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重病家屬照顧者運用佛法自我調適之初探=Preliminary Study on Family Caregivers of Severe Serious Patients by Using Buddha-Dharma to Self-Adjustment
Author 邱璟惠 (撰)=Chiu, Ching-hui (compose)
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year109
Keyword重病=serious patients; 家屬照顧者=family caregivers; 照顧負荷=caregivers' burden; 受苦=suffering; 佛法=Buddha-dharma; 自我調適=self-adjustment
1. 用方法收攝內心:淺則發揮安定身心的功能;深則增長智慧與慈悲,乃至於無事不辦的境界。
2. 解行並重形成轉化:淺則在照顧歷程中減輕負荷及煩惱,深則肯認法的真理,勤加修行,達到解脫。
1. 轉念:了解苦是自己主觀錯誤的認知,不是客觀存在的事實,不認為是苦,自然就沒有苦。
2. 賦予受苦的意義:苦是無法避免的,藉由受苦體證佛法,受苦有其意義和目的,因此能夠在苦難中成長。

The purpose of this study is to explore how Buddhist teachings with the right views influence the Buddhist caregivers in the process of caring for a family member with severe illnesses.
In this study, we selected participants based on the following criteria to conduct an in-depth semi-structured interview. The criteria for participants were: I. Buddhists who have taken the Three Refuges; II. The illness of participant’s family member belongs in the category of the top five causes of death, or is one of the five major diseases recognized by the health care system. III. Participants are responsible of providing care and are taking care of the sick family member.
In order to ensure that participants have fundamental understanding of Buddhist teachings, the candidates in the first stage are the students who have completed the introductory course of Buddhism in Sheng Yen Academy. In the second stage, Buddhists who have completed other Buddhist courses will be recruited.
There are three objectives in this research:
I. How do Buddhist caregivers adjust themselves in terms of attitude and mindset with Buddhist teachings in the process of providing care to seriously ill family members?
II. How does Buddha-dharma influence Buddhist caregivers.
III. How do Buddhist caregivers benefit from Buddha-dharma?
According to our research, it is found that:
I. Buddha-dharma helps the Buddhist caregivers to adapt themselves while taking care of seriously ill family member.
A. Buddha-dharma helps Buddhist caregivers to adapt in different levels:
1. Methods to collect the mind: from calming the body and mind, to deepening wisdom and compassion, and even to the state of nothing unachievable.
2. Unification of understanding and practice, which leads to transformation: from reducing vexations during the process of providing caring, to acknowledging the truth of dharma, with diligent practice, to achieve liberation.
B. Suffering provides an entrance to making adjustment:
1. Changing mindset: Understand that suffering is a misconception due to deluded subjective thinking, not an objective existing fact. If you do not consider it as suffering, there is no suffering.
2. Giving meaning to suffering: Suffering is unavoidable, and through the journey of suffering, one can realize the meaning and purpose behind suffering, therefore grow amidst suffering and hardships.
II. The influence and contribution of Buddhism to the Buddhist caretakers of seriously ill family members:
A. Empathize with others and grow in wisdom.
B. Reminder to seize the causes and conditions which allow us to practice, and thus practice hard!
C. From renunciation mind to Bodhi mind: From being self-liberated to benefiting self and others, walking the Bodhisattva path.
Table of contents第一章 緒論 01
第一節、研究動機與緣起 01
第二節、研究目的與研究問題 05
第三節、名詞解釋 07

第二章 文獻探討 09
第一節、日受關注的重病議題 09
第二節、重病家屬照顧者的負荷 15
第三節、重病家屬照顧者的需求 29
第四節、信仰的助益與佛教的生命觀 33
第五節、法鼓山信眾教育院課程 43

第三章 研究方法 49
第一節、深度訪談法 50
第二節、研究參與者 51
第三節、研究工具 54
第四節、資料蒐集與分析 57
第五節、研究品質之檢核 61
第六節、研究倫理 65

第四章 研究結果與分析 67
第一節、五位研究參與者的故事文本 67
第二節、研究參與者的照顧負荷 115
第三節、佛法在照顧歷程的調適 123
第四節、研究發現與討論 129
第五節、研究結果與討論 138

第五章 結論與建議 143
第一節、結論 143
第二節、研究歷程的自我反思 146
第三節、建議 147

表2-1 107年十大死因統計 13
表2-2 106年十大重大傷病醫療點數(門診+住院) 14
表2-3 聖嚴書院佛學初階班課程 44
表3-1 研究流程 49
表3-2 研究參與者列表 52
表3-3 研究參與者家屬重病類別統計 53
表3-4 訪談次數、時間、地點統計 59
表3-5 逐字稿整理說明 60
表3-6 研究檢核回函之內容 62
表4-1 S的母親用「四它」面對自己罹癌的歷程 110
表4-2 五位研究參與者的負荷統計表 122
表4-3 研究參與者運用佛法調適統計表 128
表4-4 「高風險家庭照顧者」初篩指標 132

圖2-1:惑業苦的輪迴 38
圖2-1:煩惱表現在現實生活中的狀態 39

中文部分 151
英文部分 166

附錄一 研究說明暨邀請函 169
附錄二 知情同意書 171
附錄三 研究檢核函 172
Created date2021.11.09
Modified date2023.01.07

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