transformation of Ex-convicts |
Author |
王秀芳 (著)=Wang, Siou-fang (au.)
Date | 2021 |
Pages | 63 |
Publisher | 慈濟大學宗教與人文研究所碩士班 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 花蓮市, 臺灣 [Hualien shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 慈濟大學 |
Department | 宗教與人文研究所碩士班 |
Advisor | 盧蕙馨=Lu, Hwei-syin |
Publication year | 109 |
Keyword | 更生人=rehabilitated prisoners; 慈濟志工=Tzu Chi volunteers; 靜思語讀書會=Jingsi Aphorism Reading Club; 懺悔=confes-sion; 生命轉化=life transformation; 宗教療癒=religious healingHuman beings make mistakes |
Abstract | 每個人都會犯錯,每個人也都應該被容許有改過的機會,即使受到法律制裁的受刑人,監獄也提供各項矯治課程,期望他們日後能改過重生。志工人數眾多的佛教慈濟慈善事業基金會,自1989年起進入全台灣監獄進行關懷。本文以屏東監獄2011年開展的慈濟讀書會課程為研究對象,探討在當時的時空背景下,慈濟志工如何帶動受刑人接受佛法的薰陶,並在受刑人出獄後陪伴鼓勵,甚至協助就業,進而引導他們參與志工行列,對更生人做長期的心靈輔導。有參與讀書會課程的受刑人出獄後,跟隨高雄更生人志工一起「做慈濟」,通過兩年的見習培訓,正式受證加入慈誠隊。他們也跟隨慈濟教聯會的反毒團隊走入校園宣導反毒,在學生面前懺悔,見證過去為毒品付出的慘痛代價。本文即以三位不同時間加入慈濟的更生人生命歷程,敘述分析慈濟志工如何讓更生人在慈濟道場中找到歸屬感,在被信任的志工支持系統中產生自信,漸漸遠離過去的是非,生命得以轉化重生。
Everyone makes mistakes and everyone, especially prisoners punished by law and subsequently released, should be allowed to have the opportunity to be corrected. While in prison they were taught correction courses which expected them refomed and be "reborn" (geng sheng, rehabilitated). Since 1989 and with numerous volunteers, the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation has entered prisons throughout Taiwan to provide care. This thesis takes as its research subjects several "Tzu Chi Reading Club" mem-bers who studied Jingsi Aphorisms (Buddhist texts) since 2011 at the Pingtung Prison. The author explored in the context of the circumstances then, how Tzu Chi volunteers encouraged prisoners to accept the teachings of Buddhism, and how they accompa-nied the prisoners after release. The assistance covered such areas as seeking em-ployment and joining the ranks of Tzu Chi volunteers. The latter form of assistance aims to train former inmates to provide long-term spiritual counseling to other reha-bilitated prisoners. Several released inmates who had taken the reading course fol-lowed the team of rehabilitation volunteers from Kaohsiung to "do Tzu Chi (volun-teerism)." After two years of training, the former inmates became Certified Male Vol-unteers and members of a Tzu Chi anti-drug team. Being members of the Tzu Chi Teachers' Association also, they entered schools and confessed their wrongdoings in front of the students. They bore witness to their pain and high price paid for drug abuse in the past. Focusing on three rehabilitated prisoners who joined Tzu Chi at different times, the thesis described and analyzed how Tzu Chi volunteers helped them find a sense of belonging in the Tzu Chi Dojo (community), how they inculcated self-confidence and trust in the volunteer support system, and how they gradually moved away from offenses bygone. The thesis documented that life could be trans-formed and that prisoners could be reborn.
Current academic research on "rehabilitated persons" falls largely in the field of soci-ology or criminology dealing with issues of rehabilitated persons' return to society, and with the impact of family support system. This research focused instead on reli-gious belief and humanistic healing. The philosophy that Master Cheng Yan con-stantly preached was to practice the teachings of Buddhism and exert its power of en-lightenment in life. Tzu Chi provides a self-healing field for the congregation by way of the aphorism, "learn by doing; awaken by learning". Tzu Chi volunteers applied in modern society the power of religion to engender the rebirth of rehabilitated people via concrete social practice of The Four Immeasurable Minds of Buddhism. The au-thor hopes that this research be valued by the academic community. Somes issues of utilizing social and religious resources in support of the rehabilitated ex-prisoners are discussed in the conclusion. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 02 第二節 研究背景 05 第三節 文獻回顧 08 第四節 研究方法與論文架構 14 第二章 懺悔的動力 第一節 不一樣的讀書會 17 第二節 從開酒店到賣豆花 22 第三節 志工「母親」的感召 26 第四節 向雙親下跪奉茶 29
第三章 慈濟志工的信任與支持 第一節 「大哥」的帶領與承擔 32 第二節 從吸毒者變反毒志工 38 第三節 信守「行孝行善」 42 第四節 環保站:「重生」第一站 46 第四章 研究分析與反思 第一節 關懷模式與特色 49 第二節 結論與反思 52 參考書目 54 |
Hits | 380 |
Created date | 2021.11.05 |
Modified date | 2023.11.21 |
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