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越南賦體文學中的佛教書寫研究=Research of the Buddhist elements in Vietnam Poetic exposition
Author 釋純智 (著)=Huynh Ngoc Knanh Tuyen (au.)
Publisher Url
Location嘉義市, 臺灣 [Chia-i shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year108
Keyword越南=Vietnam; 賦體文學=Fu Literature; 佛教書寫=Buddhist Writing; 漢文文學=Chinese Literature; 喃文文學=Chu Nom Literature

Buddhism was introduced to Vietnam and spread and developed in the Ding, Qianli, Li, and Chen dynasties. It was at the time when Chinese imperial examinations were popular and influenced. As a result, Vietnamese literature of Fu Style gradually emerged. At the same time, Buddhism with the literature of Fu Style also infect each other. Many Buddhist themes either directly or indirectly permeate the writing of Fu Style, and from the Chinese writing of Fu Style to the Fu Style of Vietnamese. In addition to the intuitive way in which the subject of Buddhism is directly influenced by the subject matter of Buddhism, there are also indirect ways of infiltration such as Buddhist stories, vocabulary, and allusions. The writers were monk, emperor, scribe and layman. It expresses the main content of depicting landscape nature, narrating life, expressing Dharma comprehension and yearning for the state of the Buddha. This article is based on the exploration of Vietnamese literary documents obtained from crawling and organize files.
The full text is divided into five chapters, about 250,000 words. The first chapter "Introduction" mainly explains the research purpose, scope and methods of this thesis, and reviews the related research achievements . The second chapter, "The Development and Evolution of Vietnamese Buddhist Literature," is divided into four sections, which discuss the origin of Vietnamese literature, the introduction of Chinese literature, the rising of Vietnamese literature, the development of Fu Style in Vietnam, and the background of the development of Vietnamese Buddhist Fu Style, then providing the historical and social background of the research and explanation of this theory. Chapter 3, "Buddhist Fu Works in Vietnamese Literature," is the documentary basis of this thesis and the main body of the research. It is divided into five sections, namely "Buddhist Fu during the Chen Dynasty", "Hu, Li, Mo Chao of Buddhist Fu ", "Third Section, Buddhist Fu after the Ruan Dynasty", "Author, Buddhist Fu of Unknown Age", "Vietnam Existing Chinese lost Buddhist Fu" focuses on 23 fuses about Buddhist writing in Vietnamese literature, detailed narration, proofreading, and research, and analyzes and explores the author's age and the content of the articles of Fu. Chapter 4 "Literary Features of Buddhist Writing in Vietnamese Literary Forms" is based on the text of Chapter 3. It is divided into five sections, from the use of rhyme, duality, sentence structure and other rhetorical skills, and the use of regular characters, as well as the quotations of Buddhist scriptures and vocabulary in the Fu articles. In order to analyze their literary characteristics, to summarize and summarize the characteristics of Buddhist writing in the Vietnamese literary style. Chapter 5 "Conclusions" summarizes several conclusions drawn from the research of this thesis: Firstly, from the perspective of language characteristics, ”literature of Fu Style of Chu Nom has experienced the development of different dynasties in Vietnam, and there are Chinese Fu and derivat
Table of contents第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與步驟方法 10
一、研究範圍 10
二、研究步驟方法 19
三、研究困難 19
第三節 前人相關研究成果述評 20
一、關於越南文學史研究方 21
二、關於佛教文學研究方面 23
三、關於越南文學賦體與佛教研究方面 24

第二章 越南佛教文學發展流變 25
第一節 越南文學的起源 25
一、漢文化的傳入 25
二、中國漢文學的傳入 32
三、越南文學的興起 35
第二節 越南佛教文學的興起 43
一、佛教傳入越南與發展 43
二、越南漢字佛教文學 46
三、越南喃字佛教文學 53
第三節 賦體在越南的發展 54
一、中國傳入的漢文賦作 54
二、佛教影響的中國賦作 56
三、越南賦體文學的興起 59
(一)越南漢文賦 59
(二)越南喃文賦 62
四、越南佛教賦發展背景 64
(一)越南科舉試賦影響 65
(二)越南科舉試賦範本與內容 71

第三章 越南文學中的佛教賦作品 76
第一節 陳朝時期佛教賦 76
一、陳仁宗的〈居塵樂道賦〉、〈得趣林泉成道歌〉 76
(一)陳仁宗生平事蹟 76
(二)陳仁宗著作 79
(四)〈得趣林泉成道歌〉 117
二、玄光禪師的〈詠華煙寺賦〉 126
(一)玄光禪師生平事蹟 126
(二)玄光禪師著作 128
三、慧靜禪師的〈直解指南藥性賦〉、〈南藥國語賦〉 138
(一)慧靜禪師生平事蹟 138
(二)慧靜禪師著作 138
(三)〈直解指南藥性賦〉、〈南藥國語賦〉 139
四、莫挺之的〈教子賦〉 140
(一)莫挺之生平事蹟 140
(二)莫挺之著作 141
(三)〈教子賦〉 141
第二節 胡、黎、莫潮佛教賦 151
一、阮燈〈飛來寺賦〉 151
(一)阮燈生平事蹟與著作 151
(一)真源禪師生平事蹟 163
(二)真源禪師著作 165
(三)〈禪寂賦〉 165
第三節 阮朝以後佛教賦174
(二)全日禪師著作 175
第四節 作者、年代不詳之佛教賦 199
第五節 越南現存中國失傳佛教賦 230
八、〈祈佛留奭君賦〉二篇 269

第四章 越南文學賦體中佛教書寫的文學特色 279
第一節 佛教書寫的修辭技巧─用韻 279
一、音韻 279
二、平仄 289
三、句式 301
(一)騷體與非騷體的句式 301
(二)駢賦的句式 302
(三)律賦的句式 304
(四)文賦的句式 310
四、使用連結詞語 311
(一)句中的連接語詞 311
(二)分段的轉接語詞 313
第二節 佛教書寫的修辭技巧─對偶 314
一、名對 316
二、隔句對 317
三、雙擬對 321
四、互成對 322
五、異類對 323
六、賦體對 326
八、鼎足對 326
九、排比對 327
第三節 越南佛教賦篇中的用典 328
一、越南佛教漢喃文賦之事典 329
(一)引用中國禪宗公案 329
(二)引用中國故事 333
二、越南佛教漢喃文賦之語典 335
(一)引用詩文詞語 335
(二)引用佛教名相 337
(三)衍生佛教名相 338
第四節 越南佛教賦篇中的俗字 339
一、俗字概說 339
二、越南佛教賦篇中的俗字類型 340
(一)形聲字、會意字的部件改易 341
(二)形聲字的聲符改變 342
(三)部件位置變易 343
(四)造字方法不同 343
(五)筆畫的繁簡增省 345
(六)書寫字體與筆勢的差異 347
三、借漢越音轉讀喃音 348
(一)越音轉讀喃音有「ㄑ」符號 348
(二)越音轉讀喃音無「ㄑ」符號 351
四、古越音的使用 353
五、越南佛教賦俗字書寫特色與意義 358

第五章 結論 360

參考文獻 362
附錄一:喃字構造分類圖 370
附錄二:《大越史記全書》、《歷朝憲章類誌》科舉制度表 371
附錄三:越南科舉詩賦範本 421
附錄四:越南應試詩賦集 431
Created date2021.11.18
Modified date2023.01.16

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