蘭陽地區觀音信仰之研究-以頭城鎮為例=The Study of the Belief of Avalokitesvara in Yilan-A Case Study of Toucheng Township in Taiwan |
Author |
李孟真 (著)=Lee, Meng-chen (au.)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 1 - 134 |
Publisher | 佛光大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 佛光大學 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 釋永東 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 宜蘭=Yilan; 頭城=Taucheng; 觀音佛祖=Avalokitesvara Buddha; 石觀音=Stone Avalokitesvara; 觀音信仰=the belief of Avalokitesvara |
Abstract | 本文主要以頭城鎮的觀音信仰為核心,由頭城鎮的開發、觀音信仰的創建與沿革為主要切入點,參考與頭城地區開發的相關之各種地方誌書、文獻、專書、報章雜誌、期刊論文、寺廟出版品等等,並採用半結構式訪談法,來進行田野調查,透過地方耆老與廟方人員口述等交互比對,來探討頭城地區的發展、觀音信仰的演變、以了解觀音信仰與頭城地區發展的關係。 在蘭陽地區的開發過程中,頭城鎮是漢人移民首先開拓與建立的地區,水、路交通的門戶進出都是在頭城,貨物的買賣交易亦是。因此,頭城成為交通與商業的重鎮,自吳沙率三籍移民入墾以來,至今已有兩百多年的歷史,開發過程中遭逢天災人禍不斷,面對現實的無奈與不安,人民只能求助於宗教的力量,觀音信仰因而於頭城地區出現。而移民社會所形成的信仰,使宜蘭發展出多種不同種族融合的移民信仰,而其中在臺灣的觀音信仰,主要是生活在異鄉的漢人,為了尋求心靈上的慰藉,發展出不同於佛教的信仰模式。日治時期,隨著日人的移入,也帶入另一種石觀音信仰。以及臺灣光復後大批閩粵僧侶來臺,同時帶入正統佛教的佛理與教義,開創了佛教的新面貌。但信仰方式及形態卻不盡相同,三者要如何在宜蘭地區發展並互相影響,是非常值得深入探討的。 觀音信仰在台灣是一個極為普遍的信仰對象,在大大小小的寺廟中,幾乎可以見到觀音菩薩的身影,從民間所流傳著的「戶戶彌陀佛,家家觀世音」這句話即可看出,信仰觀世音菩薩的信眾有多麼的普遍。依據《妙法蓮華經•觀世音菩薩普門品》中所言的「一心稱念即可得救」,似乎只要稱念觀世音菩薩的名號,所有的一切苦難都會被驅逐,進而使祈求者得償所願。
The core subject of this essay is mainly the belief of Avalokitesvara in the township of Taucheng. The main starting points are the development of the township and the beginning and history of the belief of Avalokitesvara; reference was made of the various local annals and records, literature, feature books, newspapers and magazines, essays in periodicals, and temple publications. Further, field studies were conducted employing semi-structured interviews; by checking the verbal recollections of local elders against those of temple staff, the development of the Taucheng area and the evolution of the belief of Avalokitesvara are examined, so as to understand the relations between the belief of Avalokitesvara and the development of the Taucheng area. In the development of the Yilan area, Taucheng Township was the first to be settled by Han immigrants, and it was the entry and exit point of both water and land transport as well as a trading port. Taucheng therefore became an important centre of communication and business. Since Wu Sha led the immigrants of the three counties to settle there over two hundred years ago, there have been numerous disasters, both natural and man-made; and in the face of life’s helplessness and uneasiness, people could only seek solace in religion, and thus came the belief of Avalokitesvara in Taucheng area. The system of belief arisen in the immigrants’ community brought about the emergence of different sects of immigrant belief that was the result of racial amalgamation. Among the various sects of belief, the belief of Avalokitesvara, being the result of displaced Han people in Taiwan seeking spiritual comfort, has risen as a mode of belief that is difference from the Buddhist religion. During the Japanese occupation, Japanese immigrants to Taiwan brought with them the belief of Stone Avalokitesvara. Following the restitution of Taiwan, large numbers of monks came to Taiwan from Fujian and Guangdong, bringing with them orthodox Buddhist belief and doctrines, a new look of Buddhism appeared. However, there still exist different modes of belief. How the three systems of belief developed and in the mean time influenced each other is a subject very much worth in-depth study. Avalokitesvara is an extremely common deity worshipped in Taiwan; the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is always present in temples of all sizes. From the common saying of “Amitoba in every home and Avalokitesvara every household”, it can be seen how common is the belief of Avalokitesvara. In the Chapter of the Universal Door of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara in the Lotus Sutra, there is the provision that “sincere chanting (of the name of Avalokitesvara) will bring salvation”; it seems that every hardship and suffering will be cast away by chanting the name of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, and all wishes granted. |
Table of contents | 摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 第 一 章: 諸論 1 第一節: 研究動機與目的 2 一: 研究動機 3 二: 研究目的 5 三: 時間與空間界定 5 四: 研究方法與流程 6 五: 研究限制 9 第二節: 文獻回顧 9 一: 專書 10 二: 學位論文: 14 三: 期刊論文: 16 四: 其他相關資料 25 第 二 章: 頭城地理環境與歷史變遷 27 第一節: 頭城地理環境 27 一: 地理位置 27 二: 氣候 28 三: 河川 31 第二節: 頭城土地拓墾的歷史脈絡 35 一: 漢人移墾前的頭城 35 二: 漢人的移墾 40 三: 漢人聚落的建立 44 第 三 章: 頭城地區觀音信仰的發展 47 第一節: 佛教的傳入 47 一: 明清時期 48 二: 日治時期 50 三: 戰後時期 57 第二節: 蘭地觀音信仰的發展 59 一: 觀音信仰的形成 60 二: 觀音信仰的演變 63 第三節: 齋教的發展 69 一: 龍華教 71 二: 先天教 77 三: 金幢教 79 第 四 章: 頭城地區觀音信仰的廟宇 82 第一節: 佛教的觀音信仰 84 一: 新建里開成寺(佛祖廟) 85 二: 大里里龍山巖石觀音寺 92 三: 金盈里金威廟 96 四: 龜山里普陀巖 99 第二節: 齋教的觀音信仰 101 一: 福成里蓮光寺(原靜養堂) 103 第三節: 其他 107 第 五 章: 結論 108 參考書目 111 一: 原典 111 二: 專書 111 三: 論文 116 四: 網站 119 五: 小冊子 121 六: 剪報 121 |
Hits | 310 |
Created date | 2022.06.10 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |
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