持名念佛與身心靈療癒之研究=A Study on Buddha Recitation and Healing with Body, Mind and Spirit |
Author |
謝侑芯 (著)=Hsien, Yu-hsin (au.)
Date | 2021 |
Pages | 130 |
Publisher | 國立臺北護理健康大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立臺北護理健康大學 |
Department | 生死與健康心理諮商研究所 |
Advisor | 陳錫琦、曾煥棠 |
Publication year | 109 |
Keyword | 持名念佛=Buddha Recitation; 身心靈=Body, Mind and Spirit; 療癒=Healing |
Abstract | 本研究目的以佛教「持名念佛」修持法門觀點探討療癒歷程,並以身體、心理、靈性三個面向,來瞭解其療癒、轉化發展歷程之內涵。即持名念佛者面對病死苦的失落,如何從生命的轉化、對生命意義的重新詮釋反應在「自我」整體的身心靈各面向的療癒。採質性研究,透過立意取樣,以半結構式深度訪談來蒐集資料。選取三位念佛修持,三年以上者為研究對象,進行身心靈療癒歷程分析。 依據資料分析結果,本研究持名念佛者療癒歷程,歸納為下列階段: 一、皆因身心疾病與佛接軌,開啟持名念佛,親身經歷發現念佛改變、軟化內在; 妄念不實,願 自在做主;脫胎換骨後,對自身的貪嗔癡、生死體悟、世間看法,有不同的見解與不執的心念。持名念佛便成為生命中不可或缺的精神食糧。 二、深信病即是業,唯有阿伽陀藥,勝過世間一切藥,才能醫治眾生的根本疾病,相信念佛的法療可以獲得改善,同時要捨除對「我身」的執取。 三、持名念佛後,心理呈現歡喜、平靜、安定、清涼、清明等效能;認為心念的重要,心安定不需外在五欲之樂來滿足;面對外境的覺照、覺觀明顯變強,更有懺悔、制止的作用;心安住當下,不會想去那裏;遇事心中自有答案;療癒轉變後沒脾氣,同時憂鬱症、恐慌症也改善。 四、持名念佛,讓靈性渡過種種困境,如:業識考驗、四大分解的變化。靈性提升當下自性淨土;體證當靈性轉化將與肉體分開,並不受時、空限制,神遊十方,更相信真有佛、有淨土的存在。 最後根據研究結論,面對現今人類多元複雜的病因,「法療-持名念佛」的選擇有助於身心靈療癒的管道,不僅滿足生存危機,獲得世間的現世利益、個人生命的安頓與跨越生死交關的超越本能,以因應再生的力量。更冀望跳脫世間身心格局,轉變靈性向內深化,悟入解脫次元境地,展獲新生;融入出世間看待世間,具有「超越性」的療癒是為最大終極關懷。依之而行,就能掌握善念的光明,開創積極的人生,令生命自在微笑。
The purpose of this study is to probe into the healing process based on Buddha Recitation which is one of the Buddhism Practice and to comprehend the connotation of healing and transformation process in body, mind and spirit aspects. That is, in facing the loss of illness and death, how to transform from life, the reinterpreted meaning of life reflected in the "self" of the holistic body and mind in all face of healing. This study adopts qualitative research, collects data through purposive sampling and semi-structured in-depth interviews.There are 3 interviewees who have practiced Buddha Recitation over 3 years and their healing processes with body, mind and spirit are analyzed. Based on the results of data analysis, the healing process of people who practice Buddha Recitation is summarized into the following stages. 1.Those Interviewed are all started with diseases whether it is physical or mental, therefore they began to believe in Buddhism and practice Buddha Recitation.Through their personal experience they found practicing Buddha Recitation changes and softs their inner selves.They realize all the delusional thought are not true and they are willing to be free.They have different interpretation and unattached mind to their own greed, anger and ignorance, life and death,and world views.Buddha Recitation becomes their indispensable spiritual food in life. 2.All diseases are rooted from karma and only Agada, which is better than any other medicine in the world, can cure the fundamental disease of sentient beings.They believe in Buddha Recitation can improve it and at the same time no attachment to the body is necessary. 3.After practicing Buddha Recitation, their mental status becomes joyful, calm, stable, cool and clear.They realize the importance of “Faith”.Peace of mind does not require the pleasure of external Five Desires.The awareness has become even stronger when facing the environments.They would repent and restrain themselves.Their heart would be at ease and would not fell apart. The answer is in the heart when things happen.After the healing started, there is no temper and Depression and Panic disorder have been improved. 4.With Buddha Recitation, the spirituality would go through various difficulties, such as karma challenge, the decline of the Four Elements.When spirituality elevates, the intrinsic pure land is right at present. It is proved that when separating from the physical body, the spirit is no longer restrained by time and space and could travel across ten directions. They are convinced with the existence of Buddha and pure land. Finally, according to the conclusion of this study, in the face of the diverse and complex disease causes of human beings today, the choice of “Dharma Therapy – Buddha Recitation” is beneficial to the healing of body, mind and spirit.It can help human beings not only bypassing the survival crisis, but also gaining the world benefits, settling down the personal life, transcending instinct to cross the boundary of life and death, and having the power of regeneration. It could be expected to break through physical and mental limitations of the world, turn spirituality i |
Table of contents | 謝誌 I 摘要 II ABSTRACT III 目次 IV 表次 VI 圖次 VII 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 佛法與身心靈療癒 7 第二節 持名念佛的意涵 13 一、持名念佛的建立 13 二、持名念佛的脈流 14 三、持名念佛的實踐 16 四、持名念佛的殊勝 21 第三節 身心靈療癒的意涵 26 一、身心靈的意涵 26 二、療癒的意涵 30 第四節 持名念佛與身心靈療癒的關係 32 一、持名念佛與「身體」療癒的關係 32 二、持名念佛與「心理」療癒的關係 38 三、持名念佛與「靈性」療癒的關係 42 第三章 研究設計與方法 第一節 研究取向與方法 49 第二節 研究設計與歷程 51 第三節 研究參與者與範圍限制 55 第四節 資料蒐集整理與分析 58 第五節 研究倫理與嚴謹度 62 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 研究參與者「學佛與持名念佛」之因緣 65 第二節 持名念佛與「身體」療癒及轉變之關係 76 第三節 持名念佛與「心理」療癒及轉變之關係 85 第四節 持名念佛與「靈性」療癒及轉變之關係 96 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 107 第二節 建議 116 參考文獻 中文部分 118 外文部分 126 |
Hits | 495 |
Created date | 2022.06.23 |
Modified date | 2023.01.16 |
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