越文《般若波羅蜜多心經》譯本之研究 --- 依唐三藏法師玄奘譯本為主=A Comparative Study of Different Vietnamese Translations of the Heart Sūtra – Based on the Translation by the Tripitaka Master Xuan Zang of the Tang Dynasty |
Author |
阮氏玉艷 (著)=NGUYEN, THI-NGOC-DIEM (au.)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 1 - 100 |
Publisher | 佛光大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 佛光大學 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 釋永東 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 心經=Heart Sūtra; 清慈=Thich Thanh Tu; 一行=Thich Nhat Hanh; 譯本=Translation; 越南=Vietnam |
Abstract | 越南佛教寺院的早、晚課誦和佛事儀軌中,普遍會納入《般若波羅蜜多心經》的念誦,甚至於有許多的佛教徒都能夠琅琅上口背誦出來,但是他們所背誦的,卻只是音譯的漢越譯本,是誦念時的一種傳承,念誦者沒辦法完全了知經文的義理。到了十九世紀,羅馬白話越南文出現之後,即是現代的語言,就出現各種不同越南《般若波羅蜜多心經》譯本,而譯本彼此之間所表達的佛教義理差異性如何?這是非常值得比較與探討的,這是能夠提供給現代越南人,以越南話誦念時的版本,念誦之際就可以一目了然。因此本論文將以《般若波羅蜜多心經》之漢 - 越對照為研究主題,以《般若波羅蜜多心經》為主,進行譯本之比對。 初步考察目前有十多種越南文版本《般若波羅蜜多心經》,他們都依據漢文的玄奘本作底本來翻譯。雖然他們都是採用漢譯的玄奘本為翻譯底本,但是有些地方的文字表達方式及其詮釋是不同的,因為不同的學理與佛教思想背景的差異,會影響到翻譯時的詞語、用字及行文鋪排的風格,而目前在越南較為普遍流通的是一行法師及清慈法師的譯本,在翻譯方面兩位也是博學多聞及造詣深厚之高僧大德。本論文以漢文玄奘本與這兩位越南禪師的《般若波羅蜜多心經》翻譯來進行比對。 本論文研究重點有如下四項:一、考據《心經》;二、兩位越南翻譯者之生平事跡。三、《般若波羅蜜多心經》之比對與探討。四、兩本《般若波羅蜜多心經》的實踐價值。
At the morning and evening chanting sessions as well as Buddhist ceremonies in Buddhist establishments in Vietnam, the Heart Sūtra is generally included. Although many Buddhists there chant the sūtra, they are only chanting a transliteration of the Chinese version of the Sūtra. As this chanting is generally considered a tradition, practicing may have no way to understand and appreciate its full meaning. Following the introduction of the Romanized vernacular Vietnamese (writing), that is, the modern (written) language of Vietnam in the 19th Century, there appeared various translations of the Heart Sūtra. The differences in interpretation of the Buddhist ideas as embodied in the various translations are worth comparison and study. The results of such comparison and study will give Vietnamese of modern time a clear idea of the Heart Sūtra when it is chanted in Vietnamese. Therefore the main theme of this study is to compare the Chinese translation of the Heart Sūtra with its Vietnamese counterparts. This study initially scrutinized over 10 Vietnamese translations of the Heart Sūtra, all of them based on Xuan Zang’s original rendering. While all use Xuan Zang’s translation as the source, there appeared many differences in expression and interpretation. This was due to the diverse backgrounds of various schools Buddhist study which thus resulted in the discrepancies in the use of language, choice of words and styles of presentation. Nowadays, the more popular versions of the Heart Sūtra in Vietnam are those translated by the Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh and Ven. Thich Thanh Tu, both are eminent members of the Buddhist clergy, very learned and well-versed in translation. This thesis focuses on the comparison of the Chinese translation of the Heart Sūtra by Xuan Zang and those prepared by the two Vietnamese Chan masters. The thesis covers the 4 major items of study: 1. The Heart Sūtra research; 2. the lives of the two Vietnamese translators; 3. the comparison and study of the different (translations of) the Heart Sūtra; 4. the practical value of the two versions of the Heart Sūtra. |
Table of contents | 摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iv 目錄 vi 第 一 章: 緒論 1 第一節: 研究動機與目的 2 第二節: 文獻回顧 4 第三節: 研究方法、範圍 10 第四節: 困難與解決 10 第五節: 論文架構與說明 11 第 二 章: 《心經》從漢譯到越譯 17 第一節: 漢譯版本考據 17 第二節: 五部經文的差異 22 第三節: 清慈法師生平事略 25 第四節: 一行禪師生平事略 29 第 三 章: 漢越《心經》譯本對照 36 第一節: 《心經》蘊與空不二原理:從「觀自在菩薩」… … 到「亦復如是」譯文對讀。 37 第二節: 透過哲學理論證明《心經》蘊與空不二原理:從「舍利子,是諸法空相」…… 到「無知,亦無得」。譯文對讀。 45 第三節: 誦持《心經》在現實生活獲得實利:從「以無所得故」…… 到「三藐三菩提」譯文對讀。 52 第四節: 讚歎《心經》的功德力:從「故知般若」…… 到「菩提薩婆訶」譯文對讀。 56 第五節: 小結 60 第 四 章: 兩本越譯《心經》的實踐價值 62 第一節: 緣起與無我的教理在《心經》所顯現 62 一: 緣起法在《心經》所顯現 64 二: 無我說在《心經》中的顯現 66 第二節: 無常與性空的教理在《心經》所顯現 67 一: 無常法在《心經》的顯現 67 二: 性空在《心經》的顯現 68 第三節: 《心經》與人類社會的關係 69 一: 以《心經》修行的方式 70 二: 落實在生活中 71 第 五 章: 結語 74 附錄 77 參考書目 87 佛教原典和古籍 87 專書 87 期刊和論文 89 工具書 89 網路資料 90
Hits | 367 |
Created date | 2022.06.10 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |
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