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從消費者行為觀點探討社會行銷在宗教型非營利組織的運用 ─ 以中華淨土宗協會為例=Consumer Behavior Perspectives on Application of Social Marketing for Religious Non-profit Organizations:A Case Study of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association
Author 李國豪 (著)=Lee, Kao-Hau (au.)
Publisher Url
Location臺中市, 臺灣 [Taichung shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year108
Keyword社會行銷=social marketing; 宗教型非營利組織=religious non-profit organizations; 消費者行為=consumer behavior; 念佛=reciting the Buddha’s name
Abstract行銷的適用範圍,自從學者 Kotler 和 Zaltman 於西元 1971 年提倡擴大為社 會行銷的概念後,至目前業已近 50 年之歷史。相關學者對社會行銷擴及適用至 非營利組織、政治組織等幾乎已成定論,且有相當的研究基礎,宗教組織雖亦 是非營利組織之一種,但依循有兩千年以上歷史的傳統宗教組織,因為其教理 及教法在教主創立宗教當時,社會上並無行銷學之概念,兩者間有無齟齬而無 法融合之處,不禁令人懷疑。
本研究意在探討宗教型(或信仰型)非營利組織,在所受內在資源及外在 環境的制約之下,採用「社會行銷」學者所闡述的解決社會議題的策略方法, 是否能不違背其宗教教法及歷代祖師所傳教義下,依Philip Kotler、Ned Roberto and Nancy Lee所提出「社會行銷八大規劃步驟」進行社會行銷?該協會如何運 用社會資源來推動社會議題與組織理念,完成組織肩負的使命與目標?
為達研究目的,本研究採質性研究,根據Kotler等人所提出的社會行銷理論 理論作為架構,並由消費者行為觀點出發,以社團法人中華淨土宗協會推廣之 社會行銷產品為例進行研究個案,訪談包含協會創辦人、住持、志工、信眾及 其他公眾,採用文獻分析法、深度訪談法及參與觀察法,進行探討研究分析。
1、Booms 和 Bitner 所提 7P 行銷理論,適合作為中華淨土宗社會行銷的策略
2、中華淨土宗協會的社會行銷,因應 7P 策略的不同,得與成本領導策略、差
4、Prochaska DiClemente & Norcross 的行為改變模式理論,也適合用來作為中

The scope of application of marketing has been nearly 50 years since the scholars Kotler and Zaltman promoted the concept of social marketing in 1971. The relevant scholars have expanded and applied social marketing to nonprofit organizations and political organizations. It is conclusive and has a considerable research foundation. Although religious organizations are also a kind of non-profit organizations, they follow traditional religious organizations with a history of more than two thousand years. At that time,there was no concept of marketing in the society,and whether is no discord between the two and whether is no place where they can not be merged. It is doubtful.
The purpose of this study is to explore whether religious (or belief) non-profit organizations, under the constraints of internal resources and external environment, can adopt the strategies and methods described by "social marketing" scholars to solve social issues. Under its religious teachings and teachings from past ancestors, did social marketing follow the "Eight Social Planning Steps" proposed by Philip Kotler, Ned Roberto, and Nancy Lee? How does the religious (or belief) non-profit organizations use social resources to promote social issues and organizations, and fulfill the mission and goals of the organization?
For the purpose of research, the quality research of this study is based on the theory of social marketing theory put forward by Kotler et al., and from the perspective of consumer behavior, taking the social marketing products promoted by the Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association as an example. In individual cases, the interviews include the founders, abbots, volunteers, believers and other members of the association. They use literature analysis, in-depth interviews, and participatory observation methods to conduct research and analysis.
Through research and analysis, the following conclusions are made:
1. The Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association can use cost leadership strategy,
differentiation strategy or goal concentration strategy together in the same social
marketing product.
2. The 7P marketing theory proposed by Booms and Bitner is suitable as a strategic
plan for the social marketing of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association.
3. The social marketing of the Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association, according
to the different 7P strategies, must be matched with the three basic strategies of cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy or goal concentration strategy, and it is easier to achieve results.The social marketing of the Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association is mainly affected by functional value in terms of consumer behavior, and is implemented in its products, prices, promotion, and personnel strategies.
4. Prochaska DiClemente & Norcross's behavior change model theory is also suitable for use as a market segment for the social marketing of the Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association.
5. The social marketing products of the Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Association mainly aim to make the target accept a ne
Table of contents第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機及目的 1
第二節 研究問題與名詞定義 2
第三節 研究背景 2
第四節 研究範圍與限制 3

第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 消費者行為 4
一、消費者動機 4
二、消費者決策 6
三、參考群體 10
第二節 宗教型非營利組織 12
一、非營利組織 12
二、宗教型非營利組織. 14
三、非營利組織的行銷 17
四、國內文獻回顧 17
第三節 社會行銷 19
一、社會行銷概念與定義 19
二、社會行銷策略組合 20
三、社會行銷規劃過程與模式 22
四、國內文獻回顧 28
第四節 淨土宗與念佛 30
一、淨土宗之「淨土」 30
二、淨土宗之「宗」 32
三、淨土宗之念佛 32
四、國內文獻回顧 83

第三章 研究設計 40
第一節 研究方法 40
第二節 研究架構 44
第三節 研究程序 45

第四章 消費者行為分析 46
第一節 消費者動機 46
第二節 消費者決策 50

第五章 社會行銷分析 55
第一節 社會行銷環境分析 55
第二節 目標市場、目標對象與競爭者 68
第三節 社會行銷策略分析 75
一、產品策略 75
二、價格策略 84
三、通路策略 89
四、推廣策略 91
五、人員策略 100
六、實體呈現策略 102
七、流程策略 104

第六章 社會行銷與淨土宗「念佛」行為之相容性 107
第一節 不求現世利益 VS 行為改變後的好處 107
第二節 反對雜行雜修 VS 學習社會行銷技巧 108
第三節 無緣不能度 VS 社會行銷策略 109

第七章 結論與建議 111
一、管理意涵 111
二、給中華淨土宗協會的建議 112
三、給後續研究建議 113

參考文獻 114
中文 114
英文 121
網路資料 124
訪談資料 126
附件 1:訪談紀錄(受訪者:甲) 126
附件 2:訪談紀錄(受訪者:乙) 131
附件 3:訪談紀錄(受訪者:丙) 134
附件 4:訪談紀錄(受訪者:丁) 137
附件 5:訪談紀錄(受訪者:戊) 143
附件 6:訪談紀錄(受訪者:己) 146
附件 7:訪談紀錄(受訪者:庚) 148
附件 8:訪談紀錄(受訪者:辛) 149
附件 9:訪談紀錄(受訪者:壬) 152
觀察資料 154
觀察筆記(一) 154
觀察筆記(二) 155
觀察筆記(三) 156
觀察筆記(四) 157
Created date2021.11.16
Modified date2023.01.17

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