菩薩六度於服務學習的意義之研究=On the Significance of the Bodhisattva’s Perfections in the Service-learning |
Author |
常雅涵 (著)=Chang, Ya-Han (au.)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 1 - 98 |
Publisher | 法鼓文理學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 法鼓文理學院 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 辜琮瑜 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 菩薩精神=Spirit of Mahayana Bodhisattva; 波羅蜜多=Pā ramitā; 服務學習=Service-learning; 反思=reflection; 助人行為=prosocial behavior |
Abstract | 真正的學習是取自生活的經驗,經由互動與反思的過程認識世界,了解同一事件的不同面向,從中也釐清自己的想法與狀態。 本文焦點,主要是從佛教菩薩精神的角度來審視服務學習的效果,反思目前服務學習幾個重要的理論;論述的方法,著重在檢視佛教菩薩道的理論與實踐如何彌補服務學習作為一重要的教育法可能的缺陷。也就是說,本文旨在開顯大乘佛教的「菩薩精神」,其修學關鍵和意義,是如何補足「服務學習」理論落實的困境。透過釐清菩薩道之各種行持意涵與精神,解決修學菩薩道行者於實踐過程中,修行與行善分離之問題;從這個研究目的出發,本文將審視「服務學習」的社會科學理論,探索相關之菩薩道修行精神與觀念,探究服務學習內涵如何能因菩薩精神而更加圓滿完善,以提供對當今社會一項具體的生命反思及論證。雖然本文聚焦在服務學習檢視,但是本文也可以擴展到佛教志工的服務,作為提升志工服務的精神層面與利他意義的參考。最後筆者也希望透過研究,彰顯佛教教理與修行的社會教育意義。 菩薩行者以菩提心為基石,作為理念與行持精神之開展,除得以具足大誓願,心不可動,精進不退三大條件外,更能透過修學六度之各項德目,作為修心調身的同時,也提升品格發展的內涵,並引導周遭眾生一起趨向善道。著重個人體驗、實踐與省思的經驗式「服務學習」,其理念落實不徹底,出自「連結」與「反思」的概念應用在實作精神的建立較弱。菩薩精神可作為實踐角度的調行練心之參照,不只提升個人品性,過程也在自利與利他的同時,完善自身的修行和救渡眾生的願行。基於「菩薩精神」展現實踐性、多元性、獨特性富含相容性的特質,適應於各種文化背景,正是大乘佛教之菩薩道得以兼具傳承與革新特色的真正展現。
True learning comes from life experience。We learn about our world through the process of interaction with and reflection on it. We would attain a clearer state of mind when things are viewed through broader and different perspectives. This thesis focuses mainly on the effect of service learning and examines some important theories of the service learning in Taiwan from the perspective of the spirit of Bodhisattva. In other words, this thesis attempts to see how both theoretical and practical advantages of Mahayana Bodhisattva Path could complement service learning in terms of learning effects and the educational meaning. The thesis aims to show how the practice and the true meaning from “Spirit of Bodhisattva” within the Mahayana Buddhism complements the implementation theory on “Service-Learning”. It also clarifies different various practices from the practice of Bodhisattva way, and addresses the issue of separating religion practice from doing the good deeds; From this research, the thesis provides a concrete reflection and demonstration of life in today''s society, exploring the relate of spirit and concept by the way of Bodhisattva practice, looking at the social science theory of “Service-Learning”, and investigating on how the spirit of Bodhisattva can support service-learning for one would feel enriched internally and becomes more well rounded. Although this thesis focuses on service learning, it also extends its focus to the service of Buddhist volunteers due to the reference spiritually as well as altruistic meaning of the volunteer service. Finally, through this study, I’d like to address the social education significance of the Buddhist teaching and practice. A Bodhisattva carries himself based on the bodhicitta. Not only would he pledge the great vow with an unperturbable mind, he would also cultivate himself through practicing the Six Perfections and help the others to lead a wholesome life. On the other hand, the “service learning” emphasizes personal experiences in practicing and reflecting on “service” rather than transcendental and altruistic ideals. Therefore, the connection between those ideals and actual behaviors is week. In my view, the ideal of a bodhisattva could strengthen the altruistic values in service learning and enhance the connection between “intension” and “behavior”. Based on bodhisattva ideal, the “service learning” program not only benefit one’s spiritual cultivation but also help others to cultivate their minds. Moreover, bodhisattva ideal and practices are transcultural in nature, they are practical, accommodating, and pluralistic adapting to diverse cultures and religions, therefore, provide an rich and important supplements to “service learning” program. |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 文獻回顧 3 第三節 研究方法與範圍 5 第二章 「服務學習」特色及宗旨 6 第一節 服務學習之性質 6 一、服務學習之概念 6 二、「服務」與「學習」之重要性 7 三、服務學習之類型 9 第二節 構成服務學習發展之因素 12 一、行為 12 二、利他 14 三、社會行為 16 四、集體行為 17 第三節 服務學習課程落實之探討 18 一、服務學習課程之成效 19 二、服務學習課程劣弱之困境 25 第三章 菩薩精神之開展與落實 27 第一節 菩薩精神之內涵 27 一、發菩提心 30 二、菩薩與菩提心 32 第二節 菩薩行精神 36 一、六波羅蜜 36 (一)布施波羅蜜 37 (二)持戒波羅蜜 40 (三)忍辱波羅蜜 43 (四)精進波羅蜜 47 (五)禪定波羅蜜 49 (六)般若波羅蜜 51 二、發菩提心的困難 53 第三節 菩薩精神與行持之內涵 58 第四節 融通菩薩行持精神之助人行為 65 第四章 「菩薩精神」於「服務學習」之運用 72 第一節 菩薩修行對「服務學習」之意義 72 一、菩薩精神融入「服務學習」之成效 72 二、菩薩行提供不同之參照視野 79 第二節 六度對服務學習的意義 82 一、貫穿菩薩行要點的般若 82 二、人天善法至菩薩道的心境「轉化」84 第五章 結論 89 參考文獻 94 一、北傳藏經(依經筆畫排序)94 二、書籍 95 三、期刊、論文(依作者姓氏筆畫排序)96 四、網路與數位資源 97 |
Hits | 272 |
Created date | 2022.06.10 |
Modified date | 2023.01.07 |
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