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佛教解脫思想之研究 ─ 以《阿毘達摩俱舍論-解脫道明析》為依據=A Study of The Buddhist Philosophy of Liberation-Based onམཛོད་ཐར་འམ་གསལ་བྱེད་(Juoe Te Nam Sar Je)
Author 黃麗蓉 (著)=Huang, Li-jung (au.)
Publisher Url
Location花蓮市, 臺灣 [Hualien shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year106
Keyword藏傳佛教=Tibetan Buddhism; 解脫=Liberation; 第一世達賴喇嘛-根敦珠=His Holiness The First Dalai Lama-Gen dun Drud; 《阿毘達摩俱舍論-解脫道明析》; 說分別部=Sarvastivada; 經量部=Sautrantika; 中觀宗=Madhyamika
Abstract解脫是佛教追求的境界。凡夫及有學道菩薩因尚未斷盡煩惱,故無法究竟解脫;小乘阿羅漢、大乘阿羅漢-佛陀,由於煩惱圓滿盡斷,是故成就了諸行無常、有漏皆苦、諸法無我、涅槃寂靜之「四法印」最高解脫的境界。本論文即是要探討佛教的解脫理論,以第一世達賴喇嘛-根敦珠(དགེ་འདུན་གྲུབ་)所著:《阿毘達摩俱舍論-解脫道明析》(མཛོད་ཐར་འམ་གསལ་བེད་)為依據,從「說分別部」བེ་བྲག་སྨྲ་་བ (Sarvastivada)之見解為主,輔以「經量部」མདོ་སེ་པ་ (Sautrantaka) 、「中觀宗」དབུ་མ་པ(Madhyamika)及「唯識宗」སེམས་ཙམ་པ(Dharma character school)等宗義之議論,進而探究佛教之解脫思想。

Liberation is the goal of Buddhism. Ordinary beings and Bodhisattvas that are still learning have yet to completely eliminate their afflictions and so are unable to attain liberation. Buddha on the other hand, having reach Arhathood in both
Manayana and Hinayana practices, has completely eliminated all afflictions, so attained utmost liberation and realization of “The Four Essentials of the Dharma”: all conditioned phenomena are transient, all polluted phenomena are dukkha, all
phenomena are empty and selfless, nirvana is true peace.
In this paper, the main purpose is to explore the theory of liberation in Buddhism, basing on the book by the first Dalai Lama - Gendun Drud (དགེ་འདུན་གྲུབ་) titled: "Abhidharma Kosa –Clear the Path to Liberation" (མཛོད་ཐར་འམ་གསལ་བེད་), standing mainly
from the point of view of Sarvastivada (བེ་བྲག་སྨྲ་་བ) supported with ideas from Sautrāntika (མདོ་སེ་པ་) , Madhyamika school and Dharma character school, so as to explore the Buddhist thoughts of liberation.
This article first introduces: "Abhidharma Kosa - Clear the Path to Liberation."(མཛོད་ཐར་འམ་གསལ་བེད་་) the authors background, introduction, sectionalizinginterpretation,
main text and postscript of the book. The second chapter covers Abhidharma, Vajrayana and Kalachakra systems of Buddhism, Buddhism's cosmology, the mind and its conditions, ten wisdoms and four noble truths, two truths,
from truth of dukkha to 62 realms, 18 realms and truth of causation that expounded the mechanism behind the formation of afflictions and karma. From there discusses rebirth through the 12 links of interdependent origination and 4 existences and its
theory of 15 karma.consciousness.
The third chapter will focus on the differences between ordinary beings and the saints, as well as the theories and methods of cultivation to achieve enlightenment that is ceasation of afflictions. The role of meditation and merit cultivation in the
liberation process will also be explored. Chapter four describes how, through the understanding of consciousness and wisdom as well as through accumulation of V
virtues, can one attain the ceasation of affliction and suffering, and briefly describe the mechanism of mental transformation that would happen in between. It will relate to the Truth of ceasation and Truth of path, as well as the differences between three vehicles and one vehicle path. Finally, we will discuss the differences between enlightenment of different saints, including their level of attainment, time spent and their mind.
Based on the above chapters, with the Tibetan Buddhist original text as the main axis, taking the view point of first Dalai Lama -Gendun Drud (དགེ་འདུན་གྲུབ་) to explore the principle and realm of attainment in Buddhist liberation theory, in hope of a little
contribution towards the exchange between Mandarin and Tibetan Buddhism.
Table of contents目次
中文摘要 III
Abstract IV
說明 VI
目次 VII

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 問題意識的形成與研究動機 1
第二節 研究範圍界定 6
第三節 研究方法進路 7
第四節 《阿毗達摩俱舍論-解脫道明析》簡介 .9

第二章 《俱舍論-解脫道明析》之業識理論 29
第一節 業之概論 29
第二節 心識的定義與分類 42
第三節 四諦認知概述 61
第四節 苦諦與集諦之業識生起門 66

第三章 《俱舍論-解脫道明析》轉凡成聖的止觀修持 79
第一節 凡夫與聖者之類別 79
第二節 止觀修持方式 93
第三節 有漏、無漏的智慧與禪定 99
第四節 智慧與禪定所攝之功德 114

第四章 《俱舍論-解脫道明析》轉識成智之解脫過程 119
第一節 心識與智慧的區別之因明辨析 119
第二節 業識與道果轉化的解脫機制 123
第三節 滅諦與道諦之還滅門理論 127
第四節 悟道之證量境界 134

第五章 結論 139
第一節 學術研究成果概述 139
第二節 未來研究展望 141

參考文獻 144
圖表1-1 研究流程圖 8
圖表1-2 根敦珠大師著述分類 11
圖表1-3 根敦珠大師生平簡介 14
圖表1- 4 說分別部
Created date2021.11.08
Modified date2023.02.03

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