論「星雲模式」的菩薩行證-以佛陀紀念館為例=Bodhisattva's Practice and Realization in the Mode of Venerable Master Hsing Yun: A Case Study of the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center |
Author |
鄭瑋瑄 (撰)=Cheng, Wei-hsuan (compose)
Date | 2016 |
Pages | 152 |
Publisher | 南華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 南華大學 |
Department | 宗教學研究所 |
Advisor | 蔡麗華、何建興 |
Publication year | 104 |
Keyword | 星雲模式=the Hsing Yun Model; 菩薩行證=a bodhisattva practice and realization; 三好=Three Acts of Goodness; 四給=Four Givings; 五和=Five Harmonies |
Abstract | 佛陀紀念館(以下簡稱佛館)於2011年12月25日開館後,陸續榮獲「國家建築金獎」、「台灣宗教百景」、「國際博物館協會(簡稱ICOM)認證」及「中國最佳歷史文化旅遊項目奬」等,更創下每年有一千萬的參觀人次,而星雲大師的「弘化模式」,成為建構組織的核心價值。 本文以「星雲模式」為導向,探究人間菩薩體證佛館的菩薩行,此展現「模式內涵」係三大操作方式:管理(領管智慧)方式、說法(建築施設)方式、做事(活動設計)方式,也是「星雲模式」的主旨所在。而「菩薩行證」統攝菩薩道修行的指標,更內涵「人間菩薩」的修學內涵,故「實證內涵」,含攝「星雲模式」弘化特色,導引出「大乘思想,修證不二,行動證道,建設淨土」,即「菩薩行證」。因此,「模式」展現營運方式,「行證」踐行精神理念,可從三大面向研析: 第一、管理(領管智慧)方式:佛館展現集體智慧,以「制度領導」和「分權管理」為功能性導向。依循領導者「自覺管理」,管理者「管理模式」,讓佛館推動佛光山走向「融合」、「共享」、「齊心」的管理原則,並實踐「三好」、「四給」,乃至「五和」的核心價值之展現。因此,領導者(人)「自覺」與管理者(事)「行佛」,展現「圓融無礙」,再透過「給」而歡喜人間,也帶來社會影響:一、入館免費;二、發展交通首航,「博物館休閒」融入生活;第三、搭建國際往來橋樑,邁向全球化發展。 第二、說法(建築施設)方式:透過硬體建築為說法的基底,以「歡喜入門,接引度眾」入館。從禮敬大廳,多元的餐飲文化、方便的親民服務,到歡喜的紀念飾品,廣開方便法門,攝化眾生入館,繼而施設出一座佛陀教室,體證人間佛教以人本為主的思想,開展「慈悲觀」與「平等觀」的「同體共生」在人間。同時,創造普世價值,是為「三好運動」。 第三、做事(活動設計)方式:館內舉辦軟體活動為精神指標,以「弘化多元,廣度接受」參與,此設計「國際性」的多元活動,踐行「以人為本」,成就弘法效益:一、動靜展演,傳承中華文化,共享人類記憶;二、教育推廣,提昇生命價值,實踐人間佛教;三、神明聯誼,展現宗教融和,見證天下一家親。 透過活動設計,不分彼此,發展國際化、全球化,再透過建築施設,傳遞佛陀教法,可以說活動與建築是相輔相成,成就「星雲模式」,而「菩薩行證」所展現佛館六大的模式,是傳承、融和、創新、專業、教育、交流,此踐行「星雲模式」說法給人「懂」、做事給人「接受、方便、歡喜」方式。為此,本文以「文獻學研究法」、「思想研究法」為主,「經證」及「館方數據」為輔,舉事證理,展現「菩薩行證」,踐行「星雲模式」,而成為「教化眾生」的學習典範。
Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center (hereinafter referred to as BMC) was opened on the 25th December 2011 and has won series of awards and recognitions including the "National Building Golden Award", "Best Historical and Cultural Theme Tourism Project Award" as well as being listed in “Top Hundred Religious Spots in Taiwan” and certified as a member of the International Council of Museum (ICOM). Furthermore, BMC hit a record of over a million visitors every year. Underlying all these, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s model of dharma propagation constitutes the core value of the entire organization. This paper discusses a bodhisattva’s practice and realization in the Hsing Yun Model, which is exemplified by three aspects of BMC: management, dharma propagation and operation. The analysis demonstrates that a bodhisattva’s practice and realization reflects the characteristics of the Hsing Yun model, which is to practice Mahayana’s non-duality and construct humanistic pure land. Hence, BMC’s operational approaches reflect the Hsing Yun Model and convey the spiritual meaning of a bodhisattva’s practice, which can be analyzed from three perspectives: Firstly, management approaches with leadership wisdom: BMC elucidates collective wisdom through standardization and decentralized management. BMC leadership using self-awareness management promotes harmony, co-ownership and teamwork, and practices the core values of Three Acts of Goodness, Four Givings and Five Harmonies, which can be illustrated by: 1) free admission to BMC; 2) pioneering in transportation development as well as integrating “museum recreation” into daily life; 3) bridging international exchanges and global development. Secondly, dharma propagation via architecture and facilities: general public are well received upon entering BMC’s architecture. At the Front Hall, diversified food stores, convenience services, various souvenirs and so on open various dharma gates for people to enter the Buddha’s teaching room. The public gets to experience the teachings of human-focused Humanistic Buddhism, such as compassion, equality, and the Three Acts of Goodness. Thirdly, operational approach via event planning: BMC organizes activities and exhibits in accordance with the principles of diversified propagation, wide acceptance, internationalization and people-oriented. These events aim to achieve: 1) inheriting traditional Chinese culture and co-owning human memory through dynamic and static performances; 2) enhancing life value and actualizing Humanistic Buddhism via educational promotion; 3) the demonstration of religious harmony via the Reunion of world Religious Associations. BMC satisfies the Hsing Yun Model via events planning and the internationalization as well as the architecture. A bodhisattva’s practice and realization has been demonstrated by BMC’s six aspects: heritage, harmony, inn |
Table of contents | 中文摘要 i Abstract iii 目次 v 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 文獻探討 2 第三節 研究方法 8 第四節 全文架構 9 第二章 主題釋義 12 第一節 星雲模式 12 第二節 菩薩行證 21 第三節 小結 30 第三章 從「菩薩行證」看佛館建館緣由與目的 32 第一節 佛館建館的緣由 32 第二節 佛館建館的目的 43 第三節 小結 53 第四章 「菩薩行證」在佛館的展現 55 第一節 從「皆大歡喜」看「領管智慧」的功能性 55 第二節 從「同體共生」看「建築施設」的人間性 72 第三節 從「以人為本」看「活動設計」的國際性 96 第五章 結論 117 第一節 全文回顧 117 第二節 研究成果 121 參考書目 126 附錄 146 【附表1】從佛館「建築、活動、領管」看「教化眾生、教育人心」意涵表 146 【附表2】領導與管理分析表 148 【附表3】佛館「不收門票」回響分析表 149 【附表4】從「慈悲觀」分析星雲大師的「慈悲心行」意涵表 150 【附表5】「三好運動」推展至政治家、教育家的事件表 152 |
Hits | 252 |
Created date | 2021.11.25 |
Modified date | 2023.01.09 |
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