慈悲、禪境與詩心 ─ 以惠能《六祖壇經》為基點的考察=Compassion, Zen, and the Mind of Poetry: A Study on The Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch by Master Huineng |
Author |
曾淑華 (撰)=Tseng, Shu-hua (compose)
Date | 2020 |
Pages | 348 |
Publisher | 逢甲大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺中市, 臺灣 [Taichung shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | doctor |
Institution | 逢甲大學 |
Department | 中國文學系 |
Advisor | 廖美玉 |
Publication year | 108 |
Keyword | 壇經=Altar Sutra; 慈悲=Compassion; 詩境=Poetic State of Mind; 詩心=Sense of Poetry; 禪藝術=Zen Art |
Abstract | 本文以惠能《六祖壇經》為基點的考察,依大乘般若思想為核心,延伸並聚焦慈悲、禪境、詩心的三個面向,回歸道用日常禪境藝術風尚的探討。全文透過爬梳禪宗典籍,由禪偈、禪詩中思索詩心議題,具有真空妙有的慈悲教化,從而生發禪意、禪味、禪趣,成就多元禪藝領域。共由七章組成,各章要點如下: 第一章緒論,說明以六祖《壇經》為基點考察的動機,回顧相關學者的專業研究成果,釐析《壇經》主要版本演化的過程,經歷史淬煉中成就的樣貌,以明採用宗寶本的價值性。 第二章「惠能禪法的緣起與核心思想」,探討關於中國禪宗興起的一段因緣,依達磨一脈到五祖弘忍禪師施行《金剛經》的思想,傳授惠能大乘的般若意識,六祖秉授師教一生依大乘經典思想傳教,迴繞在般若性空與大乘慈悲本懷,生發出日用禪境詩心慈悲的特色。 第三章「慈悲:《壇經》與大乘菩薩關懷眾生之教化觀察」,惠能禪法思想依般若意識開發內心智慧,以空性為禪境,直接影響唐五代以降南宗禪一脈的發展,探討《壇經》依大乘精神對群體眾生的慈悲觀,將禪法依般若性空作關懷眾生,著重慈悲解脫眾生輪迴的心意識,兼容儒家仁愛之心,匯集不離人間的慈悲特色。 第四章「禪境:《壇經》所顯發的自性偈與人間禪境」,惠能《壇經》著重顯發自性偈,教化禪行者透過自覺功夫,轉迷成悟,開啟天真本具的自性,導人覺悟的詩偈與日常生活密切結合,展現南宗禪法人間禪境特色,依般若性空妙用現前即自見真如,著重內心清淨當下即是淨土。 第五章「詩心:《壇經》所開啟的禪詩風尚」,《壇經》示法所開啟的見性般若妙法,直接影響唐代詩僧、文人、居士詩作的禪境風尚,將日常生活中的禪悟體會寫入詩作,成為文字詩禪的妙機理趣。 第六章「人間禪境藝術:唐代禪風對當代的啟發」,探討依禪境詩心回歸自性般若,形成大乘慈悲的藝術特色,禪之慈悲人間致意如常地施行,生發禪境藝術文化,則有茶、書、香、畫、華等藝術。包括唐代禪院禪茶的詩意,禪僧與書道生命交集成就禪書的三昧意境,焚香在唐詩示現的禪境,貫休畫羅漢圖的典範,禪僧以華開悟成為公案,茶、書、香、畫、華默然無語禪境藝術,影響至今,依然蘊含有淨化療癒人心的意義。 第七章結論,除了總結各章要旨,更就論題提出進一步省思。本文遵從惠能南宗禪的思想,依大乘不二心法,即心淨土的觀念,嘗試結合思想論述與生活實踐,以禪境質樸簡淡為尚,詩心呈現真空妙有,如枯木逢雨活潑的生命意象,所生發的禪境藝術,作為無言自見真如禪機,是至今依然可行的慈悲人間禪境。
This study was intended to explore Master Huineng’s The Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch (about 1300 years ago), by taking Mahayana Prajna as the main ideas with three extended perspectives focusing on compassion, Zen and the mind of poetry. After all, the daily life arts in the way of Zen would also be the focus of the discussion. In this study, by sieving through Zen classics and literature, the author explored topics and issues from Zen verses and Zen poems, proposed a merciful way of enlightenment to learn the notion of emptiness in true reality but with a spectacular appearance. Thereby, the concept, sense and taste of Zen can be rendered and achieved by diversified Zen arts. This study consists of seven chapters. The main points of each chapter are explained in the following: The first chapter is the introduction. It explains the motivation for investigating The Altar Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, reviews the related research studies, and analyzes the main evolution of the versions of the sutra, as well as the alleviated achievements in human history. According to this research, one can recognize the importance of the Zongbao version of this sutra. The second chapter is entitled as "The Origin and Main Ideas of Master Huineng on Zen". It explores a situation with possible reasons of the rise of Zen in ancient China. In the very beginning, it was based on the concepts of the Diamond Sutra and the teachings of patriarchs from the first to the fifth, i.e. from Master Bodhidharma to Master Hongren. Then, the notions of Mahayana Prajna summarized down to the sixth patriarch, Master Huineng. Master Huineng devoted to Buddhism in his whole life on the basis of Mahayana classics and the series teaching from the old patriarchs. According to the nature of compassion around Mahayana mercy and Prajna true empty, we can find the benevolent and compassionate characteristics of Zen state of the mind in daily life. Chapter three is entitled "Compassion: the observation of enlightening living beings by ‘Altar Sutra’ and Mahayana Bodhisattvas". The notions of Zen proposed by Master Huineng would help human beings to develop profound wisdoms by Prajna, to take the nature of emptiness as the Zen state of the mind. This notion gave directly impacts on the development of the Southern Zen sect from Tang and Five Dynasties around 1300 years ago till now. In this chapter, the author discusses the concept of compassion in the sutra based on Mahayana on sentient beings, proposes the Zen teachings which take care of the sentient beings according to Prajna, and emphasizes the compassion and liberation of sentient beings from reincarnation. In addition, the notions of Confucian benevolence is also included to show a special feature of Buddhism which is inseparable from human beings and the world. Chapter four is entitled "Zen State: the Self-Nature Verses and Zen State of the Mind Derived from the ‘Altar Sutra’ |
Hits | 298 |
Created date | 2021.11.19 |
Modified date | 2023.01.17 |
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