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「一心不亂」與「念佛往生」的捨報義諦 以《印光大師全集》、《道證法師文集》為主要線索=" Mind should be undisturbed and Chant Buddha to rebirth " to "The Complete Works of Yin Guang," "Dau Jeng Master Collection" as the main clue
Author 蔡金源 (著)=Tsai, Chin-Yuan (au.)
Publisher Url
Location臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year104
Keyword一心不亂=Mindfulness; 念佛=Buddha Rememerance; 死亡=Death; 印光=Yin Guang; 道證=Dau Jeng


The paper title, < Mind should be undisturbed and Chant Buddha to rebirth>. The main research or discussion is the ultimate goal pursued by the Buddhist monk "Path of relief ", the carefulness to face the moment of death, and a corresponding manner mentality. Based on the religious practice of Buddhism, how can we hold a leisurely willpower, under this circumstance, on the religious sentiments of the individual (physical and mental suffering) at the moment to face the truth and let go? Therefore, the direction of the article is to name two representative figures---Shi Yin Guang(1861-1940) and Shi Dau Jeng(1956-2003) who both lived with mindfulness and selflessness. In the moment of facing death: "Mindfulness is clear, clearly, plainly, intention not reversed, the heart is not scattered." are what we learn from them. Remaining calm and serene in the face of death is the main clue. Therefore, under this approach and also when facing an important key, which is the prevailing of Path of Relief and Path of Buddha, and therefore whether the mentioned fact resulted in the achievements of the Buddhist monk skillful mindfulness distinct is also an important topic that should be discussed in the text .Under the premise, this article will present the actual reason of how a Buddhist monk keeps his consciousness clear without fearing in the moment of death and leaving the former life, and the relevant information of its main Epistemology (Dhamma basis), practices (behavior). This is the problem to be addressed in this article.

It is necessary to explain, if we examine the views between the two people mentioned above from the annotation of Buddhist philosophy , we will find the literature obtained and the atmosphere of literature will be covered and also profoundly impacted by a lot of factors , different social backgrounds. Even the two walker (Yin Guang, Dau Jeng) , their realization of sutras revealed in a different way from different backgrounds but consequently lead to the same direction. The road to complete liberation related activities, and its meaning is showing a more open methods and means of existential philosophy of Buddhism. Under this condition, it is necessary to understand the historical extension which I will try to explain with the literatures that I can possibly collect. That is to say, even if there are fields bearing different time, there should still be a different vision and interpretation method of Buddhist philosophy which will finally lead us to the same direction to approach the road to liberation. After all, new conversation will occur when different cultures integrate with one another. If you follow the thinking process, you will have the opportunity to provide Buddhist mindfulness face in-depth view of not only the expression of metaphysical theory of knowledge but also a better realization of neat causality circle in real life.
Table of contents第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 15
第二節 研究主題 18
第三節 文獻探討 20
第四節 研究方法 21
第五節 論述架構 22
第二章 一心不亂與正念的意涵 23
第一節 念的意義 25
第二節 正念與妄念 34
第三節 正念與淨念 38
第四節 正念即一心不亂 42
第三章 念佛往生與捨報的情境 46
第一節 約一期的生滅 49
第二節 約一念的生滅 51
第三節 念佛往生的依據 53
第四節 念佛往生即是捨報 59
第四章 「常慚愧僧」釋印光 61
第一節 解門教理 66
一、淨土法門 69
二、通途法門 74
第二節 六度細行 82
二、持戒波羅蜜 84
三、忍辱波羅蜜 85
四、精進波羅蜜 87
五、禪定波羅蜜 90
六、般若波羅蜜 96
第三節 行門方向 98
一、平時 99
(壹)、依慚愧為修學方針 99
(貳)、依謙卑為立身之道 104
二、臨時 108
(壹)、無常老病時 108
(貳)、臨命終時 111
第四節 力用 123
一、待人 124
二、處事 127
第五章 「玩具精舍」釋道證之行門特質 130
第一節 菩提的意涵與空性妙諦 131
一、諸法皆空 132
二、因果不空 134
第二節 信願的意涵與行持關係 136
一、信佛力無所不在之行 138
二、信自力無處不發之行 140
第三節 甘願情愫的向度 146
一、分別 147
二、主客 150
第四節 往生與枉死之別 152
一、我在念佛 153
二、佛在念我 155
第六章 結論 160
一、研究發現 160
二、研究價值 162
三、研究建議 167
參考文獻 169
附錄 189
後記 189
一、持戒為本念佛捨報—釋廣化 191
二、閉耳念佛—律航法師 192
三、西螺—黃炳祥醫師,慈父往生見聞記 193
四、三重—廖榮尉居士 196
第一念佛往生淨土之緣起 196
第二生平簡介 197
第三念佛因緣與往生事蹟 198
第一階段︰家父念佛的因緣及平日念佛之情形 198
第二階段:往生前夕、當日見佛念佛及往生時的情形 204
第三階段:入殮、出殯、火葬、進塔及舍利子的發現 207
第四老菩薩往生見聞中有二點說明 209
第五以下將老菩薩生淨土之因緣依法論述 210
(一)、佛弟子學佛修行之大根大本,是孝養父母 210
(二)、老菩薩往生前後所現之瑞相有三 212
瑞相一 212
瑞相二 212
瑞相三 213
(三)、老菩薩遺留舍利子之真實義 213
五、東吳大學教授翁霓父親駱全通居士念佛往生淨土事蹟 215
(一)、緣起 215
(二)、演講正文 217
(1)、退休後的生活 217
(2)、接觸佛法的因緣與平日念佛的情形 218
(3)、助念前的準備工作 223
(4)、病床前的助念 229
(5)、斷氣後的助念 242
(6)、助念前後的感應事蹟 246
(7)、臨場助念經驗交流 250
(8)、後記 252
六、劉知音見證念佛法門的殊勝 256
(一)、個人的學佛過程 256
(二)、助念前後情形 257
(三)、助念的體悟 264
(四)、阿彌陀佛這句佛號真是殊勝無比 265
七、張瑞琪居士女兒陳怡君往生紀實 266
(一)、緣起 266
(二)、附錄:妙音留言 272
Created date2022.06.30
Modified date2023.01.05

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