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遼代中國北方禪宗源流考釋:以石刻資料為中心=An Epigraphical Study of the Development of the ChanSchool in Northern China during the Liao Dynasty
Author 龔軼 (著)=Gong, Yi (au.)
Pages1 - 111
Publisher Url
Location宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year105
Keyword禪宗=Chan Buddhism; 遼代=Liao Dianasty; 華嚴禪=Huayan Chan; 契丹=Qidan; 石刻=Stone Inscription

The Chan Buddhism mixed intensively with the other schools during Liao Dynasty, which brought about the wide spreading of Chan incorporating the thoughts of Huayan Chan. The origination of this trend can be traced back to Yanyun 16 States at the period of late Tang Dynasty and Wudai. At the late Liao Dynasty, the Yunmen school, the successor of Huayan Chan entered the field of Liao, and once thrived at the time. As their tradition, the governor of Liao, Qidan believe Shamanism and accordingly they are in favor of Tantric Buddhism. Because of the longtime of cultural fusion, the You and Yun two states turned to be the place, where the practice of Chan modified by the tantric Buddhism and Huayan came to its heyday. Despite the recognized fact that the Liao governor prohibited the spreading of Chan, the remained local stone inscriptions show that the lineage and the practice of Chan still existed at that time. As the matter of fact, the Liao governor did not indiscriminately suppress all sections of Chan, they just wanted to eliminate the freewill practice of Chan which was not in accordance with the Buddhist teaching. In general, compared with the other Buddhist schools, such as Tantric Buddhism and Huayan, Chan in Liao Dynasty was so week that it had to depend on Teaching School for the further development, despite its limited growth at the area of Yanjin. The impetus for the fusion of different Buddhist schools came from the ethnic fusion of culture. The section of Chan mixed with the other Buddhist schools may not be taken as the orthodoxy at the later time and will not appear in the historic record, nevertheless the trend of fusion between Chan and Teaching School as always continued and imposed a significant impact on the followers.
Table of contents摘要 I
鳴謝 III
目錄 IV
圖表目錄 VII
表格目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機 1
一、遼代北方禪宗傳播之特殊性 2
二、藏外資料發現與整理之價值 3
三、釐清遼代北方地區禪宗的傳承形態 4
第二節 文獻回顧 5
一、藏外古籍 5
二、綜述索引 6
三、當代著述 7
第三節 研究方法與範圍 9
第四節 章節介紹 11
第二章 遼代禪宗相關石刻史料綜述 13
第一節 遼代焚經之史料辨析 14
一、遼代焚經記敘 14
二、禪宗經典被焚年代考辯 15
三、遼代焚經事件史料之疑點 18
第二節 遼代禪宗相關石刻文獻之內容 21
一、禪師塔銘,碑記、幢記 21
二、禪宗相關寺記碑 28
第三節 石刻文字所現遼代禪宗之特徵 32
一、禪與其他宗派思想融合 33
二、法嗣傳承宗派不顯 34
三、曹洞和法眼存於遼初期與后期 35
第三章 遼代禪宗傳播之地理分佈 37
第一節 遼禪宗相關寺院分佈概述 37
一、遼五京以禪為名寺院之分佈 37
二、遼五京禪宗、禪法所存寺院之分佈 38
第二節 遼南京之禪宗傳播 41
一、燕京城內 42
二、房山雲居寺 44
三、昌平銀山寶嚴寺 45
四、門頭溝 46
五、薊州盤山 50
第三節 遼西京之禪蹤 53
一、 金河寺 53
二、 華嚴寺 54
第四節 遼東京、上京、中京 55
一、 中京靈岩寺 55
二、 上京開龍寺 56
第四章 遼代北方禪宗思想源流 58
第一節 唐和五代的華嚴禪思想 58
一、 華嚴禪思想之發端 58
二、 華嚴禪之創立 60
三、 五代華嚴禪之傳承 63
第二節 遼代「教禪一致」思想的沿革 66
一、 鮮演於華嚴禪之繼承 66
二、 道㲀「顯密圓通」思想 71
第三節 法眼宗禪脈入遼 75
一、 法眼玄孫一門 75
二、 高麗國師傳法眼 78
第四節 禪宗與諸宗之雜糅 80
一、 唐和五代禪寺於遼轉為講寺 80
二、 遼禪師之宗派認同 81
第五章 遼代禪宗源流形成及其影響 84
第一節 遼代禪宗源流形成 84
一、 唐和五代禪宗在幽州的保留 85
二、 漢民族與契丹之宗教融合 86
第二節 金和元北方禪宗之復興 87
一、 金和元燕雲地區的禪寺 88
二、 金和元曹洞、臨濟之復興 90
第三節 元代「籍教入禪」政策 91
一、 「禪教庭辯」抑制禪門 91
二、 「抑禪崇教」之誤讀 92
第六章 結論 94
參考資料 96
佛教典籍和古籍 96
中日文專書和論文 97
西文專書和論文 100
Created date2022.06.10
Modified date2023.01.06

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