試析蕅益智旭之《教觀綱宗》=A Study of Ouyi Zhixu’s The Essence of Teaching and Meditation (Jiaoguan Gangzong 教觀綱宗) |
Author |
陳穎萱 (撰)=釋知光 (compose)
Date | 2019 |
Pages | 119 |
Publisher | 南華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 釋永本、釋覺明 |
Publication year | 107 |
Keyword | 教觀綱宗=Jiaoguan Gangzong; 蕅益智旭=Ouyi Zhixu; 天台教觀=Tiantai philosophy of jiao (doctrine) and guan (practice); 五時八教=Five periods and eight teachings; 化法四教=Four Types of Transformative Teachings |
Abstract | 綜觀中國佛教的發展,天台教觀思想占有其重要地位,自隋代以降,對於天台典籍思想,各個朝代皆有對其演譯及詮釋,明代時,蕅益智旭所著《教觀綱宗》更是對天台整體基礎架構作一番終結性的梳理。透過本書可明瞭蕅益智旭對天台義理的掌握,尤其在書名上便已點出「教觀」二字為其重點。因此本研究將就《教觀綱宗》一書探討蕅益智旭的教觀思想,以及本書與天台教觀思想之異同點。從中了解,蕅益智旭在《教觀綱宗》一書中欲留給世人的修行觀念、此書的價值及實踐性。透過本研究,發現智旭為回應時代問題以及個人教觀思想,對於天台思想的主張趨向於智顗的闡述,但也提出自己對於天台的補充,如化法四教中藏通別三教觀法教義的完備。《教觀綱宗》全文體現的重點在於「教不離觀,觀不離教」,因此能否運用為其最重要的價值。尤以做為天台教學入門的指南,本書提供一套次第嚴謹且結構完整的參考模式,若能以此書的脈絡作為研習天台思想的參考書,則對於龐大的天台思想將不易有不知下手處之過患。
The Tiantai philosophy of jiao (doctrine) and guan (practice) has an important place in the development of Chinese Buddhism. Since Sui Dynasty, every period has its own interpretation and commentary on the philosophy of Tiantai texts. In Ming Dynasty, Jiaoguan Gangzong by Ouyi Zhixu was the ultimate organization of the fundamental structure of Tiantai. Jiaoguan Gangzong is a clear presentation on Ouyi Zhixu’s understanding of Tiantai philosophy, especially the two ideas of doctrine and practice as stated on the book’s title. This thesis examines Ouyi Zhixu’s philosophy of doctrine and practice through his book, Jiaoguan Gangzong, as well as compare and contrast the ideology of doctrine and practice of Ouyi Zhixu with Tiantai philosophy to understand the concepts of practice that he delivers, and the value and practicality of this book. Close examination found that in Zhixu’s answers to current problems, his personal thoughts on doctrine and practice, and his Tiantai philosophy is similar to that of Zhiyi. Zhixu also added his personal interpretation of Tiantai, such as further explanation of three of the Four Types of Transformative Teachings: Tripitaka, shared, and distinct. The focus of Jiaoguan Gangzong is that both doctrine and practice are interconnected, and its value can only be fully maximized if one could practice it. The book also provides a careful and well-planned structure as a guideline to Tiantai teachings. If one could study Tiantai by following the structure of the book, then one will not be lost in the complex philosophy of Tiantai. |
Table of contents | 中文摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 表目錄 V 第一章 緒論 1 第一節研究動機及研究目的1 第二節研究方法2 第三節文獻回顧3 第四節論文架構8 第二章 研究背景及智顗教觀概述 9 第一節研究背景9 第二節智顗教觀略述12 第三章 蕅益智旭天台思想綜述 14 第一節作者生平略述14 第二節蕅益智旭思想概說19 一、實踐觀行19 二、相關著作與思想22 第三節《教觀綱宗》總概述28 一、《教觀綱宗》釋題29 二、結構大綱29 三、《教觀綱宗釋義》內容30 第四章 蕅益智旭教法及觀法 32 第一節教法32 一、五時32 二、化儀四教44 三、化法四教45 第二節觀法71 一、總說四教之六即71 二、四教之十法成乘97 第五章 蕅益智旭教觀在天台宗之貢獻 109 第一節通五時109 第二節《教觀綱宗》的教與觀110 第三節三慈體相112 第六章 結論 115 參考書目 117 一、經典117 二、專書118 三、期刊論文119 表目錄 表1:南三北七判教內容表11 表2:持咒統計表20 表3:著作列表23 表4:《釋義》與《教觀綱宗》內容對應表31 表5:五時與四教關係表33 表6:七種二諦表60 表7:二諦三諦類別表69 表8:四教二諦三諦內容分述表69 表9:四教教義分類表70 表10:五停心觀修分類表79 表11:藏教十乘觀法—《教觀綱宗》與《法華玄義》及《天台八教大意》比較表99 表12:通教十乘觀法—《教觀綱宗》與《法華玄義》及《天台八教大意》比較表101 表13:別教十乘觀法—《教觀綱宗》與《法華玄義》及《天台八教大意》比較表102 表14:圓教十乘觀法—《教觀綱宗》與《摩訶止觀》及《天台八教大意》比較表104 表15:三慈體相內容分類表113 |
Hits | 310 |
Created date | 2021.11.24 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |
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